
** Erick's POV**

This entire situation was becoming even more complicated. Traitors, cloaked mystery men. We needed answers, answers I wasn't sure we could get. Rhian and I went with Doc and David to the pack kitchen. We were going to attempt to eat and discuss our next steps. Samuel wasn't ready to talk so we wanted to give him his privacy.

"I think the sooner we can begin interrogating Joel the better." David was the one to break our silence.

Rhian answered, "I wasn't able to figure out the information he was hiding. I would like to be present as well to see if I can eventually break down the walls."

"That settles it," Doc decided. "David and Rhian can go down and question him. Erick why don't you come with me, I have something I want to look into at the library."

As we headed to the library I asked Doc, "So, what is it that you were looking for?"

"I have a few things I want to clear up. First, I am curious to go back over the incident report files we have on rogue attacks. The way he mentioned David's tragedy has me curious if there is a possible connection. Also, I would like to pull anything about Joel's family history. If his father didn't share his ideologies where or who did he get them from?"

"If you lead me in the right direction I can look into him and his family. While attempting to search for anyone connected to my own past I became pretty familiar with genealogy searches."

"Perfect, let's get to it!"

I wasn't having much luck learning anything we weren't already aware of. Until I noticed one of his Uncles had essentially disappeared from all records. Ten years ago it was like he became a ghost. I couldn't find any reports about his death.

"Hey Doc, come check this out. Do you know anything about Joel's uncle Griffin? Specifically what happened ten years ago that made him drop off the map?"

"Interesting, I am not sure I remember him. Jacob and Rachel had a rushed mating ceremony. They discovered each other when a team of warriors from his pack came and helped with rogue attacks. We were much smaller then.

When Jacob mated with Rachel he took over as beta here as we had just lost ours in the attacks. The only ones in attendance from his pack were the warriors that had come to fight. Come to think of it Alec was from his pack maybe we could talk to him."

"Why did Alec stay?"

"It was decided he would remain behind to train our pack. Not that he had any objections when he found his mate within our pack a short time later." Doc's eyes widen. "Oh, I forgot to tell you what I discovered. The incident report about the attack on David's mate is missing."

"That seems suspicious? Any idea who would have written that report maybe we can ask them?" I offered.

"I would suspect it would have been Jacob, typically the beta or gamma's were in charge of writing those. Let's talk to Alec first then we can ask Jacob what he remembers." Doc looked lost in thought as we packed up and went to look for Alec.

**Meanwhile Rhian's POV**

I wasn't even aware that there were tunnels running below the packhouse. David had explained they were originally created as means for the Alpha and his people to escape out into the woods. It wasn't until later that they decided to add a series of special prison cells underground as well.

The moonlight when the moon was full allowed us as werewolves increased speed and strength. The regular jail in town had windows in all the holding cells. More than once they had dealt with escape plans during a full moon.

The jail was still used for regular humans, or the occasional minor infraction but Joel was going to be locked away for the foreseeable future and we didn't want to risk his escape. The cell bars were reinforced with silver, prolonged contact would cause our skin irreversible burns.

We approached the cell, it was dark and dingy. An overwhelming smell of earth and mold. There was a series of hanging lanterns lighting the way. The occasional flicker to the light made this place seem eery.

The cell itself had a wall-mounted bed, sink, and toilet. Joel sat there with his legs crossed underneath himself with his head leaned back against the wall. His eyes were closed as he began to speak, "I have nothing to tell you."

"I have a feeling you have a lot to tell us. We just need to find the right motivation for you to talk." Wow, normally he was so level-headed David but there was a veiled sadistic side to his words.

"You wouldn't dare. When all is said and done I won't be locked away forever. You will come to regret this moment. Your transgressions will not be forgotten." His words spewed hate at us.

David unfazed walked to the cell doors. "You think you know what I am capable of? Do you think you are in any position to make threats to me? The way I see it is you are the one behind bars right now and the only way I see that changing is if you are no longer breathing. Your threats mean nothing to me. I on the other hand can make this even worse for you."

I was sucked into the back and forth. Each man angling to up the other. Neither phased by the intimidation or threats being hurled at them. I had forgotten my purpose of coming down here was to read Joel's thoughts.

I stood back against the wall and closed my eyes. I really wanted to find what he was attempting to hide. Hmm, something was different this time, maybe he was aware and trying to block me. It was as if I had to go through door after door before even reaching his thoughts.

Joel stood up, "There is nothing you can do to me, you are weaker. You never deserved to be in line for alpha." His head snapped in my direction, "Don't think I don't know what you are trying. You will never find what you are searching for."

David positioned himself face to face with Joel with just the bars separating them. "That's big claims from someone who was made a fool of. Whoever you are working for tricked you. You are a peon in their schemes. You are naive to think you ever could have been the prophesized Alpha."

"Oh, dear cousin, you call me a fool, but what does that make you? A father that doesn't even realize his pups are still alive."

"What the hell did you just say?" A thunderous growl erupted from his chest. As he began to shift and go for the door to the cell.

"DAVID, STOP!" I screamed but it was too late. As David's anger overtook him and he ripped the cell door from the hinges I was unable to warn him. I had just broken through Joel's thoughts his allies were coming for him.

That is why he wasn't scared, they knew about our tunnels and he had gotten the word out. A team of mythical creatures was coming to save him. He was only trying to distract us long enough to keep our focus on him so we didn't notice them sneaking up behind us.

Everything happened in such a flash I barely registered what was happening. I saw a glowing orb shoot lights at David. It hit him like a lightning bolt. It appeared to paralyze him as he froze and fell to the ground.

Joel walked towards him hovering above him. I could see David's eyes tracking him as he moved. "Who is the weak one now cousin?" He kicked him, "Lucky for you I am in a hurry and you aren't worth it."

He turned and looked at me. Two men had each of my arms held behind my back. I was struggling but it only made their strong grips tighter. "You on the other hand," He walked up to me and ran a finger down my cheek to the collar of my shirt giving it a little tug. "Are quite valuable. You are coming with me."

"Let me go now! And I may be able to convince Erick to kill you quickly." I stared at him with all the hate I could muster.

"Ha Ha," he laughed at me. "I think you will find it difficult for him to kill me when he is already dead. There is no chance that he won't come after you. It makes you the perfect bait. Eliza will definitely reward me for bringing her such a prize."

"You won't get away with this. He is going to kill that evil bitch once and for all and then you are next." He was coming near me with some sort of collar and black bag.

I knew they were taking me there was no preventing it, I was sorely outnumbered. All I could do was send a message to Erick and pray he got it.

Erick! They attacked us in the underground tunnels. David is hurt. It is a trap, Joel was working with Eliza. Don't come after me. Stay safe I love you. Avenge me. No sooner than the words had left my thoughts I heard his growl, I am coming for you.

When the collar snapped over me his voice cut off I felt something strike my head. My world went black as I felt the hood being pulled over my head.