How you meet/met them.

A/n:(Sorry as well if some personalities aren't the same as they are in the manga/anime.)


Rin Shima

Your first meeting with Rin was quite pleasant as you had met her in a café.


Y/n had just decided to leave her house as she was getting quite bored of just looking at her phone, so she decided to go to a quiet and cozy café. At least that is what she had hoped, but the café was packed.

Y/n wasn't going to give up though as she didn't want to go back home to be bored again, so she decided to go into the café and find a place to sit. Y/n saw a couple of empty seats but they were at group tables, and she didn't want to make the people there uncomfortable. The next best choice for Y/n was to sit at a double table but the only one left had a person there. Y/n didn't mind asking if she could sit there, but the person sitting there was a beautiful girl who had an emotionless face. After a little while of building up the courage, Y/n walked over to the emotionless-faced girl.

"H-Hello, do you mind if I sit here," Y/n asked.

The girl looked up to Y/n and looked into her eyes for a couple of seconds before looking back down and saying "Sure go-ahead."

As Y/n sat down she felt quite nervous, does she start a conversation or just mind her business, get a coffee and go? She didn't want to make it awkward by asking a stupid question but she didn't want to seem rude either, so Y/n chose to start with a friendly "Nice to meet you" in which the girl opposite looked up with a small smile as she said, "Nice to meet you too..." "Y/n, Y/n L/n."

"Nice to meet you L/n-san, I'm Rin, Rin Shima"

As Y/n heard her name she thought 'what a pretty name'


Nadeshiko kagamishara

Your first meeting with Nadeshiko was... Strange to say the least.


Y/n was on her everyday stroll as she wanted to keep somewhat healthy, though that would be ruined as soon as she gets home. As Y/n was walking she thought about the little shop that was nearby that had one of her favorite snacks, so she decided to go there. (She also got asked to get some ingredients for food her parents were making but she forgot).

As Y/n was getting closer to the store she heard a very strange sound but she decided to ignore it.

Then Y/n heard the noise again "Munnnyaaa" Y/n looked to where the noise was coming from, and she saw a girl sprawled out sleeping on a bench as soft snores and weird noises were escaping out of her mouth.

'What... Is she dumb? Who the hell just sleeps on a bench in the middle of autumn.' Y/n thought

Y/n just decided to ignore the girl and get her snacks so she can get back home.

As Y/n was in the store she kept on thinking about the girl because there was a high chance something could happen to her, and Y/n didn't want her conscience eating away at her if the girl got sick or worse. So Y/n thought when she leaves the store she'll wake the girl up and see if anything is wrong then go home.

Y/n came out of the store bag in hand and looked over to where the girl was sleeping and saw that the girl had shifted positions and was shaking ever so slightly every time a breeze passed. Y/n walked over to the bench hearing soft snores as she knelt putting her bag down on the bench. Y/n looked at the girls' sleeping face and had to say she looked really cute and peaceful. She felt kinda bad having to wake her up but she didn't want anything bad happening to the cute girl. Y/n whispered "hello are you alright" which obviously didn't work. So Y/n tapped the girl on the shoulder a couple of times.

The cute girl riggled ever so slightly as her eyes fluttered open showing her beautiful ocean blue eyes. Y/n was in a trance just staring at the girl's eyes until she remembered what she needed to ask. Y/n stood up quickly then looked at the girl and asked " are you alright, why are you all by yourself?" to which girl responded with slurred words "I'm fine just a little bit tired *yawn* I came here to get some snacks but then I got tired and decided to have a nap" she said the last bit with a giggle.

Y/n sighed, glad the girl didn't get kicked out of her house or something like that. With that out of the way Y/n was ready to go home, so she went to grab her bag when she heard a stomach grumble next to her. She looked over to see the girl with flushed cheeks giggling a bit then rummaging around in her pockets as her face dropped and was replaced with a look that made it seem like the world was about to end. Worried a little bit Y/n asks "Is everything okay" the girl looked up at Y/n and said, "I forgot my money." Y/n tried her best to not let a laugh slip from her mouth as she thought about how the girl in front of her forgot the most important thing needed to get her snacks.

Y/n looked at the girl and asked "what were the snacks you wanted?" the girl replied "(favorite snack)" Y/n looked at the girl as a grin appeared on her face and thought 'I think I'll share my snack with her as she's made my day also she's quite cute' " hey how about we eat this together" Y/n pulls the snack out of her bag. As she does the girl's eyes sparkle and she nods her head rapidly until she says "I'll feel bad I can't give you anything in return" Y/n looks at her for a moment then says " how about your name and number if you have a phone" the girl looks at Y/n and asks "That's all?" as Y/n replies with a nod and a smile.

The girl puts her hands in her pockets as she pulls out a deck of cards and giggles as Y/n deadpans at her. The girl then brings out her phone and then says "my number is XXX-XXXX-XXX and my name is Nadeshiko kagamishara" she says with a cute smile. Y/n looks at her and says "my name is Y/n, Y/n L/n" with a small smile


Sakura Kagamihara

Your first meeting with sakura was exciting as you had met her going on a road trip.


Y/n woke up at the crack of dawn as she was meeting up with her friends to go on a little trip. As Y/n got out of bed about to get dressed she heard a ping sound coming from her phone.

(Friends name 1): Hey, are you up yet? Just wanted to let you know we are having another friend join us as (Friends name 2) got sick!! As no one else can drive we thought to invite her.

Y/n: I'm up! So do I know this mysterious friend?

(Friends name 1): No she goes to a different college than us. I know her from way back and she just recently moved here with her family.

Y/n: Cool, what type of person is she?

(Friends name 1): A quiet girl I guess, you'll see for yourself as we will be at yours in 30mins. See ya in a bit!

Y/n: See ya soon.

Y/n chucks her phone back on her bed as she goes to get dressed. Then she runs downstairs to have some cereal and check if everything is packed ready. In the middle of doing this, a knock at the door is heard as she shouts " one second!" as she runs upstairs to grab her phone. She then rushes back downstairs gets her bag and opens the door to see someone she doesn't know

"Are you L/n?" The girl asked as Y/n just stares at the girl wondering who the beauty is in front of her and how she knows her name. Then it clicks as Y/n understands who it is "Y- You must be the friend (Friends name 1) was talking about" "yes, nice to meet you my name is sakura kagamihara" she says with a flat expression.

"Nice to meet you too, I'm Y/n L/n but I'm guessing you already know that," Y/n says with a tiny smile and a small blush.


Chiaki Ōgaki

Your first meeting with Chiaki was enjoyable as you had met her at a liquor store.


Y/n was drunk. Very drunk as she had just been dumped by her girlfriend. The relationship lasted two years and Y/n was planning on spending her life with the girl but life doesn't always go as you want it. Y/n didn't know what to do with herself except drink and cry and that's all she has been doing the whole day.

Y/n was mindlessly walking in the streets when she saw a sign of a liquor store, thinking nothing else except the breakup that she wanted to forget she walked straight inside trying to find something that will make her forget tonight.

Stumbling every 3-4 steps holding a 12 pack of beer wasn't the best look Y/n had. Once Y/n got to the register she tried her best to act sober but completely failed "*hic* only this, pleaseeee" The cashier gave her a small smirk then said, "of course, would you like a bag?" to which Y/n just replied with a shake of her head. "Your total comes out to ¥1,206" Y/n reaches for her pocket grabs her purse and pays. As Y/n walks out she hears a "Thank you"

When Y/n gets out of the store she trips over nothing falling flat on her face as a small "owww" escapes her lips. As she tries to get up she feels a wet liquid trickle down her lips. Even though she is intoxicated and her body is basically numb she still feels the pain as she starts to sniffle and tears escape her eyes coughing a couple of times. The street was empty which was lucky because it was silent enough for the cashier to hear Y/ns coughs.

The cashier came out of the store looking at Y/n as blood was dripping from her nose down to her mouth as she was crying. The girl quickly tried to help Y/n up saying "you'll be fine, hold on to me" as she was helping Y/n into the store to sit her down. As Y/n sat down, the cashier went behind the desk and got some wet wipes and tissues to help Y/n.

When the girl got in front of Y/n, she knelt and asked "do you want me to do it for you?" Y/n replied with a small nod tears still streaming down her face. "Ok, this may hurt a bit just squeeze my hand if it hurts too much." Y/n put her hand on the girls and nodded.

The girl slowly wiped Y/ns tears away first and gave her a small smile while doing so, then she grabbed a tissue and started wiping the blood away. Grabbing a wet wipe next just to get rid of any dried blood away, small muffled noises were leaving her mouth when the wet wipe went over a sensitive part.

When done cleaning the blood away, the girl stood up and went behind the desk again grabbing an ice pack. As she walked over to Y/n and said "here you go" with a smile. Y/n smiled back saying "Thank you..." "No problem, the name is Chiaki Ōgaki, your savior" when said with a grin. Y/n let out a little giggle and replied " my name is Y/n L/n, the damsel in distress."


Aoi Inuyama

Your first meeting with Aoi was very relaxed as you had met her in a park.


Y/n was sat in a park enjoying the breeze and beautiful view of leaves of a variety of colours falling from trees, as people with their dogs and their children were having strolls and conversations. It was peaceful and Y/n was comfortable taking it all in until crying was heard which jolted Y/n to look where it was coming from to see a small girl crying her eyes out.

Y/n was the first one to actually react to the child's cries as she ran over and crouched looking into the child's eyes as she softly spoke "Are you ok, what happened?" The child's cries softened a bit but still went on when she said, "I-I lost my sister *sob*."

Y/n looked at the girl and brought out some tissues from her coat as she offered them to the girl for her to blow her nose and wipe her tears. As Y/n was doing this she said," Everything is going to be fine, I'll help you find your sister." which seemed to help the little girl's nerves calm down as she slowly stopped crying.

As the girl stopped crying Y/n asked "What does your sister look like." The girl responded, " She has brown hair that's in a ponytail and green eyes." Y/n nodded and smiled at the little girl and then said, "Let's go find your sister"

As Y/n and the girl were walking she asked "What's your sister's name?" "Aoi" Y/n smiled and then asked, "What's your name?" the girl smiled about to say her name when a loud shout "Akari!!" was said. Y/n looked to where the shout came from and thought 'brown hair, check. Ponytail, check. Green eyes, check. She must be the sister.' as Y/n looked down to ask if that was her sister the girl had run to the girl shouting "onee-chan!! I'm here!" Y/n smiled as she saw the girl called Aoi, face light up and run towards her sister hugging her.

Y/n saw Akari run-up to her as her sister followed behind. As the girl stood in front of Y/n she kept saying "Thank you, thank you very much I'm sorry you had to help." Y/n replied "No problem, I was happy to help Aoi..." with a soft smile. "Aoi Inuyama and you?" "Y/n L/n" "Thank you very much again L/n-san," Aoi said with a happy smile.


Ena Saitō

Your meeting with Ena was very enjoyable as you had met her at a dog park.


Y/n was currently at a park walking her dog as she had nothing better to do. As the park was quite quiet today Y/n let her dog off the leash to have a bit more freedom. She had a tennis ball on her so she decided to chuck it for her dog.

As her dog was running to get the ball Y/n noticed one of the mightiest dogs she has ever seen running towards her.

Y/n kneeled down as she wanted to pet the mighty dog that was in front of her. As the dog got close enough to pet, Y/n gave little headpats then the dog rolled over as Y/n started stroking the dog's belly. Y/n looked at the tag on the collar of the dog and said in a high-pitched tone "Nice to meet you, Chikuwa. You little furball."

Y/n was too engrossed In stroking the dog to realise someone was standing behind her giggling. A little *ahem* caused Y/n to snap out of it and look behind her to see a cute girl standing there giggling. Y/n blushes slightly and says "sorry your dog was just too cute." which caused the other girl to giggle a little more. Y/ns dog came running back as this was all happening and jumped up at Y/n. The girl asked "whos this cute little one" "her name is (dog's name)" Y/n said with a smile. "And what's your name?" the girl asked. "Y/n L/n, nice to meet you," Y/n said in a happy tone. "And yours?" "I'm Ena, Ena saitō." with a wide smile.


A/n: Thank you very much for reading! Please tell me anything I can do better.

I hope you enjoyed it, and if you did please give me some ideas on where to go next.
