
**Erick's POV**

I could feel myself fidgeting, I was full of nervous excitement. I was trying to imagine what she would look like when she walked up. Susan's idea of hanging the strands of light and creating a pathway and circle around the ceremony's clearing was genius. As I was admiring the handiwork, I felt a pull in my heart. I turned and was not prepared for what I saw.

My jaw dropped and I froze. I wanted to take a mental photograph of her at that moment and never forget it. She was stunning, her entire face was lit up when she smiled at me. I was overcome with a flood of emotions. This was my mate, the woman I would get to spend the rest of my life with. And she wanted me too!

I knew tears were starting to form, but the only thing my mind could focus on was going to her. Without blinking, or even being aware of what I was doing, my feet started to walk towards her. I needed to touch her to be closer.

I registered that she was laughing and it snapped me out of my daze. "You couldn't wait for me to come to you?"

My brain and mouth were still not communicating, mesmerized by her beauty. I shook my head no. She responded with more laughter, her green eyes twinkling with the joy she felt. She turned to Doc, "Well, I guess this is my stop." He nodded and took my hand and placed it in Erick's.

I turned so I could face her and take in every detail. "Rhian, I ... you...uh." Get it together, I scolded myself. "You look absolutely perfect. You are amazing, gorgeous, and I can't believe you are all mine."

She smiled and I could see her cheeks blush. "You don't look so bad yourself mister." She reached up to straighten my collar but then her hands slid down, resting on my chest. She pushed herself up and kissed the tip of my nose, giggling again. "I am just as excited to call you mine. Ready?"

Hand in hand we walked together into the clearing to where Alpha Samuel was standing. "Welcome, are we ready to get this started?" We both stole a glance at each other before turning back and nodding.

I couldn't even pay attention to Samuel's speech. I was watching her. The moon was high in the sky, because it was a super moon, it was closer to earth and appeared much larger than normal. It cast a light on her face and added to the makeup she appeared as if she was glowing.

"Erick?" Samuel said my name, attempting to get my attention.

"Oh, sorry, what?"

"Do you profess to the pack and the Moon Goddess herself to claim Rhian as your mate?"

"I do."

"Rhian, do you profess to the pack and the Moon Goddess herself to claim Erick as your mate?"

"I do."

"As the Alpha of the Gibbous Moon pack, I hereby approve and ask the Goddesses' blessings on the union of these wolves. Erick, Rhian, to complete the ceremony you will now leave your marks on each other. To forever symbolize the joining of your hearts, souls, and bodies."

I looked down at Rhian's still beaming smile as she nodded and stepped closer and opened up my collar, exposing my neck. I took her into my arms and traced the area with my fingers before shifting just enough for my fangs to appear. I kissed her gently before opening my mouth and sinking my teeth into the flesh between her collarbone and neck.

Her eyes shot open wide and her fangs appeared as it felt like waves of heat and electricity ran through my body. Her grip on me became tighter and her head dropped onto my neck. She too sunk her teeth into my neck and the intensity of the lightning and heat increased dramatically.

As our bodies pressed together and we were connected by our bites, it was like I could feel her emotions and thoughts. Our connection was no longer simply physical, it was as if our souls were melding together as well. The feeling was intense and nothing like I was expecting.

The sensation was beginning to lessen and I felt her unclench and followed suit, pulling away only far enough to kiss her on her forehead. I felt her lips press against me as she kissed my throat in return. I was lost in that moment just holding her, not wanting to let go.

"Congratulations, I am so happy for you both." I heard her say as Susan squeezed us both together in a massive hug.

Rhian responded first, "Thank you." her voice slightly muffled as Susan's large bosom and hug had her pinned against my chest.

"Sorry, Sorry, I'll let you breathe. I just get so excited and emotionally at mating ceremonies." She had a tissue in her hand and was dabbing away at her eyes.

"Alright dear, what do you say we all head to the dining hall and celebrate with some of your cooking!"

"YES, I am starving." Rhian was quick to chime in. "Sorry, I spent so much time getting ready today I didn't eat much. Not that I didn't enjoy and appreciate all that you set up for me." She didn't want to hurt Susan's feelings or seem unappreciative.

"Let's go!" I responded, picking her up and carrying her in my arms bridal style.

She slapped playfully at my chest, "You carry your bride across the threshold, not your mate through the woods for dinner."

"Excuse me for wanting to hold you close. I can put you down if you prefer to walk."

"Hmm, come to think of it, I may be a little weak from not eating. Maybe it is best you carry me." She beamed that perfect smile up at me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed my nose before resting her head on my chest.

I growled a little, something about that sweet little gesture drove me wild. I could feel the desire for her spread through my body and my pants get a little tighter.

Patience babe, don't worry, we will have plenty of time for that later when we are alone.

"What the heck?" I stopped, startled. How was I able to hear her thoughts?

She giggled. Oh, did I forget to mention that? We don't have to be in our wolf form to mind link now that we are marked. We can hear each other's thoughts and speak directly this way. It works for pack members and mates. Try it. Just think your words directly to me!

Okay, um can you hear me?

I can. This will come in handy when I prefer others to not hear what I have to say to you.

Oh, what kinds of thoughts would that be?

Like just how excited I am for you to get me out of this dress. Or how much I want to run my tongue down your

STOP!!! I interrupted her. Well, maybe don't stop, but if you keep going, I am going to walk into our reception fully aroused and preferring to drag you back home versus letting you eat.

Oh alright, but I make no promises of staying quiet after I get to eat my cake!

"Whatever you say, my love," I said out loud. I set her down as we had reached the door. She was suddenly excited, grabbing my hand and dragging me behind her into the dining hall. "Oh, I forgot. Have you seen what Susan did with the lights in here? Hurry, come look."

She wasn't wrong, Susan had pulled off miracles in the short time she had. The lights that were hung made it appear as if we were actually under the night sky. The warm glow made Rhian look even more beautiful.

We laughed, we drank, we danced, everybody was having a great time. Well, almost everyone, Joel appeared less than enthusiastic about the evening. He kept to himself on the back wall sipping his drink. I saw him glaring more than once but he quickly looked away anytime I caught him.

I thought it was odd but chalked it up to maybe he was jealous I had found my mate. Either way, I was enjoying myself far too much to pay much attention. Especially seeing Rhian laughing and dancing, shaking her hips, and swaying to the music. "

The music came to a screeching halt, and I heard the words intruder in my mind. I reached out to Rhian. "Do you really think she is making a move this early?"

"I'd love to think this has nothing to do with our situation, but I'm worried." She squeezed my hand tightly, "Let's get out of these clothes I have spares in the dressing room." She led the way to the room. Everyone around us must have had the same thought. The room quickly clearing out.

We walked in and Rhian went over to her bag to grab her things.

"Well, Well, Well. What do we have here?" I heard the door slam shut and as I turned around, I was faced with a woman I had never met before. I felt myself back up towards Rhian never taking my eyes off the woman that stood before me.

**Rhian's POV**

The moment the words came out, I recognized her voice. My instinct was to freeze, but if we were going to survive this, we would have to face this head-on. I slowly turned, Erick had backed towards me and placed himself between me and Eliza. I reached out and held his arm as I stood by his side.

"Hello, Eliza. Didn't you know you weren't invited?" I looked her directly in her eyes. Refusing to let her think I was afraid of her.

"That isn't very kind," she feigned innocence like she couldn't imagine why I didn't want her there. "a mother should be at her daughter's mating ceremony."

Enraged at her statement, I spat vehemently. "You are not my mother!" I needed to calm myself. I could feel my wolf itching to the surface. "What the hell are you really doing here? You are outnumbered. I advise you to leave right now."

"Humph, and after I tried my hardest to be a kind mother to you since you lost yours. Is your mate aware of these crazed mood swings of yours?"

"No, Maeve, not only am I aware of what you have done. What you've done, and who you really are. My mate will not be deceived by your lies. Now I won't repeat myself again. GET OUT!"

Her face went pale, but she recovered quickly. It was just long enough for me to see and register. She was momentarily worried about me calling her Maeve. When she recovered, I noticed her eyes had changed, they appeared darker. I didn't understand, but I couldn't break eye contact.

"Oh sweetie, are the delusions and paranoia getting worse? We really need to get you home so we can make sure we can get you well again." She stepped forward, offering her hand. I was beginning to reach out for her hand.

Erick possessively stepped between us growling. "I believe she asked you to leave. This is your last chance. You wouldn't want me to have to kill you again...Auntie."

This time there was no denying Eliza knew we were fully aware of the memories she had tried to remove. She didn't recover quite as smoothly. She remained still just staring at us,

Suddenly, the door slammed open. David, Samuel, and Alec came barreling into the room. Startled at seeing this unknown woman.

"This isn't over. I will be back!" Eliza warned as she disappeared into a cloud of smoke.