Under The Crimson Horizon

"If only it were that easy…" Sol muttered.

He didn't know exactly how to comfort Sol, but one idea did come to mind–though he wasn't sure how much he liked it himself.

"Err, how about this…" He began to say, stopping once arriving in front of his room.

"Huh?" Sol looked at him.

Seeing how much fright was left in the amber eyes of his friend, he swallowed his own grievances with the idea and sighed out:

"You can knock out in my room, if you want," he offered.

Suddenly, despite the gloomy atmosphere, Sol's eyes lit up, "Really?!"

"Keep it down!" He shushes him, bringing his finger in front of his lips.

"Sorry," Sol nodded a few times quietly, "...I'll grab my bedding!"

As he watched Sol rush down the hall excitedly, he sighed out to himself before smiling, going into his room as he prepared for company.