The Final Human

It was defeating the guardian of the lonesome valley that the doorway finally revealed itself: forming into existence from coalesced matter, an ominous, stone door sat in the middle of the field.

Years were spent alone by this point, simply grinding and grinding for experience as he made certain of his own success.

Almost five years ago now, I lost everybody. We underestimated the first floor, he thought, I will never repeat that. I'll always be prepared.

He no longer had a face free of blemishes; scars were etches on his skin and heavy bags hung beneath his eyes.

This was the 'Ascension of A Nameless Nobody'; the last human, pressing onwards in solitude, unknown to joy any longer.

Approaching the mysterious, stone door, he pressed his hand against the circular seal embedded in its center, causing a verdant light to fill its gaps before it unlocked, slowly opening to reveal a hidden space beyond its threshold.

This is it, he thought, the Third Floor Boss.