A tail

**David's POV**

Shit, the truck was following us. We were close enough to the forest that there were several back roads we could take to lose them but it would require getting far enough ahead of the truck first. I decided to backtrack first and get back on the highway in the opposite direction.

As I pulled onto the highway I could see they were following suit. I floored it, it didn't take long for us to hit 90 mph. I was weaving in and out of traffic and the truck was doing a relatively good job keeping up. 

I pressed down on the accelerator. I could hear Abigail panicking behind me but needed to focus on what I was doing. The exit coming up was a cloverleaf. I was hoping my experience with high-speed chase would give me the advantage and I could whip around the exit reverse my direction and quickly pull off at the following exit before the truck could catch me.