Sentinel of The Forest

This was done through the outgoing man vigorously grinding a stick against a rock, spinning and churning it before sparks flew and a flame was born.

"Hah! Still got it!" Archie smiled.

"Nice job. That's pretty impressive," he complimented, "Where'd you learn this kind of thing?"

Archie began to get to work on skinning the deer, preparing it to be cooked, "Well, my house was near a lot of critters. There'd also be some Joeys runnin' around–roos, ya know?"

"Kangaroos?" He asked.

"Yeah! Real powerhouses, those are. But, I'd spend a lot of time outside. Critters have always been fond of me. I always pestered my dad to take me to more remote areas so I could experience the wilderness more–I loved interacting with critters, meeting them, and seeing how they lived. I picked up a lot of things like this naturally over time, I guess. Though I think my dad taught me a thing or two, ha-ha!" Archie laughed.