
**Erick's POV**

"Who the hell was that?" David questioned.

Rhian stepped forward, "That is my stepmother, Eliza, Maeve, psycho bitch, whatever you want to call her."

Alec interrupted, "I take it we're not big fans of hers?"

Oh great, I forgot Alec hadn't been brought up to speed about the entire situation. Most of the pack was unaware. I didn't think I was ready to divulge the truth to the remainder of the pack. I was hoping to have gotten stronger. Hoping I would have some clarity on the prophecy situation.

Eliza was going to force our hands. We will need to expedite our plan. "Samuel, I think it's time we told the entire pack what is going on."

Samuel nodded; I could see the apprehension on his face. "I agree. If nothing else, we need to be on guard and prepared for additional attacks. Thank the Goddess, no one was hurt tonight. I think her plan was to come for you all along. The rogues were just a way to divert our attention. Alec, David, can you gather the pack and inform them we need to meet now."

"Dad," David placed his hand on Samuel's back. "Listen, everyone is on edge. It has already been quite an eventful evening. What do you say we have the pack meeting in the morning? I doubt she will try returning tonight."

"You're right, make the announcement." Turning to Rhian and myself, "I think it would be better if you two chose to stay in town tonight. I am increasing patrols and it will be easier to reach you."

He said it as a suggestion, but I could sense it was more of an order. He probably was worried about spreading resources thin because he would have to send a team out to my house to keep watch.

"I think that is a really good idea actually. Rhian, are you OK with that?"

Before she could answer, David interjected, "There are actually several suites set up in the other wing of the packhouse for when we receive visitors. I can arrange to have one set up for you two."

Rhian nodded, "Thanks David, we appreciate everyone's help. I am sorry to have brought so much trouble along with me."

"Think nothing of it. We protect our family and you are family now."

I could sense the tears beginning to well up in Rhian's eyes and put my arm around her, squeezing her close. I love you. She buried her head into my chest. I love you too.

David walked us to the wing at the other end of the packhouse. "Hopefully you, too, can end the evening on a better note. See you in the morning. Oh, I had them deliver some clothes for you as well." He patted me on the back and walked away.

Rhian looked physically and emotionally drained. I know she was blaming herself for bringing this situation to us but, the way I see it is, if I was Eliza's nephew this would have happened with or without her. I am happier to be going through this together.

I pushed the door open and bent down to pick her up. She just slipped her arms around me and I carried her into the room. "Bath or bed?" I asked.

"Bath, please. Will you stay with me?"

"I am not leaving your side tonight!" My heart broke seeing her this way. She was anything but this meek and despondent woman in my arms. It was like Eliza managed to drain the light that typically shined from her eyes. If for no other reason than knowing she had hurt my mate, I would make Eliza pay.

The suite was large, and the bathroom was massive and spa-like. I set her down on the countertop and went to prepare the water for her. I added bath salts and bubble bath that sat on a nearby shelf. I lit the lavender candles arranged around the room. I was hoping the calming ambiance might help settle her nerves.

I walked over to her. She was still in her dress, since Eliza interrupted us changing. I unzipped the back and it slid to the floor with a small woosh. I removed her bra and helped her down. She shimmied out of her underwear and I held her hand as she lifted her leg, testing the water with her toe.

Finding the temperature satisfactory, she stepped down and braced herself with my arm as she sank down into the oversized tub. The water and bubbles leveled out at her collarbone. She inhaled deeply, rolled her neck in a circle, and, with closed eyes, leaned back with her neck resting on the edge of the tub.

He sat beside her just holding her hands. No one had ever had this effect on him. His heart ached for her, knowing she was hurting. Her smile was gone and all his mind could focus on was returning that twinkle to her eyes. His anger at the situation resulted in a low growl.

Her eyes peeked open at him and she squeezed his hand. "Talk to me. Are you upset with me? I am so sorry I brought all this to you."

"No. Stop that right now. You are not at fault. The only one to blame is your stepmother, who is apparently also my vengeful aunt. Meeting you is the only thing about this situation I have zero regrets about."

Her lip quivered and tears threatened to spill from her eyes, "but if I hadn't run into you, she might not have ever found you." Her body started trembling and shaking.

He didn't even bother attempting to remove his clothes. He stood up and slid into the tub behind her. He pulled her against his body, her head resting on his chest as he held her tightly in his arms. "If you hadn't run into me, I also wouldn't have you."

She began sobbing, burying her head even further into his chest. "Shh…Shh… it's OK. Please don't ever regret meeting me. I had no idea what I was missing. You filled a hole in my heart. I wasn't even aware it was there."

He paused and took a deep breath, "I know you are aware my parents were murdered, but we didn't really talk in-depth about it. I was only four at the time. I was in and out of foster care until I lived with an uncle a few years before he died as well.

All I knew or was accustomed to was navigating life on my own. It was hard enough to discover I was a werewolf because I honestly couldn't understand what it meant to be part of a pack. All of a sudden, I had people who were truly invested in my well-being and happiness and weren't just using me for my wealth.

I had only begun to adjust. I understood the concept and knew the appeal of the group mentality, but a piece of my heart was just waiting for the shoe to drop. I honestly didn't want to push the idea of the prophecy because if it wasn't true and this was just some big coincidence, I thought they would abandon me like everyone else in my life."

"They would never…" I cut her off.

"Logically, I knew that, but hell before you came into my life, I think I only ever went to town once a month for supplies. It's not like anybody knew who I even was, so it isn't like it would make waves if they suddenly dismissed me.

The moment we crashed into each other I couldn't deny how badly every part of my being needed to be near you. I couldn't even pretend to be anything but absolutely in love with you. You mended every broken memory of what family represented to me.

I knew it would be futile to deny my feelings or attempt to distance myself. I was no match for whatever was to come. The only thing I could guarantee with a hundred percent certainty was I would spend the rest of my life trying to make you know just how much you are loved.

So, I will be damned if Eliza tries to come between us. Or hurt anyone else I care about. She will not get her revenge and if history has to repeat itself to end this, then so be it. I will kill her again because there is no life for me without you in it."

I could feel her shift in my arms, "I love you too, I will always stand by you. I couldn't imagine a better person to share my life with. I don't know where I would be without you here with me. Had I not fled and found you?"

I kissed her head. "It is a good thing you never have to worry about being without me then." I held her tightly until her breathing became rhythmic and slow and I knew she was asleep. I picked her up and toweled her off.

She was beyond exhausted from the physical and emotional toll the day had inflicted. I put her in the wrapped towel on an oversized sofa chair and stripped out of my soaking clothes. I put on a pair of shorts before tending to her.

She barely stirred as I laid her down and slipped a baggy t-shirt over her head and a pair of boxers. I pulled the covers around her. I crossed the room, turning off the lights before getting into the bed beside her. I snuggled up closely. She shifted back so that she was resting on my arm. I placed the other around her waist.

I continued holding her tightly, breathing her in. I kissed her head one last time. "I love you Rhian. I promise you and the Goddess, I will be whoever she wants me to be as long as you will always be safe in my arms."