
** Abigail's POV **

We spent the rest of the weekend alternating between fooling around, eating and showering. I couldn't recall a time I had ever been happier. We were alone in our own little bubble, and everything was carefree and easy. I knew it wouldn't last forever. We would eventually need to return to reality, but a part of me was dreading it.

When I messaged Rhian, she insisted we take the weekend. We would discuss what the future held on Monday morning. Figure out how we would deal with this alliance and the battle to come. I could sense both the excitement in her voice over David and I and the dread over what was coming.

Monday morning, we woke up early to get ready for the day. Still not willing to let go of each other, we showered together. As I was getting dressed, David went and fixed us both breakfast. "Bless you!" I told him as he handed me a fresh cup of coffee. "I could get used to this."