A Traitor Among Us

**Rhian's POV**

Erick wrapped up his speech and Samuel gave a few closing statements. As well as additional instructions on increased training sessions and mandatory strategy meetings. As soon as he finished, Erick leaned over and you could see his eyes go dark. "Let's go, my office now."

The door slammed shut and Samuel shouted, "Who is it? How do you know? Tell me everything!"

I know his anger wasn't directed at me, but it was still quite intimidating. "Do you remember we told you the Moon Goddess bestowed a gift on me? I could sense how angry he was during the meeting and decided to test it. Brick by brick, the walls of his mind came down. He has been feeding information to a cloaked man."

"WHO?" Samuel growled.

I looked towards the ground, I knew when I said his nephew's name there was no taking it back. "Joel," the sound came out more like a whisper.

Samuel turned around, his eyes flashing dark again. "Joel, as in my nephew Joel?"

I nodded, "I'm sorry."

He slammed his fist down on his desk. "I can't believe this is happening again." I jumped, fearful that he was going to break the desk in half. "I need to know absolutely everything, now."

"I think he was tricked, the man that made contact with him led him to believe he was the one who would unite the packs. That Erick's prophecy was false and Joel was the real Alpha to unite the packs. Apparently, he has strengthened Joel's physical abilities in return for information about the pack and orphaned pups.

He was originally just set on being named alpha of this pack, with David not wanting the roll. He had plans to change the pack's opinions on half-breeds. He even called Erick a mutt. His father's family influenced that opinion. He was greedy for more though and wanted even more power."

"Is his father involved? Jacob is my beta." It seemed like anger had been taken over by sorrow and he collapsed into his chair, bringing his hands up to cover his face.

David and Doc both went to offer comfort. My heart ached for him. This was the second time the Alpha had been betrayed by someone he trusted. "Can I suggest we actually find out who this cloaked man is? How is he involved? If he manipulated and lied to Joel, maybe he is not the traitor he seems. Eliza would have the experience to exploit a man's weakness and greed to her advantage."

Doc was the one to speak first. "David, why don't you go bring your cousin in for a little chat. Do you think we should involve Jacob yet or wait until we speak to Joel?"

"I think he should be here too. We can find out just how deep this deception lies." Samuel stated, the anger returning to his voice.

A few minutes after David left, the three men returned to the room. Jacob went to stand behind Samuel. I assume he had no idea as to why he was called into the office, otherwise he wouldn't have chosen to stand there.

Samuel suggested Jacob have a seat in front of him next to Joel. He looked puzzled but did as the Alpha asked. "Gentleman, it has been brought to my attention one or both of you aren't happy with the way I am running this pack. Especially as it pertains to this current predicament with Erick. Would either of you like to offer clarification to these rumors?"

The color drained from Joel's face. He realized he had been caught in his schemes. I knew this was the perfect time for me to read any other thoughts as he tried to explain himself to Samuel. "Alpha, I would like to know just who has told you these egregious rumors? My son and I have done nothing but maintain loyalty to you and this pack."

"Jacob, I agree it was quite a shock to learn you might possibly be involved in this. I have never doubted your loyalty to this pack the moment you and my sister mated. However, it seems your family may have influenced the thoughts of your son here."

"Alpha, that cannot be. I realize my family may have some backward thoughts on certain things, but your sister and I have raised him properly. We have instilled good values in kindness as well as loyalty. Do you even have any sort of proof to corroborate these lies?"

**Erick's POV**

I saw the color in Rhian's eyes swirl, I recognized it from earlier when she read Jacob. I took a protective step in front of her to keep her shielded and mind-linked to Samuel. (Rhian is trying to read them both while we talk. The more you keep them distracted, the easier it is for her.) Samuel nodded in acknowledgment and continued talking.

"Jacob, I have enough respect for you that, of course, I have evidence or I would not have brought you here. That is also why we are discussing this versus me throwing your son into the jail cell."

"Child, what have you done?" Jacob was now getting upset with his son as well.

"I don't know what they are talking about, I swear."

David interjected, "So, does that mean you have never met in secret with a cloaked man? Never shared information about the pack with him?"

"I, Uh." Joel was stuttering.

David resumed, "What did he want to know about the pack? What did he offer in return?"

With a crash, Joel stood suddenly. The force caused the chair behind him to hit the floor. "Fine, you're right, I think you are an incompetent Alpha. Your kindness and willingness to muddle our bloodlines have made us weaker. Half-breeds have no place in our society. They should all be hunted down and removed from existence. They are unworthy of calling themselves a wolf."

"Joel!" Jacob was stunned by the outburst.

"Oh, I am not done, father. You came from a strong family that knew the importance of pure bloodlines. You allowed yourself to become brainwashed by these disgraceful ideologies. Well, me, I am smarter than that and stronger." He started gesturing wildly. He looked crazed as he continued.

"I was happy when David decided he didn't want to be Alpha, knowing I would be an ideal replacement. When I was Alpha I was going to change things. Things would actually get better for this pack we would be so much stronger. That is when the man approached me. He told me my ambitions were too limited. Why take over as Alpha of a small pack when I could be Alpha over all the wolves?

He told me I was the destined Alpha. Historians have gotten things twisted over the years. I was the Alpha that would unite us all. I would be able to exterminate every mutt that sullied the bloodline. Wolves would become powerful once again and we would be able to eliminate any enemy that stood in our way."

He walked towards me and started shouting again. "You are just a dirty mutt not worthy of the Goddess's blessing. When are you going to stop lying to yourself, to the pack?"

The growl shocked me but the way he was poking at my chest and telling me I was unworthy triggered anger so deep I was losing control. I felt my claws come out and my canines lengthen. "Call me a mutt one more time and I will show you how fast this mutt can take you down. You are the unworthy one. You're a vile piece of shit filled with delusions and hate."

Doc moved fast, stepping between us. Relax son, deep breaths, he is not worth it. "I think that is enough out of you."

"Sit down," Samuel yelled. As I felt Rhian grab my hand from behind me.

Jacob is as shocked by all of this as we are. Joel was acting alone, but there was something he was hiding. I am going to keep trying. If he has it so guarded in his mind, it must be valuable.

Please, be safe Rhian.

I will always be safe with you by my side.

She gave my hand another quick squeeze before I felt her arm drop.

Joel had disobeyed the Alpha and remained standing. "I no longer answer to your command. I would rather be a rogue than continue living amongst this weak pack. Let me offer you a piece of advice. Your time is coming, the cloaked man says you will be defeated. You are putting your support behind the wrong side. Just you wait!" He turned to leave but his father stepped in his way.


"You aren't going anywhere. David, can I borrow your cuffs? We need to lock him up and question him."

David walked over to Jacob and, with a hand on his shoulder, as an acknowledgment of how hard it must be to hand over his child, proceeded to cuff Joel. "You're coming with me."

"You will regret this! Mark my words!" He shouted as David walked him out of the room.

The atmosphere of the room was sullen and you could have heard a pin drop in the silence. Jacob stepped towards the Alpha's desk. "I offer my official resignation as your Beta. I failed to see what was going on right in front of my eyes. I am not worthy of being your second."

"I do not accept. Rhian here was able to read you and determined you were not aware. I can't blame you for being blinded by the love a parent has for a child. Now, everyone leave me. I want to be alone."