Chaos Brews

"It's eating him from the inside–I…I did my best to keep it at bay, but it's no use…" Eunji said as she hid her face in her hands with tears falling, "...I tried, but…Xiaodan is…Xiaodan is…going to die…!"

Hearing it straight from the lips of the only person capable of working miracles on the mortal flesh, it was solidified with a harrowing certainty to them.

Sol shed a few tears, but didn't weep–mostly standing in disbelief. Korain held an expression of regret, but he maintained his composure, turning away as he seemed angry at this outcome.

Tears trailed down his cheek, but he remained calm as he placed his hand on top of Eunji's pale, small one.

"...Are you sure about that?" He asked.


"Are you absolutely sure he's going to die? Can you promise that there isn't a chance for him? Can you guarantee it?...Eunji, can you say for certainty that we should–"
