
"Dragon Stomp," was the technique used.

It wasn't just through continuous battle that he was able to cultivate his martial arts abilities; through his actions, he discovered a new path:

I've been training with Xiaodan. Since he's a martial artist class first and foremost, there's so much he's able to show and teach me. I'm thankful, he thought.

The flame-fueled downfall of his boot had slammed down against the back of the daeva's head, shattering the asphalt below as its furry head crashed into the harsh material below.

Still, he began to realize what the true strength of the Defect-eating demon was all about: its wild sturdiness.

It wasn't as if it wasn't taking damage from his blows, but it was simply so ingrained with the instinct to kill and eat that it shrugged off whatever injuries were inflicted, clawing its way back up and rushing towards him in a heartbeat.