Hopeless Sacrifice


It was through the touch of his shadow-formed particles that stretched around the corner of the street did he sense it before the other two, but they sensed it soon enough.

"Hey, what's—"

As Xiaodan stepped forward, all words were stifled and movements were frozen as a thunderous stomp echoed out:

It stepped out from around the corner. The scrape of what it dragged across the cement was like nails to a chalkboard.

"…What the hell is that thing?" Korain asked in quiet disbelief.

The pale-white entity was tall and bulky, possessing a humanoid body but the head of a fish with pale, feathered wings protruding from the sides of its head. It was easily four meters tall, holding in its arms its prey.

There were demons limp in its grasp along with humans, all dripping of blood and reeking of death.

[BOSS Enemy Identified: The Exterminator | Level 38]

A Defect…? It's hunting demons and humans alike? It looks like trouble, he thought.