(When Your Born In The Fire You Cannot Live In The Smoke)

Chapter 7. (Shekinah Glory Of God)

Get real with God and Obey his Word.

Get closer to him and holding on to what he spoke and stood for and died for and rose again for.

It's all About That Close Walk With God.

Let's talk about how to get there what he commanded us through his Word.

I'm skeptical, Of almost everything.

I don't like it when news has unsourced references, or editorial phrases or words in it. Corrupted truth is a lie

I especially don't like it when conspiracy theories have editorial non-sourced references or phrases. Sensationalism and verbal manipulation doesn't establish truth...

If you are preaching substance, leave the fluff at home. Otherwise you are nothing more than fictional entertainment.

(Fellowship With The Brethren)

This book is simply about Fellowship.

The reason we were created.

How we should treat our brother.

And what we are to do with fallen brethren.

The Bible says

Hebrews 10:25 KJV

[25] Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is ; but exhorting one another : and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

1 John 1:7 KJV

[7] But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.

That's the main reason God created Adam and Eve it was because he hungered for Fellowship.

(How Do I Treat My Brother?)

Saying says

To always treat others as you want to be treated.

Another says

Always try to be nice but never fail to be kind.

Another says

It's not about the outward appearance but the inside of the heart and how you treat people.

Another says

The first thing that changes when you get the Holy Ghost it's how you treat others.

Another says

You don't have to see eye to eye to make it to heaven but you best stand Shoulder to shoulder or your not going.

Another says

It's not about building a church off of mans standard and calling it Bible doctrine it's about loving souls and pulling them out of the fire.

Another says

It's not how to out Pentecost or Apostolic the other it's about getting your hands dirty picking your fallen brother up and helping him be restored and bearing each other's burdens.

Another says

To fall on the altar broken and being in agony on someone else's behalf interceding for their behalf will bring them out of captivity.

Another says

Fellowship is the key and the way to Heaven that was the whole purpose why God made man and then put on flesh and died for man it was the fact of us all to get ahold of his commandment to Love one another.

Ok these were all said by great men of God that we're far more Greater then I ever be. A few things I have said in this post.

Lot of these things the Bible stands strong on it.

I sorry to sound arrogant in this but a lot of preachers and Saints could be lost because they will not live these things mentioned above.

But There's Mercy to Get It Right!

And the reason they could go to hell is not about the high heel or the wedding ring on the finger or the fact they are double Married or the fact that they do Christmas or the fact that they don't dress the same way you do it's how they treated their fellow brothers and sisters.

I'm sorry to sound harsh but I'm not sorry for telling the Truth!

They could be lost because they lied and did not show mercy when the Bible commanded them to show mercy!

They could go to hell because they disfellowship their brother not for believing a false doctrine like teaching Muslim or Buddhism or Mormon or Blaspheming the Holy Ghost, BUT SIMPLY BECAUSE THE DISAGREEMENT OVER WEDDING RINGS CHRISTMAS SLEEVES AND TV AND HIGH HEELS!

I sat in a church where every night it was about how apostolic Pentecostals were to dress half the night and the other half was about the ladies High heels.... someone please explain....

I Thank God for the church I'm at now who preaches what the Bible says and we practice it and live it!

Again I'm sorry if this is coming off harsh but I'm not sorry for the truth!

But they could be lost because they have ought against their brother and refuse to go reconcile with the like the Bible says!

But God is a Merciful God he gives many chances of two to reconcile that will reconcile.

Again I love my Church I Love the FELLOWSHIP we all have and the concern for each other's well being and TRULY WE ARE FAMILY!!!!

That's a Church when you whole congregation is like one big FAMILY that's what God LOVES!!!

All of you rather you go to church or don't you best fellowship and love one another and reconcile with each other and never offend if you can do so yes that's hard but if you do get it right and reconcile!!!

If we can't get alone down here how can we up there dear Elder Pastor Friend of mine as we talked on this he said between him and the one refusing to reconcile he said one of us is going to hell and Bro Gabriel I'm trying to have my hands clean cause I don't want to be post.

Here's Bible Proof!

Hebrews 12:14 KJV

[14] Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:

God means business on this you may not go to Heaven if you can't follow peace with each other or reconcile with your brother and sister!!! End Of Story!

Again what makes you think your going to Heaven when you can get along with your Brother and Sister in Church God said to love and keep the peace with all men that means outside the church! But it said MORE SO WITH YOUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN THE CHURCH!!!!

Again I'm sorry if this seems arrogant and harsh But God said if you can't Love One Another you can't be my disciple and if you hate your brother you walk In Darkness and you a child of darkness and you know not what your doing because your not in the light and that means it could cause you to be lost.

To make Heaven your Home you got to be transformed from a child of Darkness to a Child of Light!


Those of you who don't your instructions is the Book Of Acts 2:1-40

Be sure to read Matthew 1:21-23 Matthew 28:19 Mark 16:16-17 Luke 24:47 John 3:3-8 Acts 2:1-4,38-39 Acts 4:12 Acts 10 Acts 19 John 3:16 1 John 3:16-17

Now listen y'all that already knows these scriptures knows that God came to save the world. How can he when we show them how it feels to be shunned and turn away from and a joke!

Many walked out the church and their blood was on a preachers hands.

I'm so scared that when I face my God he's gonna look at me and say Gabriel you shut the door in this young man or ladies face and my door was wide open Gabriel you disfellowship this person over the outward appearance and never considered the inside never gave her or him a chance you wrote them off and your hands are covered in their blood!!!

That's how serious I'm taking this did I build Gods kingdom or did I build my own?

What am I? a Child Of Light? Or a Child of Darkness?

Ask yourself that tonight. Or as you done many times roll your eyes and pass it on by and forget it.

Forgiveness! Jesus as he was beaten and torn apart and hung on a cross, a innocent man God in flesh the only one perfect person who took all our sins on Himself yet he never sinned! Before his death said forgive they know not what they do. God for gave them that repented of their sins and remember didn't know more and gave them a clean slate he gave us all a clean slate all of us that repeated!

And we the human race with our judge mental selves keep a track record of everyone's wrongdoings and never forget it and never let them forget it and God told us commanded us to forgive them help them get back up there each other's burdens and make heaven or home then we crucifying each other fighting each other throwing stones at each other in killing the innocent!

When we face guard what will we hear him say well done so good and faithful servant or depart for me I don't know you you sorry worker of iniquity what will God say what will God see in our hands will he see holy hands or bloody hands are we really building the kingdom of God or are we building our own kingdom and fellowship in certain brothers when God said to follow peace to fellowship to keep the peace of all men in holiness for without no man shall see the Lord!

Again I'm sorry if this is harsh but I'm not sure if you're telling the truth we better wake up and we better mean business about winning souls to God and helping our brother up when he falls and quit kicking them wile they are down the Bible teaches because we took not his council nor took heed to his words therefore he laugh at our Calamity and mock when our fear comes!

Is God merciful? You better Believe it. But Sometimes Gods Mercy turns to Judgment and it will be Judgment for all of us. But how will he judge us?

That's the question here.

The Bible said I'll laugh at your calamity at Hallmark when your fear comes because you would not take heed my counsel he wouldn't listen to my words he wouldn't take it you did your own thing and close your doors in the face of the innocent and hurting in the wounded in the thirsty and hungry hear that rich man that let poor Lazarus die!

(Gods Love A Restored Hope)

Matthew 6:9-13,16 KJV

[9] After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. [10] Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. [11] Give us this day our daily bread. [12] And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. [13] And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. [16] Moreover when ye fast, be not, as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance: for they disfigure their faces, that they may appear unto men to fast. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.

Notes here Jesus told them to start their prayer by calling God who is in heaven there's another verse of scripture in

Matthew 7:11 KJV

[11] If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?

Again God was called Father. So many preachers pastors and Saints mis understand God and make God as the great big bad the punisher of sin.

Many were made to feel like it's too late they messed up so much there's no chance to be saved.

But let me point out something about Gods Love! God not only loved us so much he bleed and died for us but he wanted us. to call him Father!

So many times there was one who was so scared because a man told them God was mad at them, and I seen them run away from church and away from God believing they was forever damned to hell no chance to be saved because they thought God was so angry at them. Why? Because they were never told about how much God who wants to have Father relationship with us Loves them!

Look at it this way Someone told you that God was Angry with you you most likely be little bit scared worried even, but if someone told you hey your daddy is mad at you you be like. Ok let me go talk to him we can get this straight because you know your daddy loves you.

God in the Flesh said how to pray by saying this Our Father thou art in Heaven!

I seen so many people loose hope because they felt like there was simply no love in God for them they truly felt that they were born to die and go to hell there was no hope.

As a taxi driver I see this every day some bitter some paranoid some angry some scared to death drug attic's alcoholics homeless dirt poor and very wealthy rich but all had in common as some us Pentecostal Apostolics they feel no hope no love no chance of making it to heaven, some made themselves believe that there is not a loving God nor a hell just life and that's it because how can a God who supposed to love us throw us to the wolves over a mistake.

And all that comes with not providing that there's a God who truly Loves us and is for us and wants to help us and be a Father to us!

My brother who a wile back was in a terrible place and the devil reeked havoc in his life and several situations was very dire and my mother would be crying in the middle of the night all night long. But today because of a LOVING GOD and a praying Mother and family church family my brother a different man sits on the pew at our church!


God was all about Love and he commanded us to show that same Love he showed us to one another! Preachers preached so many standards and against so many different holidays ect that most likely will not send you to hell but they preach it like it will. But what's not preached is what God himself said and commanded to do! This is the biggest standard that should ever be preached and this is the real HEAVEN OR HELL ISSUE and they is this LOVE YOUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS TREAT THEM RIGHT AND DO GOOD TO THEM HELP THEM GET BACK UP AND BE A FRIEND!!!!

If you can't do that your going straight to hell you are damned with no hope of being saved! Unless you Obey God! And reconcile with your Brother!

If we can't do this the outside sinners will not see a Loving God therefore they will not see any Hope!

1 John 2:10-11 KJV

[10] He that loveth his brother abideth in the light, and there is none occasion of stumbling in him. [11] But he that hateth his brother is in darkness, and walketh in darkness, and knoweth not whither he goeth, because that darkness hath blinded his eyes.

If your in Darkness then you will be cast into outer darkness with weeping Gnashing of teeth! That place is called Hell!

This is how serious God is about how he Loves all in the World and how we should do the same!

Yes standards and how we dress talk walk is important but if we can't love our Brother and treat each other right and stand Shoulder to Shoulder! Then like Jesus told the pharisees we are nothing but a children of Satan a child of darkness hypocrites.

Some preachers preach this that everyone's names are in the book of life that's why God can blot out the names!

If that's the case listen we are to pray over situations and people but God gave us hands and feet along with the Holy Ghost and sometimes we got to walk in the lions den or snake pit to get that sinner or lost sheep/backslider that's wounded broken and in pieces then we best go get them and bring them to God!

And if the homosexuals name is in the book of life then we better do our ever loving best to make absolutely sure their name stays in the book! If the lier thief murderer cheater drug attic alcoholic Child molester rapist etc. name is in the book of life then we got to do our part of making sure their name stays in the Book Of Life!!!! Stop throwing them into hell with no mercy or any such like less God decides to not show us mercy!

We got to show Gods Love and preach it and Show others Gods Mercy and that there is hope for them!

This is the most important thing we all got to get ahold of!

A Letter To A Pastor From His Friend.

It's a blessing to have brethren that's interested in you And the work your trying to accomplish. Thank You for kind text today Brother, it was appreciated. I'm strengthened today because of you. Text/call somebody in your field of labor tomorrow and let them know you love them and the we're blessed to serve in the kingdom with them.

We're your not too busy for that.

How do we take the Bible?

Just like it says it!

Nothing less the what it says and nothing more then What is in that Bible!

We got to uphold what God has written and not add to it nor play around with Gods Words!

(Shekinah White Fire Blue Smoke)

"The Glory Of God"

On the date of April 19 2021

This Morning in Prayer At

Souls Harbor Apostolic Temple Church In Lufkin Texas

I grabbed two tambourines and began to play them in my hands and I cried and wept I felt the Angels around me and memories flooded my mind of the Shekinah Glory of God hit a church that used to attend years ago.

I was a little child when I saw this back in 1998 something woke me up from off the pew everyone was crying and weeping in a traveling prayer. I was so scared I didn't know what it was that got ahold of me and woke me up from my nap but when I looked around I saw a blue silver smoke all in the room it was sorta like a thick mist a seen white fire dancing in the pastor and assistant pastors heads as well as everyone that was praying and crying and traveling in unity and one accord. And I also seen white figures around the folks praying I didn't know it at the time but I fully believe those were Angels.

I remember that happening over and over in 1998 and 1999 and the early 2000s but it stopped when a split happened in the church. I saw it one more time on January 29th 2006 when I got the Holy Ghost Bro Chad Moore Preach Clicks Clans and Clashes he talked about the clicks and clans forming in the church and how they began to clash and somewhere in between the clashing the innocent got hurt and wounded and the sincere saint got wounded and hurt and some destroyed.

That night the Saints of God got together from the Oldest to the youngest child the all began to pray and once again that blue fog smoke mist came down and the white fire danced on their heads and this time something happened I felt the tears I felt the fear of God come over me and I knew tonight was it and I got the Holy Ghost that night fifteen years ago.

At Souls Harbor Church I felt two hands on my shoulders when I was playing with those tambourines and remembering that experience of my childhood and when I got the Holy Ghost and these words came to me bf I cannot shake it.

This is something I want to see again but it will only Happen when we all get in unity and One accord one mind with God and a move of God and stop rushing everything!

This is a Ministry that I do whatever I have to to make it happen again!

The devil will try his best to distract you and discourage you from getting closer to God.

(Old Ashes Dont Make A New Fire)

Are the Angels in your face? Are they excited about what you are doing? Are the curious of what your feeling or are they hanging their heads in shame because your playing church and God, and you refuse to move when God is dealing?

Has the fire in your soul gone out of you? Why are you so cold? You wonder why everywhere you go or look your surrounded by darkness and there is no light it's because you got comfortable in Zion you got use to the dark and now everything is going wrong and you can't see no Light.

Your trying to live off the fire of ten years five years three years and all you get is smoke.

When your born in the fire you can't live in the smoke of the past you got to let the Spirit break out a refreshing fire of God ignite in your souls in your hearts minds nothing else matters you got to pull away from all the noise and get close to God.

You got to get where God can show himself to you the Shekinah White Fire and Blue Smoke there you see the Angels in the mist wanting to be apart and feel what we all feel!

It takes dedication and submission to God resisting the devil and drawing nigh to God getting into that secret place in God.

Where are you at with God? Are you living in the fire or the smoke of old ashes?

You can't make a fire out of old cold ashes you got to go get new wood and kindle to make a new fire.

Get into the Fire don't choke on the smoke of your past! Make a new Fire.

Don't Let The Fire Of Your Altar Go Out!

Power Doesn't Come With A High Position It's Just Perks. Power Comes With Prayer To God And Sacrifice Of Fasting.

Bro Gabriel Reynolds.

If You Want Power More Then Pie You Fast.

Bro Johnny Carroll.

Was sitting out by a camp fire in Lufkin Texas talking with dear friends Bro Jeff Smith and Bro Chris Morehead two great powerful Pastors Of God.

The story was told of a old man of God who desperately wanted to see an Angel he wanted to see just one of Gods Angels he wept and cried over it and he prayed and fasted about it.

As time began to pass he got a little down he for sure wanted to see and Angel and haven't saw one yet. One day he went into his church way early before service and he prayed to God and talked to Him about seeing an Angel. He was serious and very determined he was not looking back or around until God Said look up or turn around or he heard the voice of a Angel.

You see the story went on how he kept on praying hour after hour weeping crying and boldly talking to God and finally the door outside door open and a man came in and started praying it was getting close to church time.

The pastors heart sunk a little but he kept praying and seeking God to show him a Angel. As the door open and the people came in to pray the call of the Service got closer and still he hasn't seen an Angel.

He began to get himself up discouraged because he didn't see no Angel no vision nothing he said God I thought you was going to show me an Angel.

As he turn to see the church family he was shocked and amazed! Because on each person that was there there was a Angel standing there with them.

There was an Angel on each soul that was there and they began to have church the singers on the platform there were Angels with them as they were singing and when the people began to worship the Angel that was with them got in there face looking like it was trying to see why or maybe feel what they were excited about or why they were weeping like they were wondering what they were feeling.

He also saw those who just stood there and watched and didn't move the Angel that was with them had their heads hung down like they were sad and ashamed.

A Faithful Preach pleaded with God to See Just one Angel and saw many but those Angels that were sad and hung their heads because of the ones they where in charge to watch over wouldn't move wouldn't get involved in the dealings of God!

This is one of many Story's I'm not gonna mention this preachers name but he is very close to me I love this Elder. I'm only gonna say a little of this mans testimony he told me he seen two Angels and their feel were on the floor and there heads touched the ceiling of that place and there was blue silver smoke mist is the building and the people were in prayer and great Travail.

I'm talking about the Shekinah Glory of God. Falling down in the church. Where the miracles signs wonders happened the disgorged hand foot arm or leg shorter then the other grew to the normal and the paralyzed people got up and walked the blind saw the dead raised the wounded healed the separation reunited! The death began to hear and the number mute spoke! And the Angels revealed themselves to the people.

What will it take to get back to this?

Today Sunday May 16/2021 One of our dear brothers who plays the Base at our church stood up behind pulpit and gave his testimony and he began to speak things and as God filled his mouth with anointed encouraging a Words as God moved upon him. You could hear it as his voice went to the next level of boldness as God began to speak through him.

He made a statement that God spoke directly to him. He said.

You Cannot Live For God With A Shut Mouth.

That is so true so true Like this man we received the Holy Ghost and God put a fire in us and we can keep it burning and make it bigger and we can shout it to the roof tops or we can let it burn out and freeze the wood and shut up if you please. But know this one thing.


Matthew 12:34 KJV

[34] O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.

Wicked and perverse the heart of man is without God evil and vile and corruption comes off the untamed tongue.

Thats why we got to pray and have a relationship with God more so a Pastor Preacher Evangelist Ect we got to get into that secret place in God.

You hear many preachers say many times I feel on my heart to say or to do this or that and some take heed some use what I said earlier the heart of man is wicked and corrupt but Understand that God speaks to the heart of man and when you are in that secret place in God.

Their are depths in the spiritual realm of God. Today on May 17th 2021 I'm only 27 years of age had the Holy Ghost 15 years preached for 11 years I only began to get into a small piece in that realm I know their are greater men then I who can talk about these things and much more those that are Alive today you have Elder John R Crist. Elder Cecil Grantham. Elder Bill Buie. Elder Johnny Carroll. Elder Tolbird. Elder Ronnie Parker. Elder McConnaughey. Elder David Story. Elder Hurby Hitt. And Bro Efran Palacios Bro Chad Hatton. Bro Chris Morehead. Bro Jeff Smith. And Bro Ben Petrella. These are few of the many mighty Men of God that has Walk the fine line fasted prayed seen the Shekinah Glory of God the some even saw The Blue silver smoke mist in the church as the people were down on their face talking in other tongues. They can tell you greater story's of their experiences in The Spiritual Realm.

Then you have those that gone on to be with God you have Elder Verbal Bean. Elder Charlie Wiklif. Elder John Parks Sr. Elder Bruce Campbell. Elder Bailey. And his wife Sister Bailey. Elder Denis Johnson. Elder Jackie Carroll, Elder Earnest Oliver. And his mother Sister Maggie King. Elder Rudy Thrasher. Elder Armando Deloa. Elder Chandler. Elder Sammy Noble. Elder Noris Poole Elder Troy Hancock. Elder R.A. Hancock. They were the most powerful men of God of Old time the foundation of Pentecostal Apostolic Revival. They broke the ice they dug the ditch with the shovel and made a impact on the world! They could tell you the Story of their Experience in the Spiritual Realm.

But this is my experience and it's just a small peek of a long journey that I'm on I'm not as great as these others but let me tell you about what I seen and felt in God.

I told you how I seen the blue smoke mist and white fire dancing on the heads of the Pastors and Saints and preachers and I was scared and didn't know what was happening to me.

As I grew older and able to understand and as I received the Holy Ghost and began to preach I wind up watching on YouTube Sister Vesta Mangun preaching about Soul winning and Prayer and the Warriors that knows how to weep. And how to wear your heart on your sleeve and not your feelings.

She impacted my Ministry all though I never met her but deeply wish to meet her.

I began to seek a deeper walk with God many times I prophesied it happened and I began to feel something different in my life I'm my book When Brokenness Has A Voice I spoke about my hurt and pain. That hurt and pain help me become what I am. I was able to be a help and a anchor for some others that listen to me. Only by my experience of many of the pains I took and they we're going through.

Recently it's like I stepped into another level of the dealings of God. I felt God pull something that was buried deep inside me that was cold and bitter and angry that I smothered down with hate. God pull that out of me and I felt so much better I felt his warm comfortable hands grab my heart and I felt peace like I don't understand nor can explain I just know it's all alright.

I began to see things like before and hear things and yes I know some got up and said God said and God said nothing of the sort they just used that to be arrogant and make what they said carry more weight when it was a bunch of baloney.

But when you fasted prayed and got into that secret place in God and you are walk with God you have that Bond like Enoch and Jesus did God will talk to you and you will feel that pull on your heart.

I don't know if everyone feels it like this but I can't stop the tears when I feel Led by God to go speak in someone's life or tell them God said. Sometimes it's just a boldness and a confidence that God spoke but here lately it felt like my heart was on fire and being pulled to that Brother or Sister with words that came that felt like fire in my belly burning inside me I don't know how to explain it but it's like if I didn't obey the urgency of God he would never speak to me again nor use me and I would die and be lost without God it's like I can't afford not to be Obedient to God.

Like recently it hit me so hard to Tell a brother a certain thing and I questioned it I do that a lot I battle is it God or is it just me is it God or is this my zeal that's very excited and wants to say something then it's like those warm hands gets hot and burns my chest and I feel a pull and tug to go to that brother and there was no relief from it until I told that Brother What God said. It had to be God and I hope to hear a testimony from that brother very soon but meanwhile I must trust God and hold to his choices he knows best.

The Spirit of the prophet is subject to the prophet but when the burn and the tug pulls don invoke God against you by not being obedient.

When you truly have a walk with God you fast and pray and your in that secret place in God listen and let God pull that heart to where he want it to go a the words that Pierce through your soul let it flow! But do it with Compassion Love and gentleness not with a arrogance that does nothing but harm to the soul and run them away. But you got to be obedient to God sensitive to his voice and his dealings in your life when he tells you to speak into someone's life you most certainly got to open your mouth and let God speak through you.

Again you cannot live for God with a Shut Mouth.

Have you ever looked in the mirror and asked yourself Am I A Christian.

I spoke to you about having a relationship with God. This is a short version of a message that I got in prayer.

First I want to bring your attention to this scripture.

Romans 10:8-11 KJV

[8] But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach; [9] That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. [10] For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. [11] For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.

Acts 2:21 KJV

[21] And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

So many believe call on the name of the Lord and Believe and confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and your saved and they stop at that. They throw out baptism and the commandments of Jesus Christ forgetting what he said to be baptized in the name of the Father Son Holy Ghost. Now Father Son Holy Ghost are titles not names and the Bible says that the Son was Jesus who came to save the world from sin. And he said when he started preaching I come in my Fathers name which makes the Fathers name Jesus and then you find Jesus later saying I must go unto my father so he can send you the comforter which is the Holy Ghost in my name which means the Holy Ghost name is Jesus. That's also told Mather 1:18-23 the Holy Ghost was conceived into Mary and Mary gave birth to the Holy Ghost and named the Holy Ghost Jesus And saved the people from sin and he was called Emmanuel meaning Gods with us in the flesh.

God wanted a close relationship with us so he put on flesh according to 1 Timothy 3:16 walked on this earth saying I and my father are one before Abraham was I AM the Jews tried to stone him for making himself God not knowing that he was God in a fleshy body so we could look upon him and live. Jesus said I and my Father are one and Phillip you see me your seeing the Father I'm one and the same. If you do not believe that I am the Father and He Is Me you die in your sins.

Jesus wanted us to know him to have that close relationship with him all men and women he called us his bride and that he loved us that much and he wanted us to take on his name thus saying be baptized in the single name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost.

That's why Peter the Head Disciple of Jesus Christ stood up when they were pricked in their hearts saying what shall we do in Acts 2:38 you find Peter saying Repent And be Baptized In The Name Jesus Christ And Received the gift of The Holy Ghost.

Peter said the name Jesus Christ not the titles. My point of bringing this up is so many Call themselves Christians and don't truly know God like they think they do. They separated the name Jesus the one true God into three different gods that's a lie and abomination to God.

Now let me say it like this. You say your a Christian Right and you refuse to be baptized in his name Jesus because Jesus said Father Son Holy Ghost Paul preached he said These three are one!

When a woman gets married she took on her husband's name. For example John Smith And Sarah Jones got married Sarah Jones has became Sarah Smith and will be known till she dies as Miss Smith. I'm order for us to truly be Christians we got to take on the name Jesus Christ in water baptism.

Romans 6:4 KJV

[4] Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.

If we deny Jesus name Baptism we denied being a Christian it's important and is a heaven hell issue Bible says John 3:3-5 we must be born again or we cannot see the kingdom of God we got to be born of water and of the Spirit or we CANNOT ENTER INTO THE KINGDOM OF GOD!!! You got to go down in the name Jesus or your none of his you didn't take on his name which is the Jesus Christ so you are not a Christian. Likewise you got to be baptized with the fire the Holy Ghost speaking in a heavenly Language that you don't understand just that God gives the utterance.

To truly become a believer you got to be filled with the Holy Ghost speaking in other tongues that you can't understand get and baptized in JESUS CHRISTS!!!

That's the relationship with God and he wants to live inside us to lead us Guid us and use us.

When we get sensitive to Gods Dealing listen to what he is telling you and leading you that's the heart of a real Christian.

So we all must strive closer to God be completely obedient to his Word that's written by Holy Men Of God That had a RELATIONSHIP with God that wrote these Holy Words as the were moved on by the Holy Ghost!

It's very important that we get that close relationship with God and get into that secret place in God!

We got to be sensitive to His touch and his dealings and his will get out of our own self will and pride and we must offer up selfless service unto him.

It's all about him nothing else matters just him pulling away from all the noise and following him getting that special relationship with him.

Jesus is all we need!

The Toughest Battle You Ever Face Is Standing For A Purpose And A Reason And A Cause By Yourself And Only Thing That Keeps You Intact Is The Hand On Your Shoulder And The Promise That He Is Not Going Anywhere. But It Sure Hurts In The Process.

That's why you got to get closer to him and know your relationship with God and trust in your walk with him! In living for God you will be tried in the fire.

We are talking about being hooked up in God and being sensitive to him.

I want to tell you a short story in the closing of this chapter.

(When The Children Starts Praying)

Matthew 21:16 KJV

[16] And said unto him, Hearest thou what these say? And Jesus saith unto them, Yea; have ye never read, Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise?

A man named Bro Johnny Carroll came and preached Revival. That man prayed 8 or more hours a day alone in the church walking the halls and praying. He fasted many many days God used him in a mighty way God gave him dreams and visions.

But let me tell you about the children. First this man came to pray with the children in school at the Christian school that I attended as a child we all heard him pray then all of a sudden you could feel the change in the atmosphere as if you could feel God walking back and forth and a little girl walked up to him and told him in prayer she said to him.

Sir I Want The Holy Ghost. He later his hand on her head and held her little arm up and she started speaking in other tongues. Then wile that was happening you could hear the ladies start crying and weeping and praying from the Sr to the youngest child.

Hey y'all writing this I cannot stop the tears from flowing there was a move of God working that day it was a prayer Revival.

Finally I heard a young man cry out and started weeping then all around me I could hear to sobbing cry's of the young men women and children and even the adults Bro Carroll started praying for the children as the rest of the school teachers that were there several got the Holy Ghost. I remember feeling the love and the peace of God all around me and Gods loving embrace it was like wile he was doing all this he stopped and hugged me and then kept moving.

The flame of one preachers prayer life changed the souls of a lot of kids life it started a fire in each of them that they never forget.

Now understand during that time there was hell going on and it got worse and the only things that saved all of us when we were kids was that prayer Revival.

But when the children started praying. Hey all that poison all that hurt and pain of drama and hell that was happening that prayer meeting that happened day after day for a week what was only supposed to be 30 minutes turned to 2 and 3 hours praying crying and weeping sobbing children desperately seeking for a move of God and a touch feeling his presence all in the room.

It was such a great revival and God healed and helped and encourage us to keep feeling us up with Holy Ghost and renewing us with his spirit.

When The Children Starts praying The Strong Holds Of Hell Fell Down!

I can still hear their cry's echoing in my ears and the bold strong presence of God all in there.

Fulfillment of the scripture.

Matthew 21:12-16 KJV

[12] And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves, [13] And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves. [14] And the blind and the lame came to him in the temple; and he healed them. [15] And when the chief priests and scribes saw the wonderful things that he did, and the children crying in the temple, and saying, Hosanna to the Son of David; they were sore displeased, [16] And said unto him, Hearest thou what these say? And Jesus saith unto them, Yea; have ye never read, Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise?