(When Your Born In The Fire You Cannot Live In The Smoke)

Chapter 8 (A Light At The End Of The Tunnel)

"Let there Be Light"

You have to seek for him, not for people. It's a dead end road trying to find anyone's approval. We have to go to heaven regardless if others choose to go with us or not... turn your eyes upon Jesus, look all in His wonderful face, and the things of earth shall grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.



The Bible Says To Treat Evil With Good! The Bible Said To Feed Your Enemy When He's Hungry Give Them A Drink When He's Thirsty!

Can You Do That? Can You Lift Up The One Who's Tearing You Down? Can You Talk Good About The One Who's Talking Bad About You? Can You Do Good To Evil?

Proverbs 25:21-22 KJV

[21] If thine enemy be hungry, give him bread to eat; and if he be thirsty, give him water to drink: [22] For thou shalt heap coals of fire upon his head, and the Lord shall reward thee.

Romans 12:18-21 KJV

[18] If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men. [19] Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. [20] Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head. [21] Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.

We got to shine a light in this darkness not make it more darker.

Some people say to God show me a sign show me a sign make away make away. And then God makes away moves a mountain gives a car truck suv ect to you splits the Red Sea you walk on dry land or even allow you to walk on water. And you again question the Will of God? And you say God give me a sign.

His ways are thoughts are not our own and it most certainly higher then ours.

Stand Still And Know He Is Lord!

What does God have to do or say to you or who does he have to send to tell you for you to know Gods will?

God been shining through your darkness stood right in front of you looked you in the eye told you and you wouldn't see it.

If You Call Yourself A Preacher Then You Need To Be More Concerned About Altar Jammed With Souls Then Your Statics Quo! You Should Be More Interested In Pulling Souls Out Of Hell Then You Little Book Of Rules And Orders!

Nothing Else Matters But This Here Running Through The Smoke Of Hell!!! And Pull Them Out The Fire!!! Making Sure They Know How To Be Saved And Make It To Heaven!!!


You Got To Have Compassion And Love For Souls Showing Them You Care And You Are There!!!

A Dried Eyed Church In A Hell Bound World Will Never See Revival But Its Own Destruction!

Don't Let A Soul Get By You And Plunge Head Long Into Hell That You Can Keep From Going There!

Don't Waste The Blood Of Christ! Don't Abandon A Soul To Hell Let That Holy Ghost Fire Out Of You And Allow Others To Feel It!

Years ago I was told my Ministry was on hold and not appreciated cause I was a kid times changed and no one didn't want no kid telling them anything about God and also I was told I was too dumb and stupid as others talked about track records and my past.

I was told later when I got older that my that if I am to be a preacher I have to get a vehicle cause times changed and I have to ha a way to get around to preach. And people know my past.

Today I'm told basically I have a track record a past and I have mental issue I'm slow dumb crazy how can I preach or pastor ect did I lie when I said God called me to preach? Some said I seen no proof of the hand of God on his life or how he's a preacher.

This used to bother me bad but that's what the devil intended to he wanted me to shut up and just sit down and do nothing.

That's the most dangerous but like a great Man of God Said you cannot live for God with a shut mouth God called me and no matter what people say or do I got to obey God.

Peter had a past James Matthew Mark Luke all the 12 disciples had a past even John who was the only disciple that did not leave Jesus sad even to his death.

And o yes their past slapped them in the face.

No no I'm not trying to make anyone think I'm having a potty party I'm not I'm making a point.

Live for God hear God listen to God and let the fault finders Past track record holders holder records of your past rage about how you can't do what God called you to do how dare God even calling you and just do what God called you to do and don't forget to listen to your pastor take his counsel but when men tell you you can't do something that God told you to do you remember it's better to obey God then man!

My Bishop Bro Hitt Told That To Someone when that someone told him he couldn't obey God.

The devil brings up Past failures. God heals Your Past shapes Your Future And Says Follow Me!

There's a light at the end of this tunnel but sometimes your that light in the darkness and you got to let that light/Holy Ghost out and shine out that Light.

Understand something when everything just don't work and what your doing just don't seem the normal or it's like your kicking against the pricks If you don't fit in... then you're probably doing the right thing.

Mean wile be that light that shines in darkness.

I'm so tired of "clicks" I'm tired of groups that don't want to let anyone else in! I'm sick and tired of popularity! I'm tired of people thinking they are better then others!

I'm tired of seeing new souls coming into church doors and all they see is a bunch of "clicks". They walk in and then they leave without talking to or meeting a new person.

These new souls are hopeless, and if we aren't carful we can drive a hungry person further away from the peace and hope of God!

We have got to be more intentional about visitors!

Here are some ideas

-take them to lunch after service and Comp their meal

-invite them to coffee

-offer a weekly Bible study (if your to busy, first your priorities are backwards, and second find someone else to teach the Bible study)

These are lives we are dealing with here! You have an opportunity to change someone's eternity! Take it an run with it!

Sometimes you will always come last when all you want is to come first. You just have to learn to be ok with it. Put God first, care for yourself know your worth, and know that God put you first before you were ever created! Jesus You have been so good to me that I can't complain. Sometimes we tend to fight for a spot that isn't our to behold! Only the Lord is first, all others are after Him! That position belongs to him and him alone, and sometimes we over look that and strive to be number one in everything, which leaves us constantly feeling inadequate and not enough. When in fact He created us equipped us and formed us! Being first with God will get you through anything.

Prayer is a privilege, God Almighty awaits the moment that you speak to him in prayer, and remember when you are done to be still, and listen.... KEEP THE LINE OF COMMUNICATION OPEN. GOD WANTS TO SPEAK TO YOU

The God Who Created The Whole World Is That Same Jesus! We Could Not Bear The Sight Of The Almighty God! No One Can Look On His True Form And Live So He Made Himself A Body To Dwell In And Called That Shell His Son And Allowed That Shell To Have His Spirit For A Soul! He Walked This Earth And Died For Us Rose Again! We Couldn't Look Upon His True Self So He Put On Glesh So we Could Look Upon His Face And Live.

God Put On Flesh And Walked This Earth!

Genesis 1:1-5 KJV

[1] In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. [2] And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. [3] And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. [4] And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. [5] And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

John 1:1-5,9-14 KJV

[1] In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. [2] The same was in the beginning with God. [3] All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. [4] In him was life; and the life was the light of men. [5] And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. [9] That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. [10] He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. [11] He came unto his own, and his own received him not. [12] But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: [13] Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. [14] And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

A Preacher Made The Statement That If God Cannot Break You He Cannot Use You.

So let God break you let him mold and shape you to be that vessel he can use!

What God Can Do With One Broken Piece.

So many hear but so many don't Listen and then they get mad and complain because it went wrong but the truth is they didn't listen and do what was told. Think about it. Why did the Scriptures say be ye doers of the Word not just hearers only?

Heat and Do And Let there be Light in your Darkness!

Fake people act things not do things fake weeping dried eyes no tears altar just as dry when fake knelt down their. Fake says they have a burden but their hands are clean and baby smooth and there's no scars on those hands no dirt and their clothes are as fine rich kings and queens.

Before you say someone's fake make sure they are not neck deep in mud holding that baby lamb up trying to keep it alive make sure that the altar is not smoked with the tears that's falling down their face! Make sure their not holding you up out the water trying to keep you from drowning and and the whole time your stabbing you in the back

Instead of saying he's fake how about get in the mud and help him pull that lamb out!

Help hold the torch help shine the light and don't snuff out the spark one has but help them make a fire!

Let There Be Light!

At A Time Such As This What Are We Doing?

At A Time Such As This What Are We Doing For God?

God Said In His Word I Will Do A Short Work!

At A Time Such As This What Are Doing With Are Hands?

Are They Dirty Pulling The Sheep Of The Slaughter Out Of The Mire Or Are The Bloody Of A Soul Wounded By The Slithering Gossip Of The Bloody Mouth Of A Talebearer?

What Are We Doing At A Time Such As This?

Are We Building Our Brother Up Or Are We Tearing Them Down?

Gods Will Is get Your Hands Dirty And Win Souls No Matter The Cost!

Self Will Is Do What You Want To Do And Care Less Who It Hurts Or Effect!

Mans Will Yoh Sit Down And Shut Up And Be The Walking Matt And Step Stool For The Rich!

I Choose Gods Will And I Will Be Loyal To My Pastor And Available For Whatever Is Needed Of Me Because I'm Not The Master I'm A Servant!

The world is full of darkness this is the most darkest hour we ever been in now is most certainly not the time to be getting used to the dark. But for such a time as this we must shine a beacon and shine through the darkness leading the wounded souls to the healing virtue of God!

I'm the Words of a Great Man of God Bro John R Crist spoke.

Somebody needs me to talk to them.

You are out there in this ethereal social world we call Face Book.

I am reaching for you.

To that one/ones that are intimate with the "terrors of the night," you are acquainted with a knowledge and reality that many do not anc hopefully will not ever understand.

The night hours are the toughest!

Normally you can talk to anyone; but in the darkness of the night, where once the deepest intimacies could be shared; the most vulnerable secrets poured out in absolute trust; is simply not there.

Hadn't been there in a long while.

Not coming back.

So dark!

Black as midnight!

Oppressive and seemingly hopeless!

But; the Psalmist David said, in chapter 27 and verse 1:

"The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?"

He is your light in the darkness! Where His light is, darkness cannot exist.

Embrace the Light of your Hope!

Posting this cause it's the truth.

Light or darkness.

A false witness against someone that your mad at because of your own wrong trying to point out a fault of one concerned or simply to hide your sin.

What kind of picture are you painting of yourself.

Are you tearing down or building up?

(This Is Not Everyone)

The devil isn't always the only one who paints the beautiful pictures.

Sometimes, we humans do it in order to LOOK like we are at peace and living a beautiful, perfect life, living for God; when in reality there's dark skeletons in our closets that no ones knows about, and we want to keep it hidden and tell ourselves it's all good and no one knows, and we continue to pretend living for God.

We continue to hurt others who are struggling and act like we are perfect because we don't want anyone knowing what the truth is.

Sodom and Gomorrah painted themselves up to look real beautiful to people like Lot. So full of water and greenery and lushness, yet God said they were so full of sin and evil in His eyes.

So my thought today is, what kind of picture are you painting of yourself? Are you being honest and real about who and what you are?

Or are you painting a pretty picture to cover up the real you inside?

If you sow in the flesh you reap corruption if you so in the Spirit you reap Life everlasting. That which is flesh is flesh that which is Spirit is Spirit. So what are you sowing in?

We got to be honest before we pick out someone's splinter out of there eye we must get the log out our own!

Follow Peace With All Men In Holiness For WITHOUT NO MAN WILL SEE THE LORD!

He without sin cast the first stone!

Depart from filthy communication!

And live a Real Holy Godly Compassionate Life!

How does your picture look?

Be open and honest even if others hurt you stay open and sensitive to God and stay Honest for your own soul salvation and the world can see your real!


Under the helmet.

The welder plies his trade and facilitates his training; to bring two metals together as one.

He uses a huge but precise amount of amperage, a welding rod perfectly suited and manufactured for that exact job of attaching two pieces of metal that need to become one, in an integral part of the whole plan.

It does not matter how bright the lights outside, the sunniness nor the cloudiness of the day.

Under the fabricators welding helmet it is dark. The darkened glass shield is not JUST for the protection of the naked eye, but it is to be able to see, not only the two components that need to be facilitated into his purpose, but to be able to judge the heat necessary to do so, made obvious in part by the bright, almost undefinable, white color of the super high temperature of the weld.

You see; a weld is not just an adhering of two components. It is so much more than a superficial bonding achieved by any powerful gluing agent on the market of availability.

Rather, two metals don't just adjoin; they cease to be two separate entities, and through the process of intense heat, light almost as bright as the sun, and made able to be seen by the Master Fabricator, through the use of a helmet that brings a total darkness, only lit and illuminated by the creator of the thing in process.

It is not a glued together proposition. The two components become one in the process of welding; or more succinctly put, "MELDING."

You may be saying today, "Lord it sure is dark in here; and I am scared and uncertain as to the outcome of what I am going through!"

But know this first of all: It is in the darkness, lit and illuminated "only" by His divine skill and purpose, that we become the thing He has purposed IN US for His Kingdom!

Secondly understand that you, though uncomfortable, confused and fearful; are in His Hands! You are safely in Good Hands! Gods Hands!

And thirdly, I have heard it said, and personally know it to be true; "He does His best work in the dark!"

Of course this is why He spoke into the swirling vortex of the eternal nothing before time and said, "Let there be Light, and there was Light!"

And besides... Have you ever seen an old time blacksmiths shop that was well lighted? No! 'Cause the "light" he creates from the heat, lights the purpose of the task he is creating out of that darkness!

The precise and intense heat; producing the light in the oppressive darkness of nothing; produced the Divine Purpose and Creation!

From Bethlehem's Bright Star, to the Cross where the sun hid its face and darkness seemed to reign upon the land, to the earth quaking and the dead walking in the streets; and then...! And then.....



A Divine Bride created out of that darkness!

"We are (RIGHT NOW), more than conquerors through He that loved us and gave Himself for us!"

Isaiah 54:16-17

Behold, I have created the smith

that bloweth the coals in the fire,

and that bringeth forth an instrument for his work; and I have created the waster to destroy.

No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.

By Bro John R Crist.

The Light Shines In Darkness And The Darkness comprehended It Not! Let There Be Light! You Can Be The Light That Shines In Darkness!

By The Power That Was Gave To You! Let's your Light Shine!

You don't shout darkness to the darkness to make it go away. You simply speak light and the darkness disappears.

(Where Is Your War Cry)

The devil walks with arrogance boasting with confidence that he has shut you up and he has silenced your voice he is attacking you with your children your friends family, he feels that he has you in complete darkness and he snuffed out all your Hope.

Did he?

Where is your war cry soldier?

Yes you are beaten yes your wounded and your hurting over the friends you have lost in battle, your down on one knee and the blood dripping from your fresh wounds and your covered in scars of past battles and your weary and angry and hurt of the betrayal that was dealt you, and the friends that has failed before you that you tried to help get back up and refused your help because they were weary in well doing and the stayed down and you had to move on and you lost them.

Now here you are on one knee and the puddle of blood on the ground from where you are sitting that came from the freshly cut wounds of your soul.

Where's your war cry soldier?

Rise up Wounded soldier and shout your war cry your in a battle now is not the time to faint your life is on the line!

It's time to think of the cost of giving up and staying down it's time to think on the reason of why you are fighting! The battle is not over there's a war going on and you are needed for battle so Rise up wounded soldier! The deep calleth to the deep!

Where's your war cry? It's time to put the enemy to the run it's no time to faint to give in but to let your light shine in this darkness that's surrounding you! Shine your light so others may see it and not Parrish in the darkness!!!

When You Live By Whats In It For Me You Always Wind Up With Nothing!

We cannot live by selfish gain but to live by selfless service. Bible says what does it prophet a man if he gain the world and loose his own soul or what would a man give in exchange for his soul?

To gain the whole world and all it riches and never know the Lord… you lost it all nothing is better then knowing the Lord and hearing his voice and heeding to his calling!

(Called Out For A Purpose)

God called Jonah to go preached to Nineveh he ran from it and on the ship as the held on to the ships wheel and the wave of the storm beat across the ship one said the gods are angry with us and we will all parish from it the through ships tackle and food ect out the ship and the storm still beat the ship all looked hopeless but down below Jonah sat there knowing that the Lord was angry with him for not heeding to the call.

He sat and thought it's my fault all these people are in danger because I disobeyed God.

He arose from where he was at and went and told them I have Sind against My God that's why the storm is here because of the wrath of the one true God of Israel whom I serve.

With fear they asked Jonah what do we do that we can be spared from the wrath of your God?

And so you know the story they threw Jonah overboard and God made a wale swallow him whole and for three days he sat there burning as the Wales stomach acid dripped all over his head and body yet he didn't die but was tormented.

He said it was like three days of hell it burned him God was trying to get his attention and he did Jonah prayed and repented and the wale threw him up out it's belly on the beach and he went into the city preaching Gods destruction to the city and you see Gods mercy upon the because they repented for their wrong doings!

Today God is calling rather it's to preach to pastor to go to a certain church corner or place and preach reach a soul or simply to help someone cross the road! Or the fact that he's calling you out of darkness to his light or out of the world of sin into the Altar of repentance however it is you was called out for a Purpose a reason in a time such as this!

Don't set there and be idol Do what God told you God is on the throne!

Your the salt of the earth a city on a hill so let your Light Shine! You n me may be the only Light of Hope a discouraged broken hearted soul sees.

When Your Born In The Fire You Cannot Live In The Smoke.

Rev. Gabriel Reynolds.