Clutch Factor

Unleashing forward in a rage, the Head Hunter threw itself towards the Blood Forger, wildly swinging his cleaver side-to-side, trying to behead the much smaller human with repeated chants:

"Head! Head! Head!"

This assault was thwarted by a single snap of Sol's fingers:

"Blood Web."

Utilizing the seemingly limitless Blood Swamp, the crimson liquid was instantaneously crystallized, expanding and breaking off into various branches that quickly surrounded the Artificial Devil.

The series of crimson webs latched onto the Head Hunter, ensnaring his entire body from various angles and tightly squeezing.


In a violent thrash, the Head Hunter pulled against the adhesive webs of blood, stomping forward as it tore through its bindings–all while looking straight at him with its bloodthirsty gaze hidden beneath its hood.

"I'll have it…Head! Head! Head!"