A negotiation

** Erick's POV **

I went back into the room after getting David to step away. Rhian looked like she was ready to snap Aslow's throat. It was hard to blame her Aslow was smug and arrogant. I hated having to deal with him. 

"Have we agreed to anything yet?" I directed the question to Doc, but it was Aslow who answered.

"No, and I must warn you, she is not as able to resist the effects of the poison. You will need to agree to my terms quickly or you are likely to lose her."

"You will not take her from us before you heal her. I don't trust you." Rhian shouted at him.

"Well then, I suppose you ought to prepare funeral arrangements for the young lady. Such a shame, she would have been the strongest prodigy I would have ever trained."

"No, you can't let my sister die. Heal her now, or I will rip your throat out." Rhian screamed.