The Assassin

"I have to agree, lad. Right now, you're leading the charge. But, I guess that means…it's also your choice," Korain told him.

As they were standing by the corner of a building, the blonde-haired girl, dressed in a white skirt and robes didn't notice them yet, only continuing to call out for help.

"Help, please…! Anybody!"

He looked forward, "She's in our path anyway, right? Just stay behind me."

"--" Xiaodan looked at Korain.

Korain glanced down at the adrogynous young man, shrugging his shoulders before looking forward, "Alright, then. Lead the way."

As he approached the compromised girl, she finally took notice as a relieved, but desperate expression stretched across her tear-drenched face.

"Oh…! Please! Please!"

Moving over, he brought his finger to his lips, "I'll help you, but you have to keep it down."

He gestured his finger around, suggesting that if she didn't stay quiet, the prowling fiends around the city would hear.