The Head Hunter

For the fragile mind of Sol, all of the fight was drained from him when faced against such mountainous dread and brutality.

"Human head…so rare; like a diamond. Sweet as nectar, skin as smooth as snow; nothing like it in Hell," The Head Hunter spoke low.

The Artificial Devil talked to him while trimming the low-hanging flesh from Klaus' disembodied head, clearing the neck before adding it to his various bone-made jewelry that presented many heads.

There was something distinctly different between this Artificial Demon, and the one he was originally faced with; The Head Hunter was far more past the threshold of "demon" than Dae-Mon, holding little features of a humanoid.

He was frozen by the gargantuan presence of The Head Hunter, who dwarfed his size by several times, looming over him with a dreadful shadow.

Diamond…? Nectar…? What is this guy talking about? He thought.

"I'll be taking it," The Head Hunter said.