The Exterminator

With that relief flowing through his body, now a weight was flung from his shoulders as he turned around, breaking off into a sprint, but–

The gunfire nearly swallowed him up as he dashed to the side, rolling across the ground and flipping to his feet.

I can't…! He thought.

It was in his face already, attempting to blast his head into kingdom come with that shotgun arm again as he ducked down, though it was more of a fall onto his rear than a proper dodge as the gun blasted past him, carving through the wall behind.

I can't shake this guy…! He thought.

As he used his hands to lift his lower body, he flipped around as if going into a breakdance with a gathering of energy around his leg.

"King Kick!"

[Spirit: -300 | 3150/3900]

Power swelled around his left leg as he used his taekwondo mastery to slam it into the side of the bulky Defect, unleashing a ground-trembling impact.