The Chancellor's Moves

"Oh, you needn't be wary of me. Forgive my barbaric men for their rude welcoming," the grand chancellor said, "I am the grand chancellor of Yinlong; a humble position I uphold with the best interests of my kingdom in mind."

"Name's Ajax," the man returned the introduction.

It was just them as the chancellor, dressed in red-and-gold robes, standing by the surviving soldier, did that very soldier seem to notice what was imminent.

"Grand chancellor, forgive me, I—!"

The scarlet-eyed chancellor merely pointed his finger towards the pleading soldier, not breaking eye contact with Ajax, "Die and be silent."

In an instant, the dragonkin soldier's body withered as his skin lost its vigor and his flesh dried out like a dehydrated fruit.

Ajax watched in surprise, but not moved much by the display, "Interesting. Finally somebody is treating me like a human around here!"