A Change of Pace

**Erick's POV**

During the following month, my world flipped upside down as I adjusted to my new "normal." I shocked the world when I announced my departure from the company. They had tried to convince me to stay, offering obscene amounts of money, stock options, and creative control to stay on. I already had more wealth than I would ever be able to spend thanks to the patent I created. They wouldn't be able to tempt me with money. What they didn't realize was the truth behind my departure. It wasn't exactly something I could publicize. I compromised and told them this would just be a sabbatical and signed a non-compete agreement. I purchased a cover property on a remote island and made it appear as if I was just running off to retire.

Truthfully, I was working to set up an entirely new existence. I hid behind a false company and bought the 10-acre property. Established bank accounts under aliases. It was basically like I was in the witness protection program. I created an entirely new identity only the pack council was aware of my previous identity. We decide to tell the pack that I was from a much smaller little-known pack. A tragic hunting accident had occurred while we were in our wolf forms. A group of men had shot at us while we were out on a run. Unfortunately, I was the only one who survived and The Gibbous Moon pack was welcoming me with open arms. Given the circumstances of my arrival and the story, we created people wouldn't question or talk about my past. It would also explain why as I adjusted to pack life, I might remain more standoffish and solitary.

The council had been the ones to help me find the property. It was at the far end of the town and skirted the property line of what was considered "pack territory." Doc, David, and Samuel were my only visitors. They would come out and teach me the things I needed to know about being a werewolf. They explained the hierarchy of our pack rankings. Who the Moon Goddess was and what she means to us. They helped me practice shifting back and forth. While it wasn't painless it was certainly getting better and no longer excruciating. I was amazed at my physical transformation as well.

I was already above average height and well-built but it was as if I had gone through another growth spurt. I was nearly 7-foot tall slightly exceeding the height of Doc and David. The definition of my muscles became more pronounced any bit of softness I may have once had was gone. Even though my appetite had seemed to double if not triple. Doc explained that was on account of my increased metabolism that in turn helped me heal faster.

What amazed me most was my newfound speed and agility. Especially when Robin took over and I was in wolf form. The stamina I now had was exhilarating. After I finished up my farm chores in the morning, I would run for hours circling the borders of my property the wind whipping through my fur. I haven't quite adjusted to the nakedness returning to my human form. David taught me a little trick and I now had small duffle bags littered throughout my property. They contained backup outfits in case I needed to dress quickly simple shorts and a shirt, enough to be decent.

I was adjusting surprisingly well to my new life. Samuel was attempting to dig into my past to discover any information he could about my family. It was proving difficult he was beginning to believe that the names I knew were possibly alias. Adding even more mystery to my past. Although, I was still clinging to the hope that the connection was just a coincidence. Coming to terms with being a werewolf was enough for me. I had no interest in fulfilling the prophecy. How could I be this amazing leader who unites a group that I didn't even know I was a part of. Nope, I was comfortable just working hard living my quiet existence.

**3rd party POV**

The cow suddenly took a step and Erick was snapped back into reality. Noticing that he was finished milking Martha he stood up gently patted the cow's hind end told her she was a good girl and started walking the bucket full of milk back to the house. Once in the house, he strained the milk into two smaller jugs before placing them in the refrigerator. Washing his hands, he stared out the window debating which path he would run this morning.

He was living a peaceful simple life these days. He fried up the eggs he collected from the chickens and quickly ate his breakfast before slipping out onto his front porch. One thing he liked about living in the middle of nowhere is he could strip down right here before he shifted. He'd leave the pile of clothes on the rocking chair for when he returned.

**Erick's POV**

"Ok Robin, ready to run?"

"Batman, I am always ready! I think we should circle the pond last it'd be a great day to go for a swim after."

"Sounds like a plan."

I could feel my bones snap and break as I shifted. It was more like a dull ache these days but I still never looked forward to this part. I took off to the left side of the property back behind the barn. I made a beeline for the trees. I loved the blur of the trees as I sped by. He finally understood what people referred to when they talked about "runners high."

Robin was right and the weather though brisk in the morning as the sun came up warmed up nicely. Lost in thought I had already circled the property's borders once and decided it was time to head towards the pond. I was suddenly overcome with an uneasy feeling. I couldn't put my finger on it but something was off. I ignored the nagging feeling because there was no reason to feel that way. I dove into the pond and swam across the diameter until I reached the dock. I pulled myself up onto the dock with a shudder shook the water from my fur. I shifted back to my human form and laid on the dock and basked in the midday sun.

Lying with my eyes close I heard a branch snap. With a jolt, I sat up what was that smell? Could I smell fear? It was no longer one branch snapping; someone was on my property. This was no leisurely run they were sprinting, and fast. I can't explain it but I think I could smell their fear.

I quickly shifted back into my wolf form. I would have a better advantage with my increased speed as well as attempting to track them down. I took off in the direction I had heard the branch snap. I caught the scent and pushed as fast as I could. Breaking through a small clearing I saw a woman, she looked like she was terrified and running for her life, only glancing back to try and spot her attacker.

I anticipated her direction and attempted to intercept her path. I ran full tilt and gained the ground I needed to get in front of her. She was looking over her shoulder and didn't see me crashing into me and causing us to both tumble and collapse.

I attempted to approach her but her eyes grew wide when she saw me and she fainted. I know it shouldn't be what I noticed but she had the most gorgeous emerald eyes. She was quite possibly the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Maybe I should shift back? The image of Robin must have frightened her enough to pass out. Good thing we were close to one of my stashed bags of clothes.