Chapter 6. (Living In The Fire)
"...he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire" Matthew 3:11
Woman of God led the church in mass prayer
Lord touch each and every one,
in their weakness, failures, barrenness.
Lord, touch them, their health, family.
Your FIRE shall come upon your life, bodies, families.
Every witchcraft, sickness, and powers of darkness
COME OUT!! in Jesus' name
BE FREE in the name of Jesus Christ
Every pain, eye disease, skin disease in Jesus' name be healed.
in the name of Jesus Christ.
Acts 2:1-4,38-42 KJV
[1] And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. [2] And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. [3] And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. [4] And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. [38] Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. [39] For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call. [40] And with many other words did he testify and exhort, saying, Save yourselves from this untoward generation. [41] Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls. [42] And they continued stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.
I pray God sets your Altar in your life on Fire,with the Holy Ghost Fire in Jesus Mighty Name.
You want to be anointed next time you sing?
You want there to be a break out of the Holy Ghost next time you sing preach testify?
Then turn that heart of stone into a heart of flesh tear down those walls you built around your heart and allow yourself to feel that pain that hurt those wounds that broke you that anger and frustration and go to the altar and give it to God he heal you of that!
Then you be Anointed when you sing you have the testimony yes I been through the fire but came out not smelling like smoke yes I been wounded but God healed me I may have scars but I'm standing and walking forward!
Then you can be sensitive to the dealings of God to help others and make a difference in their lives!
Tribute to the soldiers and warriors of the Gospel that gone on home!
These men of God didn't bite their tongues they stood for truth no matter what each has been a great impact in My Life!
They never gave up the fought to the end!
You call me a fool I'm Jesus fool who's fool are you?
Bro Richard Hancock.
I refuse to be a has been! I do not serve a has been God! He's the same today yesterday and forever!
Bro Troy Hancock!
Day after day that's what life is live work and pray that's what life is!
Bro Donald Lance!
I'm not about to quit I mean to make it make it all the way I may stumble down I feel unworthy and sometimes I feel unfit but one thing about it and you can go shout it I'm Not About To Quit!
Bro Paul Carroll!
It's a Know Brainer to live for God! It's a No Brainer to go to Church! You need to learn how to live for God outside the church as well as inside the Church! It's a No Brainer to Live Right!
Bro Jackie Carroll!
If your going to do something for God you better do it now! If your gonna preach you better make sure your called of God and get out there and go preach because this world is about to wrap up and souls are ether gonna go to heaven or go to hell God means Business! Preachers! We better get Busy doing his work!
Sister Magy King!
You walk alone side a bob-wire fence sooner or later your gonna get hooked and if you don't stop and pick it off your gonn get tangled in it. It's like a sinner not in church hanging around a Holy Ghost filled child of God sooner or later if he hangs around long enough he's gonna go to church and God gonna get on him.
Bro Alvin Tarver.
No matter what happens I must be saved I got to keep fighting the good fight of faith! I got to make heaven my Home So I hear him say Well done thou good and faithful Servant!
Bro Chandler.
We are Called for a purpose we are soldiers marching to do a work for the Lord we are a chosen generation a royal priesthood A peculiaryour people he called us out of darkness into his marvelous light! We are Gods Mighty Army!
Bro Norus Poole.
The devil come at you like a flood God will be a standard against him meanwhile why things are ruff you just stand you hold on why the devil is on your back you stand and be not weary and well doing and you will come out Victorious!
Bro Rudy Thrasher.
Somebody has decided to remove the ancient landmark the Bible said to see and ask for the old paths and walk their in and it said to harken to the sound of the Trumpet but they said we will not walk there in and we will not harken. And somebody has decided we are going to remove this Mark! I have a question what's wrong with living right why not just live right why can't you just put your foot on the devils neck and say devil! I'm Gonna Live For God!
Bro Denis Johnson.
When dealing with souls you got to be gentle you got to be careful you can do more harm then good. You got to be wise as a serpent yet harmless as a dove. God called you to be a witness and that's what we all must do. Allow God to use us for the sake of others and show them compassion and love and we pull them out of the fires of hell.
Bro Sammy Noble.
I speak a REVIVAL to every area of your life! I see your whole life reviving & on fire! Your faith will revive! Your health will revive! Your finances will revive! Your dreams will be revived! #claimit In Jesus' name. Amen.
"If the Holy Spirit was withdrawn from the church today, 95 percent of what we do would go on and no one would know the difference. If the Holy Spirit had been withdrawn from the New Testament church, 95 percent of what they did would stop, and everybody would know the difference." A.W. Tozer
"Oh for radically Bible-saturated, God-centered, Christ-exalting, self-sacrificing, mission-mobilizing, soul-saving, culture-confronting pastors!" John Piper
"When the church is absolutely different from the world, she invariably attracts it. It is then that the world is made to listen to her message, though it may hate it at first." Martyn Lloyd-Jones
"The church has lost her testimony. She has no longer anything to say to the world. Her once robust shout of assurance has faded away to an apologetic whisper. She who one time went out to declare now goes out to inquire. Her dogmatic declaration has become a respectful suggestion, a word of religious advice, given with the understanding that it is after all only an opinion and not meant to sound bigoted." A.W. Tozer
"The Church is looking for better methods; God is looking for better men. The Holy Ghost does not flow through methods, but through men. He does not come on machinery, but on men. He does not anoint plans, but men…Men of prayer." E. M. Bounds
Ladies and Gentlemen: The answer is NOT leaving the Church! Hebrews 10:25 is still valid and mandated! The ".... So much the more as ye see the day approaching" is incontrovertible evidence that we must continue to ".... Assemble ourselves together!" Not less; but MORE!!!
The answer is uncomfortably and unquestionably valid and true! We must do whatever it takes to:
The FIRE continues to burn voraciously!!!! Oh that we would be consumed by this Holy Fire once again!
This was written by Elder John Crist.
I'm talking about living in the Fire!
We got to stay in the fire we cannot live outside of the fire we choke in the smoke!
Revival that changes hearts and lives is in the Holy Ghost Fire we cannot grow cold or get Lukewarm we got to come alive and burn and be the light God called us to be!
It is amazing to me how someone can be doing so good, and something get in their selfrighteous crawl and stagnate their relationship with God.
Haughty and a prideful spirit goes before a fall.
Let's remember this the next time we think we got our ducks in a row and we got it all together.
Oh please Christian world, bring back the ministry of the mirror. Because if you ever get a good look at your self, you will zip your LIP about other folk that you THINK don't have it all together.
Let's get a hold of our self pray through and let the church roll on.
Or....just keep playing God and acting (the difference between you and God is he is not acting) like you know more than you know!
Before long you will have relegated your self to being part of clique, who are spiritual yuppies, who think they have arrived...cutting and slashing and devouring our wounded, until there is just this lil nucleus of folk that think that they're the only one going to heaven cause they don't wear red ties...ect.(red tie, just an example)!
If you see your brother which are SPIRITUAL, in the the spirit of meekness RESTORE...!
I don't even think you have right to claim the Holy Ghost if you don't have a spirit to restore!
If we really looked at our self in the spiritual mirror with an HONEST (NOT HAUGHTY) HEART...WE WOULD HAVE MORE MERCY.
If I error on the side of anything I want it to be mercy. Cause if I understand the word right, if I can't give it then I won't receive it. Idk about you but this is one man that need his mercy!
We are saved by a barrowed righteousness... thank God for his righteousness... thank God for the Holy Ghost...thank God for the Blood.
If he can forgive me then I can forgive anybody!
1 Corinthians 6:9-11 he named a lot of problems they had and he was trying to show them things that they Had and have in common, list a few...
Such were some of you; but we are washed, sanctified and justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the spirit of our God.
Thank God for the Holy Ghost. It does more than just help your dress it should help your attitude.
Renew a right spirit with in me oh God... restore unto me the joy of thy salvation!
The Holy Ghost and Fire! Once you've been hit by that Holy Ghost FIRE, you'll never be the same! You'll KNOW if that Fire seared your belly and singed your lips.
God is on the move in His people. He is using us as His mouth pieces to speak His Living Word, tell that we are overcomes by the word of our testimonies and the blood of our precious Lamb sacrifice Jesus Christ; that they know the goodness of God and come to repentance. Speak through us Lord. Send us out. Use us for Your glory. Let Your Holy Ghost Fire all In Jesus name!!!
Exodus. 15 vs 7 & 9
And in the greatness of your excellence you have overthrown those who rose against you; you sent forth your wrath; it consumed them like stubble. The enemy said, "I will pursue, I will overtake, I will divide the spoil; my desires shall be satisfied on them. I will draw my sword, my hand shall destroy them.
Oh Lord my God,
In your infinite mercy, in the greatness of your excellence, please overthrow those who rose against me and my family in Jesus name.
Lord, Please consume their evil enterprise with holy ghost fire in Jesus name.
My father my God, The desires of my enemy shall not come to fulfilment over my life and my family in Jesus name.
In your infinite mercy, empower me to pursue, overtake and divide the spoil of machineries of my enemy in Jesus name.
Lord, I receive grace to acquire and collect every good things that have been taken out from my life in Jesus precious name. Amen.
It is time we stop being passive about souls. We need to pray and let the Holy Ghost fire consume us again. Let it create a fire within us to make us active about spreading the good news. The good news is the gospel of Jesus Christ.
More then ever we must get on fire for God and push forward and not look back. God has brought us this far he carry us the rest of the way we just got to stay focus and not get distracted by the pleasures of sin!
When Your Born In The Fire You Cannot Live In The Smoke!
Getting a deeper walk with God getting closer to God as we can walking with him having a friendship with him is more important then anything else.
We got to be open to whatever will start the fire we got to go get new wood to start the fire and let God use whom he will to start the fire! And we back off and let him work and not put the fire out!
We cannot start a fire with yesterday's ashes we got to go get new wood!
The children are looking for a place where the Fire is at so let us be sensitive to God and get out of the way and let him Start the Fire so our Children won't turn to the streets!
We Got To Start A Fire In Our Churches Before Our Children Turn To The Streets. The Won't Keep Looking For The Fire Some As Already Gave Up And Are On The Streets! And I Heard People Say They Didn't Want To Live For God. But Truth Is We Are To Blame!
I believe what the Lord is trying to tell us is that we're stronger together and there's strength in unity. There's no need for the body of Christ to fight against each or no need to be divided. If we're truly part if the body of Christ then we should love one another and exalt each other daily. No room for jealousy the feet can't say because I'm not the head then I'm not important, I'm not needed we're all a part of God's body if we're walking and living according to God's holy word. Just 1 person alone can handle 1000 that's good but look what happens when 1 more join in the fight 2 can take on 10,000 now that's great. There's no doubt when we're all on one accord and focus on kingdom business there's just no limit to what God can perform through us. I believe when the children of God join in one force miracles can happen, souls will be delivered. Diabetes must bow, cancer has got to flee. The days of miracles are not over God is still working miracles. God never changes. The church of the living God must go back to its roots the old landmark. God really want to show his us that he is truly able but its up to us to activate the power that is within us and that power comes by being filled with the holyghost Acts 1:8. It's time to put some stuff flying and some people packing. If they don't want to go then let them go. I'm thirsty for an Azusa street revival that happen many years ago around Topeka Kansas. What a lot of church have now its not revival its just a couple nights of service no souls saved no one delivered no life change. Its time to let God arise. And his enemies be scattered. We got the keys and we got the powethe VIOLENT TAKE IT BY FORCE. GET READY, GET SET AND GO.
Singer you strive hard to be professional and perfect but where is your anointing?
You start your own band handpick who you think is the best and has the best voice, but where is the anointing?
You practice professionally to make sure it's just right and sounds so good even to the point that your show makes 1st place and you win the grand prize and you talk about God blessing you, but where is your anointing?
What Good Is Your Song If There Is No Anointing?
O It's So Good It's A Beautiful Sound But The Anointing gives it's power and moves people to the altar with tears falling down your face!
The singer who sings in tears and more powerful and its fruit is souls praying through to the Holy Ghost!
That's way better then any Grand Prize!
Preacher! You preach a beautiful sermon your words so educated every color is right and every word is perfectly placed and it's well said but where is your anointing?
You Hype every one up you know how to get people in all by your fancy words that makes you look intelligent but where is your anointing?
Your hard your strait and you quote scriptures but where is your anointing?
So many preachers preach and have no move God and the people that needed a touch feel stupid cause they made to feel uneducated and not smart because of how you speak!
It takes Anointing preaching that's built with a prayer Life same with a singer a walk with God the fruits of that is.
Souls at the altar repenting weeping in tears and preacher who preaches in tears his reward is far greater then any intelligence metal of speaking sermons can get in a organization!
(A Lesson In The Garden)
Jesus was in the garden with hand picked disciples who fell asleep on him leaving him alone with a sorrowful spirit and heavy heavy heart.
The tears gushed out his eye lids Bible records it was like great drops of blood pouring down his face as he wept with a burden asking God to let the cup pass from him but saying the words.
We don't understand why the heavy heart why the lonely feeling why the empty darkness but we do know that the spirit makes intercessions with groanings that can't be uttered and we Know God bottles up every tear!
Sitting here in the car I feel overwhelmed with this. I know God can move and will!
We don't always know the plan of God nor his will but we must Trust him and lean not on our own understanding!
We just got to step back hit our knees and weep cry for Rain in the Holy Ghost and weep for Gods will not our own not what we think or feel but just totally get out the way and just simply Let God...
Not My Will But Thy Will Be Done!
Jesus who knew no sin, willingly went to the cross. While sinful humanity is too proud to go to the altar.
The Agony Of Prayer The Weeping Travailing Of The people in the Church the Cry's And Wails Of Warriors that means Business with God!
Following the Example Of Jesus in The Garden!
Just give God More Tears So The Stony Heart Can Become Flesh!
So the seed sowed in tears grows with your Joy!
So the Dryness of your valley that's all dead comes back to life!
So you can see your prayers answered and your sacrifice of pride and humbling your heart and weeping before God broken and your spirit contrite which will move God to heal you and rescue you in your darkest depression!
Pray With Jesus In The Garden!
The Worst Place To Be In Church Is To Be In A Place Where You Have Spiritual Amnesia... Forgetting What God Said He Do For You Or Was Going To Do In The Church Rather Its A Blessing Or A Warning.
Don't Get In A Place Where God Can't Get Through To You Always Be Open To God And Don't Question Him Or For Get Because The "Right" Person Didn't Tell You.
what I'm Saying Is Be Aware Of Whats Going On And be Sensitive To God Open Your Mind.
God Is Way Mor Bigger The The Little Box We Try To Pit Him In.
Live in the Fire!