Obliteration: Lost Home

Ma-Ri stared at him for a moment, keeping her arms crossed over her black-and-white leather uniform, "...I know it's probably biting off more than I can chew, so I'll be requiring your help. All of you–who is this?"

As the new leader of Gangcheori was looking at the other five present in the stairwell, her eyes fell on the unfamiliar face of Xiaodan.

He took it upon himself to introduce them, as he was responsible for Xiaodan, "--Ah. This is Xiaodan. He's a new recruit–like, a few hours new. Dae-Seon approved of him."

With her icy-blue eyes which seemed to discern each little detail of what they looked at, Ma-Ri looked straight at Xiaodan, who was roughly the same height as her.

"I see. We'll need all the hands we can get, then. Are you confident in your ability to fight? What're your abilities? Are you support oriented? A close-quarters combat fighter? You do have the 'Martial Artist' class, so I'd assume so," Ma-Ri asked repeatedly.