The Impervious

"Speak no whispers in the presence of Mengyao, The Impervious!" The man boomed.

With a slam of his shoe down, the draconic man, who stood over five meters tall with a broad build like an ox, imposed what felt like an earthquake through the quarry, rumbling the ground.

"--Enough. It doesn't matter if your level is that high. My Divine attribute will pierce whatever defenses you have," Baek-Hyeon composed himself.

Casually swiping his hand, the silver-haired man signaled for a dozen of light-forged blades to manifest out of thin air, sinking through the stratifications of wind before shooting out like cannons to the towering figure.

Each impact of the divine weapons exploded into a glorious cloud of gilded smoke, releasing volatile collisions that cracked the stone ground of the bleached valley.

"Ghh…!" Eunji winced, keeping herself low as powerful winds exuded in the presence of Baek-Hyeon's assault.