How you became friends

These scenarios are just you getting closer with the girls.


Rin Shima

(Y/n pov)

I can't wait for today I'm finally meeting Rin-chan again. It hasn't been too long since I last saw her, but I always enjoy being around her. Though it was a bit nerve-racking when I first asked for her number.


'I know it's my first time meeting Shima-san, but I feel like we get along well. She likes the books I like, we have some of the same hobbies and we both like being alone, though if someone does start a discussion we do enjoy it. I want to spend more time with her and I don't want this chance encounter to end like this.'

"S-Shima-San" she raised her head and looked directly into my eyes and said "yes?" My heart was beating at speeds it definitely shouldn't but I have to ask " Umm... I know this is our first time meeting and everything but... uhhh I wanted to ask if you would give me your... number." As I was done talking I looked down as my face went red, and I shut my eyes. She didn't say anything. I slowly opened my eyes as I looked up, and I saw a very weird expression on her face. there were many emotions on her face such as shock, confusion, and a little bit of embarrassment?

"I-If you don't want to it's fine," I said with a fake laugh trying to keep my emotions in control. She looked up at me and started shaking her head saying "N-No *ahem* I want to give you it. I just wasn't expecting you to ask."  Now it was my turn to be a little shocked. My expectations were low and I didn't expect to get her number. As I was thinking this I let out a victorious giggle.

As I wasn't paying attention a little piece of paper was slid across the table with Shima-sans' number on it. I was nudged a few times as I looked up to see her face with a little blush as she pointed down to the paper. I looked down and once I saw the number I looked back up to her " I guess this makes us friends now... Rin-chan." As I said Rins' name like that her blush got bigger. "I guess it does... Y/n-san" she said though it was a little muffled.

(Flashback end)

As I was thinking about that I finally arrived at the café. I walked in to see Rin in her normal spot. As I walked over I asked,    "What book are you reading today Rin-chan?" She looked up at me with a small smile "The Mystery of Tougawa's Buried Treasure." "Ohhh is it interesting?" " Yes, very."

I sat down as the waitress walked up to our table "What would you like?" "Hmm... I'll have a coffee with two sugars and a splash of milk and Rin will have a tea with one sugar and no milk" the waitress nodded and  walked away as I asked Rin " That was correct right?" She gave me a little nod "Thanks Y/n" "No problem" I said with a smile.

Nadeshiko Kagamihara

I'm currently with Kagamihara-san but she's being really quiet which is unlike her. I have asked her over and over if anything is wrong but I've either received silence or a 'no I'm fine.'

"Kagamihara-san?" Her face saddened a bit as I said her name but she still looked up to me. "Can you please tell me what's wrong? Have I done something to have upset you?"

Her face turned to worry as I said that "N-No you haven't done anything wrong it's just..." "It's just what? You can tell me anything, we are friends right?" Her face brightened immediately as I said that and she looked up to me giggling and said "we really are friends?" "Of course, we are friends Kagamihara-san." Her face saddened again as I said her name.

"C-Could you..." She said very muffled as I looked at her. I gave her a questioning look and she finally spoke "C-Could you call me by my first name." I looked at her and nodded "N-Nadeshiko-san" her face blushed a bit and she looked really happy.

"So can you tell me what had you all down?" I asked, her blush became heavier as she looked away and said "I was sad you didn't call me by my first name." At this, I laughed a bit too much "haha That's all you were sad about seriously?" She looked back at me and shouted "Don't laugh it's not funny" "Sorry sorry, it was just a tiny bit funny." I said with a giggle. She looked away and started pouting 'Cute'

Sakura Kagamihara

After our little road trip, I found out that Sakura-san lives just one street away from me. As I'm quite close at the moment to her house I think I will go say hello.

As I knocked on the door I heard some shouting and then running down the stairs. The door opened to show Sakuras' sister. "Hey, Nadeshiko-chan is Sakura-san in?" Nadeshiko nodded "Sakura, Y/ns here!" There was a moment of silence before she shouted back "I'll be down in a minute"

Nadeshiko looked back round to me "Come in ." "Thank you"

As I sat down in the living room Sakura came in and looked at me and smiled. "Hey Y/n, how come you here?" "I just wanted to see you and say hello as I was close. Sorry if you're busy." She shook her head "No no it's fine I'm not busy but I'm going for a drive later" "Oh cool where are you going?" "Lake Motosuko, Nadeshiko went there some time ago and I thought I would have a drive around there." "Oh, I've always wanted to go there."

Sakura looked at me and then there was a short pause before a small smile appeared on her face "Do you want to come with me?" "Ehh really you don't mind?" "No not at all, and it will be more fun that way," she said with a happy tone.

"Thank you, Sakura-san. What time were you thinking of going?" I asked "Hmm maybe in about thirty minutes or so." "Sounds good to me"

After I said that I went back home to change clothes and get my phone. After that was done, I texted her that I was doing changing and ready to go over. When I got to her house she was already in the car. "Get in, the doors unlocked" I hoped in, and as soon as I did we were off.

As Sakura was driving we were chatting about anything and everything. After a while, there were fewer trees insight and we were able to see the beauty of Mt.Fuji with the sunset making it go a pretty pink colour.

We got out of the car to get a few pictures of Mt.Fuji. "Hey, Sakura-san can we take a picture together with Mt.Fuji behind us?" I asked. She had a smile on her face "Yeah sure" Once we took the photo I asked, "H-Hey Sakura-san do you think we could do this again?" "Of course we can and Y/n I really enjoyed my time today with you," she said with a happy smile as I blushed a bit. "I enjoyed it too"

Chiaki Ōgaki

I have to say my friendship with Chiaki-san is pleasant but also a bit weird because whenever I want to get drunk Chiaki-san comes swooping in allowing me to use her workers' discount. It's not a bad thing, but I feel like all I'm doing is just using her.

As I was on my weekly shop to get some booze I thought to ask Chiaki-san if there is anything I can do to help her. So once I walked in I grabbed my regular cans and walked over to the register and put them on there.

As Chiaki-san was scanning the cans I decided to ask "Hey Chiaki-san is there anything I can do for you?" She looked up to me confusion on her face as she shook her head "No, how come you asking?" "I feel bad because you always allow me to use your discount and I haven't done anything to deserve that so if there is anything at all that I can help you with please ask," I said with a smile.

She stood there with a hand on her chin for a while before a mischievous smirk appeared on her face "hmm... How about we go on a date?" As soon as she said that my mind went blank and my face felt hot. I tried talking but it all came out in a stutter "...O-O-okay y-yeah s-sure if t-that's what you w-want." "Hey calm down it doesn't have to be anything serious we're just going for fun," she said with the smirk remaining on her face.

After she said that I was able to calm down and asked "O-Ok, but can you let me pick where we go?" "Of course, you better find us one amazing place though," she said with a grin.

Aoi Inuyama

I don't know how but I've become a sister figure to Akari-san. She's currently behind me playing and trying to tie my hair, as Aoi-san looks at us with a bit of jealousy?

When Akari-san is finally done doing my hair I whisper into her ear "Hey I think Aoi-san wants her hair tied up as well. Why don't you go do it?" She nods with a happy smile on her face as she runs over to Aoi-san "Onee-chan! Can I do your hair as well?" She shouts. Aoi-san looks up and smiles, and nods, but she still looks a tiny bit jealous.

As Akari-san is in the middle of tying up Aoi-sans' hair their mum calls for Akari-san. Akari-san jumps up running to see what she wants I then ask "Aoi-san do you want me to finish tying your hair?" She looked right into my eyes and gave me the happiest smile I've ever seen on her face and a rapid nod.

I walked over to her and sat behind her as I put my hands into her hair. Delicately I pushed and pulled my fingers through her hair trying my best not to get them stuck in a knot. I slowly but surely got all of her hair straight as I asked "So do you want your normal side ponytail or something different?" "I'll let you decide." I sat there for a good minute thinking "hmm... How about a half-up crown braid?" Aoi-san slowly nodded her head.

In the middle of doing her hair, I finally decide to ask "How come you looked somewhat jealous earlier?" Once I said this there was silence for a good ten seconds, so I kneeled a little bit and pulled her back so her head was by my chest so I could look at her face. As I looked down, her face was a completely rosy red colour. I quickly let go of her shoulders "S-Sorry" I said as I let go. "I-It's f-fine you just s-surprised me a little." "a-and to answer your question I-I was only a tiny bit j-jealous because I wanted to tie y-your hair too." she stuttered out. 'How can she be that cute?!'

"I'll let you do my hair after I finish yours ok?" she looked around and gave a little nod and then I continued where I was at with her hair.

Ena saitō

I'm meeting with Ena-chan at her house today as we both wanted to see each other, and our dogs could play together. I can't wait!

I got up about to get dressed when a ping sound came from my phone. I jumped on my bed and saw a message off of Ena-chan.

Ena: Y/n I'm sorry but I can't do it today because I've caught a cold. 🤧

Y/n: are you ok?! Is anyone at home with you?

Ena: my current temperature is 36.5°C. I'm also home alone but I'm fine.

Y/n: I'll see you in a minute!

Ena: No you don't need to come.

Ena: Y/n!

As I read her last text message I jumped out of bed to get dressed and then I went down to get some breakfast before I head off to get some supplies.

(Time skip)

I think I might have bought too much but it's fine. I'm just about thirty seconds away from Ena-chans house.

I knock on the door as I wait for a few seconds the door opens to reveal an angry Ena. She quickly said in a raspy voice, "Y/n-san you didn't have to come!" "I did! I'm looking after you until someone gets home and can look after you! And you can't say no!" "fine but please keep your distance I don't want you catching it" I nod my head and smile at her.

I shut the front door behind me as Ena-san stands there looking at me still a little bit angry but calmed down more than before. "Come on Ena-chan I'll take you to bed make you some food and look after you," I said with a smile. She nods and starts walking upstairs as I follow after her.

Once Ena-chan was lying in bed I reached into my bag and brought out some heating pads. I slowly placed one on her head as she let out a soft sigh. I got up and said, "I'll go and make some oatmeal for you, so have a little sleep ok?" Ena-chan gave a small nod before shutting her eyes.

I just got done making oatmeal as I'm walking upstairs and open the door up to reveal Ena-chan releasing soft snores. I put the food down on the side and softly nudged Ena-chan. "Ena-chan your foods ready. After you have it you can go back to sleep." I said in a somewhat whisper that seemed to wake her up.

I helped her sit up slowly and handed her the oatmeal. She gradually ate all of it as she finally finished I set the bowl down and helped her lie back down. "You can go back to sleep now. I'll be here until someone gets back." I said quietly  "Thank Y/n-san," she said as she was slowly drifting to sleep "no problem Ena-chan. Sleep tight."