Planning for the war 1/2

[ Aqua pov ]

"We should start discussing the plans for the war master, even with the great me here it will be tough to win"

"I am sorry... but I can´t think of the war right now, I need to get my sister out of that disgusting family"

"Indeed, however, that disgusting family is participating in the war, your sister in particular summoned a servant, so if want to save her, quitting the war is out of the question"


"Sigh, I don't know why you are so surprised, besides I said she summoned a servant not that she has a servant, also don't scream, just because we are alone on the roof of your school doesn't mean no one can hear us"

"Okey sorry, but I don´t understand, what do you mean she summoned a servant but isn't the master?"

"Well she summoned a servant, Rider to be precise, and gave it to her adoptive brother, the one and only Shinji Matou"

"What? But Shinji isn't a magus, I am sure of it, how could he maintain a servant in this world without the mana to support the body?"

"Well, by using a little item, a book if I am not mistaken and, while I am not sure how exactly it works, I know that he is the weakest out of every enemy in the war, despite having a pretty strong servant he doesn't have enough mana to let her do anything"

"I see... so we should start with him then, we kill him and then the Matou´s, after that Sakura will be free"

"Sigh... not quite, I already told you about the worms inside her, we need to deal with those before annihilating the Matou´s, besides, while Rider is really weak right now, we can´t just throw ourselves against them without a well thought-out plan, after all dealing with Zouken won't be easy"

"I understand, I do have a question though, you have already referred to Rider as ´her´ twice, how are you so sure that we are dealing with a woman"

"Because I know her identity of course"


"Stop screaming master, I just told you another master is in the school and you keep shouting, sigh... what a troublesome young master I got myself huh, as for how I know her, I already told you before, in fact this will be the fourth time I say it, I know many things"

"Yeah you said that already, but knowing the identity of the servants is a very big deal you know? Well I will just ask now, is there anything else of importance that you know?"

"Well of course, I know the Noble Phantasms´ of all the servants, I know where or when to find them, in some cases both, I know their wishes for the Grail, I even know a very dark secret about this wars..."






"Ahhh see that was a test, to see if you could avoid screaming, you failed by the way"

Ahhh teasing my dear master is way too fun, watching the veins pop on her forehead while she pouts and looks away annoyed is really cute

[ Rin pov ]

She is totally doing this on purpose, urghhhhh what an annoying woman, first she insults me, then she insults my father, then she drinks my wine, then she makes me sad, then she makes me happy, then s-she pleasure-

"You are getting red master, perhaps thinking about something nice?"

AGHHHHHHHH SHE IS TOTALLY DOING THIS ON PURPOSE!!!! NO, you need to calm down Rin, as infuriating as she is, she was right when she said screaming was a bad idea

"I want to know how you know all this things, is it a skill perhaps? Speaking of which, I still haven't seen your parameters, skills, class, heck I don't even know your name"

"I see, well master, here are my parameters

As for how I know so many things, well its because I am an actual outsider, it is partially the reason why I got the class Foreigner, while entering the throne of heroes I got a lot of information about the past, the present, the future, even information about different parallel realities"

"I see... I don't quite understand it but it sounds a lot like the second true magic"

"Indeed, it sounds similar, however they are actually not close at all, I merely have pieces of information, while the second true magic would offer a much broader view, in truth I myself don't completely understand how it works, but I think I made a decent enough comparison"

"Okey, then do you mind telling me the secret now? As well as all the information about the other servants and masters that you have, please, since you rejected my idea before of attacking the Matou´s now, can I assume you have a plan to deal with them?"

"Sure, and I indeed have a plan, but it is more of a basic outline really, I am not quite sure myself wether it will be successful or not because there is a slight problem that I noticed yesterday"

"What problem?"

"Well... I can´t control my output of mana and prana"

"And? Are you afraid of us being notices? Because of that is the case I am sure we can use some concealment magic-"

"No no, you misunderstand what I mean when I say I can´t control my output of mana and prana, because of my divinity constantly filtering the mana in the environment and creating more with it, as well as the prana that is expelled, in a much lower quantity, but still a considerable one, the world itself is changing, being modified by the excess of energy, and because of my authority over water, which is enhanced because we are on an island, there is a very high chance that we will enter a New Age of Gods"

"WHA-I mean what?!"

"Much better master, you are almost there hahaha, as for the entrance to a New Age of Gods... well its a bit complicated to explain, even I myself don't fully understand why it is happening or all that it entails, but basically my divinity is pouring out and influencing the world, the world in turn, in an attempt of maintaining balance, will try to put the excess of divinity to use, the only real use the world can give to raw divinity has is to birth new gods"

"I see... well, there is nothing we can do about that, I also don't understand why you think of it as a problem for the current war, Grail Wars tend to be short, I can´t think that the change you are talking about, as well as the birth of are gods, would happen in anything short of several decades, the war on the other hand should be over in a month at most right?"

"Hmmm... that would normally be the case, however the excess of divinity, which comes in the form of mana and prana, will be heavily concentrated here, it might indeed take months, maybe years to alter Japan and decades to change the world, however Fuyuki... well I am afraid that a couple of weeks is all it would take for Fuyuki to be overwhelmed by mana.

This is a problem because of a certain event, Apocrypha. I am actually talking about a Great Holy Grail War. Normally, it would have been impossible for it to happen in this world because of the lack of mana, you see where I am going with this right?"

"Yes, you are saying that because of you there might be a Great Holy Grail War? Can´t we do something to prevent it from happening? Also, I don't actually know what a Great Holy Grail War is so I don't get why it is so bad, sure it doesn't sound peaceful but I don't understand why you sound stressed about it, if anything shouldn't the new age of gods be more of a problem? It might bring us trouble with the Clocktower"

"Well, honestly I am not all that worried about the Clocktower, while they indeed enjoy being in power, they are magus at heart, I find it more believable that they would be excited about seeing a new age of gods rather than trying to destroy us. Sure there might be a couple of exceptions, but in general they probably won't bother us, besides the fact that by the time the changes become evident, it would already be to late to stop it.

There is also the fact that, because my origin is influenced by ´purity´, it will help the planet itself heal, nature will regain a greater foothold and the oceans, which will be even more influenced because of my authority, would be blooming with life once again in a couple of years"

"I see, then what about the Great Holy Grail War? What is it?"

"Basically an event in which seven more servants are summoned, then it becomes more of a team vs team battle"

"I see... but how could that be possible? There are already seven servants, and we are all enemies"

"Yeah well, you will notice when I tell you the plan for the war why there is a possibility of this happening"

"Very well then, but there is one thing more, you have already answered all of my questions except for one... what is your name?"