Preparation (Ladies)

**Rhian's POV**

I barely got a chance to say goodbye to Erick before Susan began barraging me with questions. She was easily more excited about the party prep than I was. Don't get me wrong, I was more than excited for the ceremony to happen. I'm just not a big social planner. I really couldn't care less if the napkins were blue or silver.

Susan said the first big decision was my dress. This I was excited about! We went to a little boutique in town and pulled several dresses off the racks for me to try on.

The first was a delicate white lace dress in a loose sheath style. I walked out and Susan insisted I give it a twirl. It was a pretty dress but it didn't feel right.

The next dress was a deep navy blue empire waist dress with a sweetheart neckline. It had intricate beading along the top. The bottom of the dress was a very soft flowing fabric. The color looked fantastic against my pale skin and made my light blond hair appear almost silver.

The third dress was a mermaid style with intricate folds to give design to the bodice in silver. I couldn't imagine walking properly in the woods to the ceremony spot wearing this. "This is more difficult than I anticipated" I complained to Susan.

"Don't worry darling, I have an idea. That second dress color was stunning with your complexion. You let me go look and see if I can find anything else in that color." She hugged me tightly before walking back to the rows of dresses in the back of the shop.

Tears were threatening to fall when the realization hit me how much I missed my mom at that moment. It was mixed with guilt that I was very quickly beginning to see Susan as a mother figure in my life. Susan walked up seeing me emotional. She enveloped me in a hug again.

"Sweetheart, I promise she is looking down on you right now. Proud as could be that her daughter grew into such a wonderful, kind, smart, beautiful woman."

I squeezed tighter. How had she known exactly what to say to me? "Thank you."

Wiping my tears, "Now, Now, this is a joyous occasion! No more tears. Oh, I think I found the winner. It is in the dressing room for you to try on."

The dress was magnificent! It was an A-line dress with off-the-shoulder sleeves in the same dark shade of navy. With a sheer overlay that sparkled with crystal specks. It showed off my curves but flowed and allowed me to move with ease. The neckline was open, which would mean we wouldn't have to make any adjustments for the ceremony.

Susan was absolutely right. This was the perfect dress. I was utterly speechless and couldn't wait for Erick to see me in it. I walked out and Susan's reaction said it all.

I'm not sure that women had ever been at a loss for words, but she froze when she saw me. She brought both hands to her mouth and I could see this time it was her fighting back tears. "I...I... Oh, my Goddess. You're dazzling. It fits perfectly and the sparkle and color. Oh my, Erick is going to lose it!"

I embraced her, "Thank you for being here for me! I'm going to change real quick so they can package it up for me. Then we can discuss more details over coffee!"

The store associate said they would steam the dress and have it delivered to Susan's later that afternoon. We wanted to make sure Erick didn't catch a glimpse of it beforehand so we could witness his reaction. We thanked her and walked a few doors down to the coffee shop.

Susan pulled out three massive binders full of pictures, swatches, vendor lists. "Now dear, don't be scared, I have been through this three times with my children. I have everything we need to figure this out. Our biggest difficulty will be the short time frame. I've already contacted the elder's council spouses and everyone is on board to go all hands on deck as soon as we make our decisions."

The next hour was a whirlwind. We decided on the menu, composed our grocery lists, decided on the color scheme of the reception that would follow the ceremony. We went with the colors silver and navy based on my dress. The whole pack would be invited to celebrate. Good thing the packhouse could easily accommodate a crowd and its kitchen is able to prepare a feast for an army.

We sent off instructions to the men. They should be done with training, so they had to pick up the food. They would have to make several stops and we were hoping they would be back in the early evening so we could prep. Susan and I finished up our errands around town to get decorations.

She sent one of the boys hanging around the packhouse to check storage for something. She was whispering and I couldn't quite make out her words, so I was curious as to the surprise.

The other spouses arrived and we had just finished putting table cloths and candles out on all the tables in the dining hall when the men came in the door. "Honey, we're home!"

"Fantastic!" Susan clapped her hands together. "Such perfect timing we just finished in here. Bring everything into the kitchen and we can start our prep work."

As they returned with load after load of food, I was amazed at how it had even fit in the vehicle. Susan delegated tasks and we all began the jobs she assigned.

"Alright ladies, I know there is a lot to do and not a lot of time, but I believe in us! We need to get the meats marinated, sliced vegetables, and hors d'oeuvres assembled. Joyce at the bakery is handling the cake."

We spent the next several hours working diligently. I got to know several of the women in the pack and everyone was so kind and welcoming. The time passed quickly and we were able to finish faster than expected.

Susan sent everyone home to get some sleep before the big day. She gave instructions on what time we would start cooking tomorrow. She turned to me, "Except you, my dear, you will be busy elsewhere."

"Oh?" I questioned/

"You will be getting pampered and ready! The ceremony isn't until the evening so I have you booked at the salon at noon. Manicure, pedicure, facial, and massage. After you finish, you will come here for your hair and makeup. We have a special room where you will dress and it leads directly out to the path to where the ceremony will take place."

I wasn't sure that was all necessary but I didn't want to offend Susan. She has been so generous and thoughtful, even with this being last minute and rushed, she managed to pull off a ceremony better than I could have imagined. "You are amazing! If I haven't told you yet. I appreciate everything. I am so grateful to have you here."

"Child," she came close and put her hand on my cheek, lifting my face to hers. "Every girl deserves a mother in situations like this, and I just hope I am doing your mother justice, making sure you know I will always be there for you. If anything happened to me, I would hope someone would do the same for my daughter."

Tears were welling up in my eyes. I was overcome with emotion. "I think she'd agree I can think of no better person to do the job in her place. Thank you, it really means the world to me." I squeezed her tightly.

As she drew back, I saw her wipe tears from her cheek. "Go, go, get some sleep. See you tomorrow!"

The next morning, Erick and I enjoyed a leisurely breakfast. We were both antsy with excitement about the ceremony and struggled to keep our hands off each other. I was washing the dishes in the sink when he came up behind me. His arms slid around my waist until his hands covered mine. I could feel his chest pressed to my back and the warmth of his breath as he trailed kisses on my neck.

"Mmm," a moan escaped my lips as I turned my neck to the side, giving him greater access to my neck. "This certainly makes washing dishes more fun!"

"Happy to be of service," He took the plate from my hand and set it down. Using his other hand to twirl me around so I was facing him.

"I can think of something even more fun than dishes." He kissed my nose and I could see the grin on his face. Goddess that grin drove me wild. It read over his entire face, causing his eyes to twinkle and he looked so playful.

"While that is a very tempting offer. I have a feeling Susan will send a search party if I don't show up at the salon on time. I am going to have to take a rain check that I fully intend to cash in tonight."

He groaned, "You are right, I suppose I will have to wait until tonight."

"I do like the sound of that."

"Of making it up tonight?"

"No silly, you telling me I am right." I laughed as I walked away. I took the towel and snapped it at his side before tossing it at him. I wiggled my hips at him as I walked away, peeking over my shoulder to see his reaction.

"I'll tell you any time you want as long as I get to watch you walk away like that again!' He called after me.

He dropped me off at the salon and I was greeted by a very enthusiastic group of women. It amazed me how much everybody in the pack was so excited and invested in my ceremony, even though they had never met me. I could get used to living here and getting to know everyone.

I could also get used to this kind of treatment. I was being massaged and pampered. We chose an iridescent silver polish for my nails. They rubbed me down with lotions and oils, my skin was soft and dewy. I was beyond relaxed, almost falling asleep when everything was finished.

We arrived at the packhouse and Susan greeted me by ushering me through a side door. She said I wasn't allowed to see the dining hall. I wondered what surprise she had up her sleeve. There was another set of women in the dressing room, one for my hair and the other to apply my makeup.

My back was turned from the mirror the whole time and when they turned me around I was awestruck. Sure, by no means was I an ugly girl, I just always saw myself as average. The girl looking back at me was far from average.

My hair was twisted back on both sides with flat braids that made me look like I was wearing a crown. Waves of blond curls hung down from the braids. They had done a smokey eye using a navy shade with mascara, a bit of blush, and a deep red lip. Both popped against my alabaster skin.

What I couldn't get over was they used something that made my cheeks and temples shimmer every time I turned my head. It made it appear like my skin was glowing. I couldn't wait to see Erick's reaction! "Thank you so much, I feel gorgeous right now!"

Doc knocked on the door, "Everybody decent?"

I opened the door to let him in. He was beaming when he saw me, "Young lady, you look beautiful! Are you ready to go?" He held his arm out so I could take his elbow.

"Eek," I let out an excited scream. "I've never been more ready for something in my life." I took his arm and we began to walk towards the exit at the back of the dining hall. "Thank you." He just looked down and smiled at me again, taking his free hand and giving my hand that was holding his arm a little pat.

The doors opened and I discovered the surprise that Susan had arranged. Strings of lights had been draped so that they were a guiding light to where the ceremony occurred. The dining hall also had so many lights coming out from the chandelier to the tops of the walls. It appeared as if it was a blanket of stars twinkling above me.

The lighted path continued to the edge of the clearing where Erick would be waiting for me. My heart was beating with anticipation. Every little wolf girl dreams of their commitment ceremony and this was beyond anything I could have ever imagined. My eyes were beginning to get misty when I looked up.

I could see him, he hadn't turned around yet but his silhouette had an ethereal appearance with the way the moonlight hit him. He was fidgeting from his nerves and anticipation. It made me smile knowing we both affected each other. He was wearing a navy-colored suit. No doubt Susan had instructed him about what to wear.

Just as I began to smile, I saw him turn around and his jaw dropped.