A Secret Technique That Starts with "R"!

It's not going to last…! Think! He told himself.

Moving mostly on instinct and quick, successive thoughts, he picked the table up, using it to shield the flames before launching it forward with a kick, momentarily diverting the flames as he dashed to the side.

After using an instantaneous step to launch atop an electronic pillar then crawling onto the second floor, he could see the six-armed boss still spewing the red flames from his demonic maw.

The many pieces of jewelry; gold, sapphire, ruby, and emeralds alike, jingled in the fiery winds forged from the Demon King's breath.

It finally seemed to notice that he had moved once the plastic table had been reduced to a condensed ball of melted plastic, pulling its head to the side as the far-stretching cone of flames moved upwards towards up.
