The Edge of Defeat

"Thank you all for coming."

The voice came from the figure that entered through a secret passage that only just then revealed itself from the colossal dragon statue.

It was a man; dressed in pristine, silver robes and scale-like, quartz armor with flowing, snow-white hair that was kept neatly-kempt by a hairpin. By every metric, his appearance was fair and beautiful; he had the beauty of a princess yet the handsomeness of a prince.

[Hero of Scalyue, Zhuge | Level 47]

The red-haired assassin stayed by one of the pillars, standing alongside his comrades as he kept to himself, merely spectating with his arms folded over his chest.

"Hero", huh? He's certainly got the stats to back a title like that up, Jeong-Hui thought.

All eyes were on him; a couple thousand players were present in the chamber, but it was by no means cramped by their presence.