Waking up

** David's POV **

I remember Abigail kneeling beside me; she was sobbing and apologizing. "What do you have to be sorry about? I am the one that got us in this mess in the first place. Your sister should never have gotten anywhere near us."

  "David?" She sounded shocked to hear my voice.

I had to clear my voice before I said. "That's who they say I am," She nearly tackled me as she hugged me. "You're alive!" She knocked the wind out of me as she collided with my chest. 

  "It seems I am and that you managed to find a way to unlock your powers." With Aslow dead, she was the only one who could have saved me. I put my arms around her. Relieved not that I was awake but that she was alive and well. I tucked my head between her head and shoulder to mix my face into her hair. It smelled like lavender and jasmine. I just wanted to breathe her in.

"Yes, I was so scared and worried that we wouldn't be able to save you."