A revelation

**Rhian's POV**

I can't say I love the agreement, but it was the best we could do with the current situation. I think what I was dreading most was telling David what we agreed to. Erick was on his way to talk to him. I stayed to help Doc get her transferred over to the stretcher so we could head out to the clearing.

Doc was keeping Aslow distracted so that I would be able to talk to Abigail. Doc was a quick thinker and could easily switch into whatever role was necessary at the time. I could never have managed to remain cordial enough to make small talk with a man I despised.

I was able to breakthrough and found Abigail, "Thank goodness I found you! Listen, we don't have much time and we have a lot to go over. Unfortunately, you are going to have to go with Aslow for a while. We tried but it is the only way we could find to get you healed."

She nodded, "I understand, just tell me what I need to know and we will figure it out from there."