Infernal Slaying

"What do we do…?" He said.

"Wish I knew. I'm no healer," Korain huffed, "...That bastard Baek-Hyeon led us down here. Wasn't he checking the damn basement? How did that thing slip through?"

Hearing Baek-Hyeon be questioned by somebody he held in high-regard made him feel justified, but before he could open his mouth, Xiaodan knelt by Eunji, placing his hands near the burn mark.

"What're you–" Korain began to say.

"Quiet. I need to focus," Xiaodan said calmly, yet sternly.


The two men watched while Xiaodan held a focused stare, whispering tranquil, gentle words as a water-like emission flowed from his palms, guiding towards the scalding wound on Eunji's arm.

"Hail to the jewel in the lotus."

With those audible last words of Xiaodan's silent mantra, the mystical flow of nearly-transparent water enveloped the wound on the girl's bicep, washing away the burn as if scrubbing away a simple impurity.