Minjing, New City

…Alright, where to start? He thought.

Alone in the illustrious city walled by lined mountains, he looked around before beginning to walk around.

Let's go over what I know: angel coins seem to be the natural currency here. That means this world must've been built around this entire Armageddon event. It should be connected, then. That means there are probably equipment shops and functional blacksmiths that can provide items that fit our Systems. Beyond that, it sounds like there is a war going on between this kingdom and another, he thought.

As he walked around, he could hear murmurs of this war: most citizens didn't seem worried as they talked confidently about these "Eight Divine Kings" and how they were "absolutely invincible."

What caught his ear was the name of the kingdom that was at war with Scalyue–"Yinlong." Unsurprisingly, the people didn't have anything good to say about the enemy of their homeland: