My Savior?

**Rhian's POV**

Goodness, my head was throbbing and it felt like my body had run into a brick wall. Wait a minute, it wasn't a wall it was a wolf. I opened my eyes, blinking a few times trying to get them to focus. Where was I? Finally seeing my surroundings I was no longer in the woods? What is going on? Am I in a bed? I bolted upright in a panic. Did Cyrus's and my Stepmothers trackers finally catch me? I scrambled and back up as far as I could towards the headboard. I wasn't going down without a fight.

Ok, so I appeared to be in a bed, in a cabin. No one was in the room so this was my opportunity to escape. I noticed the window was open I could sneak out and make a run for it. The bag I left home with was sitting on a chair in the corner. Perfect I thought I had a few supplies and my wallet so I wouldn't be empty-handed. Looking down I saw that my shoes had been removed. Well, this would certainly complicate things but it won't stop me.

I tried listening carefully to see if my assailant was nearby. I can hear whistling outside the door, but it sounds like it is coming from across the cabin and not right behind the door. Do I smell bacon? Goodness, I am hungry after running all night. Agh, stop getting distracted, I chastise myself. I slip off the bed trying to tiptoe as softly as I can. I grabbed my bag and had made it to the window. I froze when I heard the creak of footsteps outside the door. Damnit, I cursed myself so much for a head start. I guess I can only pray I am faster.

I had just gotten half my body out the window when a man I didn't recognize opened the door. Was that food he was carrying on a tray? I guess even prisoners get three meals a day. With a final glance, I take off and can see the man scramble to drop the tray and follow me.

"Stop, wait don't run. I don't want to hurt you." He shouted after me.

What was more concerning was my wolf was agreeing with him. "Don't run, stay. He's your mate!" I stopped in my tracks, "What?" I questioned out loud. The man took advantage of my falter and had caught up to me. He was walking up to me slowly with his arms up. Taking small slow deliberate steps as if he was trying not to spook a horse ready to bolt. The moment my eyes met him it felt like the air was sucked from my body.

Adonis had nothing on this man, his warm brown hair showed a hint of red with the sun beating down on it. His brown eyes with flecks of gold and amber hid behind a set of full lashes. Why did men always have the best lashes? His strong jaw was covered in stubble that gave him a rugged feel. The white tee he wore clung to his broad shoulders and defined arms. He was tanned like he was no stranger to a hard day's work outside. I realized my jaw was hanging wide open as I was taking in the view. Ugh, get it together Rhian he may have just kidnapped you.

"He didn't kidnap us, and if he did who cares he is our mate. Don't run, stay. Ask him his name." Well, my wolf obviously had no issues with the stranger. I suppose I should feel relieved my instincts weren't telling me I was in danger. I find it funny just how at ease I feel.

"If you aren't trying to hurt me why did you kidnap me?" I spoke pointedly at him.

"I am sorry, I can imagine that might have been confusing. I ... um ... er happened across you while walking in my woods. You were unconscious so I brought you back to my house. I am friends with the local Dr. so I called him to check you out to make sure you were ok. "

I caught the stutter to his words he was trying to choose his words carefully. " You happened across me? Did you also happen across the wolf I ran into before I passed out?"

Panic spread across his face, "Um..." He was staring at the ground as he ran his hand through his hair.

Could it be that he was even more gorgeous when he was flustered and panicking? I should put him out of his misery, "It's ok, I know it was you. I remember your scent even if you, well, look a little different now."

"Wait, how did you know?"

"Let's just say we're more alike than you think. That doesn't answer my questions though, who are you and why did you kidnap me?" I attempted to sound as authoritative as I could.

"I was out running. I had a funny feeling the whole time and as I was finishing up I heard someone being chased. I could smell their fear so I went to try and help. It was poor timing our paths crossed as you turned back. I hope you aren't hurt. When you collapsed I brought you back to my cabin but I didn't think you would appreciate being looked over when you weren't aware." His shy sincerity was adorable.

"You assumed correctly. I do appreciate your restraint. I believe I am physically fine." I responded politely but was still not at ease with the situation. "What is your name? Where am I? What pack do you belong to, are we within their territory?

"Apologies, my name is Erick" He reached his hand forward to shake hers. "We are on the outskirts of a small town called Spring Woods. Yes, we are within the territory of the Gibbous Moon pack. Can I ask your name? Are you in danger, who are you running from? I didn't find any traces of someone following you but I'll be honest I was more worried about your safety to do anything more than a cursory check."

I accept his gesture and met my hand to his. When our skin touched it was like lightning to my heart causing my pulse to race. "Mine," my wolf responded to his touch. With a deep calming breath I answered

"My name is Rhian, I am the daughter of the former alpha of the Crescent Moon pack. As crazy as it seems, yes I think I might be ok now. It is a long story but after my father died my step-mother tried to get rid of me by marrying me off to a despicable man. I thought the only way to avoid the terrible fate was to run. The Goddess must have blessed my courage because I won't' have to run anymore. The arrangement had a clause that would release me from my obligation if and when I should discover my mate. They had intended on locking me away in a tower and never allowing that to happen." A sudden nervousness overcame me and I looked down. He must not be feeling the same was I wrong did I just want this so badly to be true I am imagining this.

"How dare they! We are not living in ancient times arranged marriages shouldn't be legal. Although, I am confused why won't you have to run?"

With all the courage I could muster I looked him straight in the eyes, "Don't you feel it too? Tell me I am not wrong. You are my mate!"