Planning for the war 2/2

´My name huh?´

"I see... well, I am the goddess of water, the guide from death to life, the one worshipped by the Axis order.

My name... is Aqua"

"I see, Aqua huh? It is a pretty name"

"Indeed, feel free to call by using it master"

"Very well, since you have the ´Absolute Foreigner´ skill and no one will know you, I will call you by your name from now on... so you can call me by my name as well..."

"What was that master? I couldn't quite hear the last part"

"UGhhh you totally heard me, I said you can call me by my name okey?!"

"Very well, Rin" I said with a grin on my face.

"Sigh, I am gonna regret this aren't I?"

"Never, my dear Rin" My grin went even further, ahh what a cute master I got.

"Well, let's start talking about your plan to save Sakura shall we?"

"Very well, it has several steps, so let me tell you what we need for it to be successful, first of all is Caster"


"That's right, we are gonna ally ourselves with Caster"

"Sigh, very well, where can we find Caster?"

"Now now, don't get ahead of yourself master, we can´t just go to her territory and be like ´Hey Caster let´s be allies okey?´, especially because she has another servant as well"

"What?! Caster summoned a servant?! How does that even make sense?"

"Well, everything is possible, Casters in particular are very tricky, there is also the fact that the servant she summoned has a lot of limitations, however he really should not be underestimated because of it, Assassins can be quite dangerous after all"

"Okey so Caster and Assassin huh, how are we supposed to go then?"

"Well, the simplest way to deal with two servants is with two servants"

"You mean-"

"Exactly, we are getting ourselves a SABER!"

"I thought you told me not to scream"

"Sorry, I got a bit exited there, anyway I know you wanted a Saber so I will get you the best among them" I said with a grin.

"I see... however I am not a good enough magus to keep to servants at full power, I am afraid I would end up holding you both back"

"Well, not quite master, you might have not noticed it since we haven't been together for long but I barely consume mana, you see because I am a goddess specifically, my mana reserves are absurdly huge and the rate at which I recover mana is insanely fast, hence why you should barely feel your mana being touched.

We servants simply use our masters´ mana as an anchor to the physical world and once ours is depleted, otherwise we simply recover our mana through the command seals, so you actually would only be supplying mana to Saber"

"I see, are you sure Saber hasn't been summoned though? Also how are we supposed to summon the servant you have in mind without a catalyst?"

"Well, today we will make the first step of a pretty long plan, which is getting the catalyst to summon Saber. Don't worry though I know exactly where it is and how to get it"

"I see... so we are stealing it huh?"

"Not at all master, we will be ´freeing it´, there is a big difference"

[ Rin pov ]

She... really is shameless! Also why isn't she calling me by my name even though I told her to... ughhhh I can´t even tell her again to do it because it would make it seem like I like her or something, which I obviously don't!

"So, when are we getting it?" I say, trying to get the thoughts out of my head.

"Well, either this evening or tonight at most, I would prefer getting it right now but it might be to dangerous, especially with two masters in school and a servant roaming around the city"

"W-Wait! Two masters? You said there was only Shinji!"

"No, I said there was Shinji and that's it, I never got to the other masters"

Damn she is right, I interrupted her when she mentioned Sakura summoning Rider.

"So, who is the other one?"

"A teacher named Kuzuki, he coincidentally is Caster´s master so it is not all bad for us, as for the servant I said was roaming around the city, well it is Lancer, whose master is the creepy fake priest"

"Damn! I forgot about him, ughhh whatever, we need to focus on Sakura, killing him can wait for later"

"Good answer master, I would be sad if you had chosen to go after him instead of saving your sister"

"Of course I would focus on my sister!"

"Well let´s get back to talking about Saber, there are some things I need to tell you about her"

"Right, what about her?"

"Well, honestly I would prefer not to have her, she is the hero of justice type that I find annoying and, although she can be very loyal, she is also the type to put her ideals first. Having a teammate that isn't in complete agreement with the rest in terms of priorities and goals is dangerous"

"I see, so you don't trust her?"

"Its not that I don't trust her, in fact she would make a pretty good bodyguard for you, the problem is that she is too self-righteous, which doesn't quite go along with the usual method or goals of most magus, I am confident that she would help us save your sister because that is the type of person she is, but I don't think she would agree with using some certain underhanded tactics, which we will need"

"I see... however you do think we need her right? Otherwise you wouldn't even mention her right?"

"Yeah, also take what I say about her with a pinch of salt, I might sound a bit harsh after all but it is mostly because of how utterly annoying I find ´heroes of justice´ to be"

"Okey, then we get the catalyst tonight. I had told before the fake priest that I would go register today after summoning my servant, but since he is a master it would be dangerous to go there"

"Indeed, we do have a bit of good luck since he is a coward, there is also the fact that he has a terrible relationship with his servant, but yes we should avoid him for now, was for the catalyst, it would be better to get it after school, the owner usually stays here alone so we will have to invite him to come with us using a bit of force"

"So we are gonna kidnap him huh?" Is there really no limit to her shamelessness?! How can she even say something like that with a straight face?!

"Yeah, his name is Shirou Emiya, you know him right?"

"The janitor-boy has a way to summon Saber?!"

"Indeed, he is also very annoying by the way, like the pinnacle of annoying, his ´hero of justice´ complex is so high up his a*s it comes out from his mouth in every single sentence he says"

W-What the heck was that metaphor?!

"O-Okey, you are right he always stays late so we can get him then"

"Well, after getting Saber we can go and make a deal with Caster, normally it would be impossible, but this awesome goddess knows exactly what Caster´s wish is and can give it to her"

Huh, she is pretty reliable-

"Now where is the wine you brought me? I am absolutely not gonna survive until tonight if you don't give it to me"

Nevermind, she is just a drunkard goddess with a lot of knowledge. Still, getting Saber huh? With that the war should be ours.

"By the way Aqua, you never told me what the dark secret of the war actually is"

"Well... the Holy Grail is corrupted"


"In the third Holy Grail War the Einzberns summoned an extra class called Avenger, now I won't bore you with unnecessary details, the point is the servant stayed in the Grail and corrupted it, the fire that happened a decade ago is the consequence of the wish that was made. As long as it is corrupted the Grail will interpret any wish as destruction. However there is no need to worry about it for now, while it is annoying and also brought us a very dangerous enemy {AN: for those who don't know, I am talking about Gilgamesh}, I can purify it."

"Hmm, what a troublesome war we are in, ughhh it just keeps getting messier and messier!"

"Oh this is just the beginning master" I see her grin, AGHHH WHAT IS SO FUNNY!!! DON´T YOU SEE WE ARE IN A LOT OF TROUBLE?!?!?!

"Anyway, operation save master´s sister has three main conditions we need to fulfil first, one is getting Saber, the second one is having Caster as our ally, the third one is the hardest one, we need to distract Rider, free Sakura from Zouken´s influence and eliminate the Matou´s pretty much at the same time, or as quickly as possible"

"I see... thank you, Aqua, for helping me so much"

"Don't worry about it master, it is my job"

"No, you were summoned to fight for the Grail and get one wish, but I am just using you to save my family"

"Well then, it seems you will have to make it up to me, Rin"

I feel my cheeks get hotter and quickly turn away from her.

"Y-Yeah, of course, a-as a good master it is only n-natural" AGHHH WHAT AM I EVEN SAYING?!

"I will have you take responsibility for those words then, master" She whispers into my ear, before bitting it, I can feel my entire body start getting hot, however my thoughts are interrupted by her next words.

"You really are cute when you are blushing, Rin"