Communication Struggles

**Rhian's POV**

Dinner was great; it finally felt like we had returned to a sense of normalcy. I even saw David smiling, a rare event, but Abigail seemed to bring the best out in him. Erick was handsy as ever and very flirty.  I enjoyed every minute of it. He has been stressed out lately between having the council visit and then the situation with Abigail. 

We held hands as we walked back to our suite in the packhouse. "Have I told you tonight how beautiful you are?"

"If my count is correct, this would be the fourth time." I laughed, "but I will never get tired of hearing it. Besides, you don't look so bad yourself, mister." Then I went on tiptoes and kissed the tip of his nose. He returned with a kiss on my forehead.

We kept walking when he suggested, "What do you say we take a shower and head to bed? It's been a long day, and I just want to sleep."