The trip continues

**Abigail's POV**

Last night had to be the best night of my life! Damion and I sat by the fire for a good part of the evening. We talked, we laughed, and best of all we kissed. I get that may not be a big deal for most people, but this was my first kiss. This was the first guy that had ever even shown me the least bit of attention.

I knew the smile on my face couldn't even be hindered by David's grumpy mood. He was even more irritable than normal he must not have slept well.  I have to admit I didn't sleep well either but the butterflies and excitement were to blame.

David fixed up breakfast while Damion and I took down the tent together and loaded up the vehicle. Every time his hand brushed over mine caused the butterflies to flutter a little more. I couldn't help but imagine what our future could hold.