
Ericks POV

I hung up the phone, scratching my head. Lost in thought over this entire experience. I was forced to accept that I was a werewolf. However, there was no way I could be the one Doc talked about. It has to be a coincidence; I didn't want to admit my parents had been murdered because of me.

Doc had given me an address to meet him so we could have a discussion. It was a small coffee shop in the next city over. He said it was "pack owned" so we would be able to speak freely. It was a long drive to get there. I was lost in thought, but my wolf; wow, that is still a bewildering thought. He was bursting with excitement, like a dog with his head hanging out the car window with the breeze whipping across its face. I could feel his anticipation and even I became eager to arrive.

"I can't wait to meet the pack. The pack is where we belong, the pack is home!" It was almost as if he was a broken record stuck looping repeatedly.

"What if they don't accept us? To be honest, I typically prefer to keep to myself I don't want to become attached." A wave of sadness washed over me as I mumbled, "I don't have to feel the pain of losing them if I keep myself at a distance."

I sensed my wolf's confusion; I forgot he knew my thoughts even when I don't say them out loud. This is going to take some getting used to.

"You need the pack. The pack is home, safety, family. I suppose with our history I understand why you can't fathom what it is like to have this connection but believe me you need this."

I or is it we now? I mused to myself as I exited the vehicle and walked up to the store's entrance.

"Either work!" my wolf snickered at my confusion.

"Hmm, I feel like I need to give you a name so I don't feel like I am talking to myself."

"Whatever helps you come to terms with this because I am not going anywhere!"

"What about Balto, Akela, White Fang?"

Annoyed my wolf replied, "Someone remembers their middle school literature. What about something that sounds intimidating, tough! Thor, Hercules, Hulk?"

"Big fan of Super Heroes, hmph" A grin spread across my face, "I'll call you Robin since you are kind of like my own personal sidekick."

I could sense the eye roll he was giving me, "Whatever you say, Batman. Now, hurry up get inside I want to meet the pack."

As I opened the door the warm rich aroma of brewing coffee was magical. The shop had a cozy inviting feeling to it. I noticed all the furniture was oversized; it was unusual with my tall broad frame not to feel like I could crush a chair just by sitting. Towards the back of the shop, Doc waved to grab my attention. He was sitting in an area with four wingback chairs that surrounded a large console table. He had two other men with him, I recognized one as the officer. The third man bore a striking resemblance to the officer. Could it be his father? The man that supposedly rescued him all those years ago? I walked to the back and the man stood to greet me when I approached.

Doc was the first to speak, "Erick, I am glad you called. Let me formally introduce you, this is David I am sure you remember he is the officer that found you." Turning to face the third gentleman, and this is my brother Samuel, our Alpha." We shook hands before taking our seats. I was astonished to not feel like a giant to these men. They all had to be well over 6 feet tall and despite the two older men's age, they were extremely fit and muscular.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Erick. I am sure Doc told you about the incident the other day? I am sure he also expressed that I didn't exactly take too well to what he explained happened. Logically, I still can't wrap my head around this and believe in mythical creatures. However," I paused looking around to make sure no one was paying attention, and continued in a hushed whisper. "But when I was home alone that night, I heard a voice inside my head. If that wasn't enough the voice, well, he taught me how to transform into a wolf."

The men all seemed to chuckle at my revelation, but it was Doc that spoke up. "Son, you don't need to whisper or hide here. Like I told you over the phone this coffee shop is pack-owned. Everyone in here is a werewolf. In fact, I would estimate 95% of the population of our town is wolves, and the others are allies. You are safe to speak freely."

"I'm sorry I just still feel out of sorts with all these new revelations. Robin is doing his best to talk me through but I just feel at a loss."

"Robin?" David raised his brow looking at me quizzically.

I could feel the blood rush to my cheeks as they turned red from embarrassment. "Uh, um, I named my wolf it made me feel a bit less crazy talking to myself. I guess I don't know if that is something we are supposed to do but, he didn't seem to mind." I responded sheepishly I had so much to learn.

"No need to be ashamed, some of us do, sometimes our wolf insists on naming themselves. You will likely learn soon that our wolves can be quite strong-willed." David answered. "There will be times where the two of you will work harmoniously and others where it feels like a cage match going on inside of your head. You could say it's like a battle of wills."

"Well, that is why I reached out. Whether I like it or not this is happening. I am obviously at a distinct learning disadvantage having never grown up aware that this sort of thing was real. Robin is very insistent and determined for me to belong to a pack. You are the only werewolves I know and I could use all the help I can get right now. Will you help me?"

"You don't even need to ask, welcome to the pack Erick." Samuel proclaimed as he shook my hand. I could see a glimmer of gold in his eyes as he spoke. A wave of relief washed over me; I was no longer alone.

I could hear a completely peaceful Robin inside my head it was like he was curling up suddenly soothed to sleep he murmured, "Pack."