No more parties?

"What are you doing you perverts!" screamed Rin.

Artoria lifted her gaze from Aqua's naked back while taking her hands away from it.

Aqua looked at her master and a smile formed on her face. "Ahh Rin are you here to join us? Artoria is currently using the bunny suit as you can see, but I have a spare tailor made for you on the closet as well, it is the red one." said Aqua calmly while smiling.

"I am obviously not here for that!" said Rin. "What are you two doing Saber?!"


[ The night before ]

"Don't worry Artoria, heroic spirits can't get drunk so you have nothing to worry about. It is honestly more about the social conventions than anything, after all not drinking while the rest are drinking is considered disresepctful, especially when it is not even your own house that you are at but someone else's"

"But I have seen you drunk. Also, I am not aware of such norms." said Artoria, clearly not believing Aqua's words.

"Well you can't compare what was considered appropriate during you time with what is appropriate now right? As for me getting drunk, well that is because I am a divine spirit and divine spirits have enough control over every aspect of themselves so they can do things like allowing themselves to get drunk." Aqua lied as easily as she breathed.

"I see..."


[ 10 minutes before Rin's arrival ]

"You lied to me!" yelled Artoria while entering Aqua's room.

"Well now Artoria, you are a grown up girl and a king, do you think Merlin or Vivian would be happy seeing you not taking responsibility of your actions?" said Aqua looking at Artoria with a disappointed look.

"H-Huh?!" Artoria was stunned for a moment, clearly not expecting Aqua to bring Merlin and Vivian out of nowhere into the conversation, nor expecting Aqua to even shake off the blame like that.

"It is not nice to do something like that Artoria-chan, now get over here, I need to teach you some manners so put on the bunny suit and give me a massage." ordered Aqua while taking off her shirt.

"W-What?" Artoria got even more confused at the nonsense coming out of Aqua's mouth and was left speechless.

"Hurry up Artoria, how are you possibly going to fulfil your duties as the second wife of master's harem if you are so hesitant about little things like this?" asked Aqua, laying down on the bed with her back up.

"B-But... what? Master's h-harem? Wha-" Artoria, who was growing more confused, suddenly stopped working after Aqua brought up her master's harem and strange duties to what was supposed to be a session of Artoria scolding Aqua.

"Now now Artoria, I don't mind walking you slowly through the duties of the second wife, but you will owe me one okey?"

"S-Second wife? What n-nonsense are yo-" Artoria's hangover, combined with her confusion and innocence in relationships proved to be a deadly combination when trying to gain an upper hand on Aqua.

Aqua stood up on her underwear and went to pinch Artoria's cheeks. "I understand your confusion, but now you owe me a massage and another favour for later on, it is sad that the king of knights is trying to shake off responsibility like that."

By this point Artoria was not even thinking about the scolding and was instead trying to keep up with the nonsense Aqua was saying.

"Now come on and lets get this massage over with. The bunny suit is in the closet so don't be afraid to take it. The black one is yours." said Aqua while resting down on the bed once again.


"I still don't understand why you are naked or why Saber actually gave you the massage when she clearly came to scold you." said Rin looking at the still naked Aqua.

"Well my bra got annoying along the way so I just took it off." said Aqua, definitely NOT skipping the second question on purpose.

"What about you Saber? Why were you actually giving her a massage?" asked Rin looking in Artoria's direction.

"W-Well, I am not sure. I got confused during the conversation and it just happened." said Artoria slightly depressed.

"Hehehe, now that I think about it... you owe me one master. You said you would do something for me if I didn't throw a tantrum yesterday, so go get that bunny costume on and come over here." said Aqua with a slightly perverted smile.

Rin blushed a little while a few veins popped on her forehead.


"Hehehehe, where did I get this closet you ask... haven't I told you already over and over again master?" said Aqua, completely ignoring her master's frustration and getting closer seductively before placing her lips next to Rin's ears."Where there is a will there is a way..." she whispered, before biting Rin's ear and causing her to blush.

"Aghhh just get down to the table already!" said Rin before leaving quickly.

"That went well." said Aqua proudly.

Artoria went to take her bunny suit off and go downstairs, leaving Aqua in her room alone. Once there was no one else, her expression turned serious before looking in the window's direction.

"Did anyone come?" she asked.

"Yes, I felt someone who fitted Lancer's description watching last night, he didn't come in but he felt close. I suppose it was a good idea to stay here." said Assassin while standing outside the opened window.

"Hmm, I see. It is not yet time to deal with Lancer so it would indeed have been troublesome to have him attack us... again."

"I must say... I don't quite understand your cautiousness with him. If you and Saber attacked him together he would stand no chance, right?"

"Indeed, but I don't want to eliminate him."

"You want to ally with him as well?" said Assassin slightly confused. "If you ally yourself with everyone, there will be no one left to fight."

"Oh there will be people left to fight alright, as for allying with him... yes, I guess I do want him. The problem is his master, the man needs to die, which means that Lancer will die as well... unless I get Caster's help for this." explained Aqua while looking at Assassin.

"So you need to ambush him huh?" asked Assassin, who was starting to understand what Aqua meant.

"Indeed, but before we deal with him, we need to save my master's sister. Getting into a fight with Lancer right now would only be detrimental to us."

"Hmmm, if you keep acting like someone reliable, the image I have of you as a goddess of parties and alcohol will start to crumble you know?" said Assassin while smiling.