Shocking Discovery

**David's POV**

I knew I was sedated, my head felt like it was underwater. I don't know how long I had been like that. The last thing I remember was My Dad bursting into the cabin with Rhian and Erick to rescue us. I was able to warn them about Damion but it is the last thing I remember.

I knew we had to be back in the packhouse I had heard Doc talking, as well as, my mother. I couldn't make out what they were saying but I knew they were here. It was hard to focus, between the medicine they had given us and the pain searing through my body.

I knew I wasn't going to last much longer. I was terrified for Abigail, she wasn't a wolf and the poison must be much worse on her body. I hoped my attempt to heal her wound at least lessened the amount of poison that went into her system.