A long talk

** Abigail's POV **

Dinner was delicious. It may have had something to do with not eating for two days, but Martha and Susan were fantastic cooks. Even with something as simple as spaghetti with meatballs and cheesy garlic toast.

It was nice being with everyone. They acted like a family, or at least what I thought a family would act like. There were jokes, laughter, and smiles; everyone was smiling. It was strange to me, but I could definitely get used to it.

The only thing that put the slightest damper on the night was knowing David wanted to talk afterward. Whatever he had to say, he seemed to think that it would change my opinion of him. That I would no longer be able to accept him. Which is crazy, right? I nearly got him killed twice, and it seems to be forgivable. So what could be so much worse than that?

"Hey, are you ready to head out?" David asked.