My Savior? pt 2

**Same as the previous chapter from Erick's POV**

I watched as this woman passed out in front of my eyes. Was it my fault? Did I hurt her? Did I scare her? Shit! Well, she was still breathing, and other than looking like she had run all night she appeared fine. First things first, I looked around to see if whatever she was running from was nearby. Praying she would be safe if I left her I still didn't go far. I wouldn't be able to search as well but, I would be able to reach her faster.

I found no evidence of anyone or anything else. Thank goodness I had one of my stashed duffle bags nearby to where we ran into each other. Goodness knows what she would think if she woke up to a naked man carrying her. I quickly shifted and threw on my clothes before walking back to the spot she collapsed.

At that moment the sun glimmered through the trees casting light across her face. She was absolutely stunning. Her blonde hair was almost white with the sun hitting it. She had soft delicate features, her body was long and lean with curves in just the right places. I scooped her up carrying her like she was fragile and the slightest bump would cause her to break.

I couldn't get over this feeling of familiarity, had we met before? Warmth spread across my body as I held her close. I couldn't quite understand the swarm of emotions racing through me. She was a stranger yet I knew in my heart I would risk anything and everything for her. "It's because she's our mate," Robin quipped inside my head. "Great, I was going to have to control my horny wolf," I thought.

I laid her down on my bed. I removed her shoes and covered her with a blanket. I debated checking her for injuries but I felt like it would be a violation. I opened the window letting the fresh air and cool breeze from the outside fill the room. I slipped out quietly to go call Doc. I wasn't sure if she was hurt, hungry, or simply exhausted but I figured it was better to be safe than sorry.

Doc said he would finish up his last few patients of the day and head over to my place. I thanked him and hung up the phone. Scratching my head as to what to do in the meantime I decided I would fix her something to eat for when she woke up. I didn't know what she enjoyed but ultimately decided on eggs and bacon. Simple, classic, how can you go wrong with bacon?

Despite the unusual circumstances of my day, I was at ease and in a genuinely good mood. I caught myself whistling as the bacon sizzled in the skillet. The toast popped up and I spread a thin layer of butter on it as I added it to the plate with the eggs and bacon. I added a glass of orange juice and water not knowing her preference. I don't know what possessed me but I put a little vase with a single flower on the tray.

Just as I was creeping the door open I saw that not only was she awake she was trying to take off barefoot out the window! "Stop, wait don't run. I don't want to hurt you," I called out to her. Haphazardly, I put the tray down and followed her out the window. Something caused her to pause did she realize I wasn't a danger to her?

I decided to approach cautiously with my hands up making slow and deliberate movements. I didn't want to scare her. "You want to hold her protect her, claim her," I tried to ignore Robin in my head, but he was right. Everything in my body wanted to make sure she was safe.

She glared at me, " If you aren't trying to hurt me why did you kidnap me?"

"I am sorry, I can imagine that might have been confusing. I... um.. er," Goodness, I winced. I had to have sounded like a blubbering idiot get it together Erick. "happened across you while walking in my woods. You were unconscious so I brought you back to my house. I am friends with the local Dr. so I called him to check you out, make sure you were ok." Well, at least I got it together and could speak clearly in the end. Even frightened and angry her beauty made my mind fuzzy and my tongue tripped over itself.

"You happened across me? Did you also happen across the wolf I ran into before I passed out?"

Shit, what did she remember what was I going to say? How was I going to be able to explain this? I caught myself staring at the ground and running my hands through my hair mumbling "Um."

"It's ok, I know it was you. I remember your scent even if you, well, look a little different now." She had calmed slightly as she spoke these words.

"Wait, how did you know?" I looked quizzically at her. Seeing the matter-of-fact expression on her face and her hand moving onto her hip as she answered had to be one of the most adorable things I had ever seen.

"Let's just say we're more alike than you think. That doesn't answer my questions though, who are you and why did you kidnap me?" She put authority behind her words.

"I was out running. I had a funny feeling the whole time and as I was finishing up I heard someone being chased. I could smell their fear so I went to try and help. It was poor timing our paths crossed as you turned back. I hope you aren't hurt. When you collapsed I brought you back to my cabin but I didn't think you would appreciate being looked over when you weren't aware."

"You assumed correctly. I do appreciate your restraint. I believe I am physically fine." Her anger had slightly diminished as she spoke. "What is your name? Where am I? What pack do you belong to, are we within their territory?" She questioned me.

"Apologies, my name is Erick. We are on the outskirts of a small town called Spring Woods. Yes, we are within the territory of the Gibbous Moon pack. Can I ask your name? Are you in danger, who are you running from? I didn't find any traces of someone following you but I'll be honest I was more worried about your safety to do anything more than a cursory check." My words came out a mile a minute as I reached forward to shake her hand. My heart was racing like a nervous school girl. "Get it together," Robin scolded me.

She accepted my gesture and took my hand. When our skin touched it was like fire coursing through me causing my pulse to race even faster. "Mine," Robin responded to her touch.

"My name is Rhian, I am the daughter of the former alpha of the Crescent Moon pack. As crazy as it seems, yes I think I might be ok now. It is a long story but after my father died my step-mother tried to get rid of me by marrying me off to a despicable man. I thought the only way to avoid the terrible fate was to run. The Goddess must have blessed my courage because I won't' have to run anymore. The arrangement had a clause that would release me from my obligation if and when I should discover my mate. They had intended on locking me away in a tower and never allowing that to happen." A sudden nervousness overcame her and she looked down.

I could feel the rage inside me boiling over as she spoke, "How dare they! We are not living in ancient times arranged marriages shouldn't be legal. Although, I am confused why won't you have to run?"

She looked him straight in the eyes, "Don't you feel it too? Tell me I am not wrong. You are my mate!"