
"As astute as ever, Dae-Seong. I would be disappointed if you'd dwindled over time," Jun-Seo finally replied, leaving his hand by his sheathed, bone-made sword.

He was hardly in the mood for conversation, seeing as his two comrades were just abrasively knocked out, but still–he knew it was something he should almost be thankful for.

…He could've killed them, if he wished. Maybe. Perhaps he knew killing them would be more difficult than simply knocking them out? He wanted to single me out, I imagine, he pondered.

"I didn't take you for a man with a grudge," he said.

Jun-Seo looked straight at him with his emotionless expression, "Is that what you think this is? Heh…" The emotion-void man chuckled just slightly, "...We don't hold grudges. Death is not something deserving of anger. Especially when we ourselves are killers. That would be hypocritical, wouldn't it? We're prepared to die, just as we are to kill."

"How noble you are," he replied sarcastically.