Plans of an awesome goddess

"So what preparations do you need?" asked Medea looking at Aqua.

"I need your help with two things, well three actually. First of all I need you to use your Noble Phantasm to eliminate the connection between a girl and some parasitic worms inside her. Secondly there is a book that needs to be destroyed, it won't be hard at all since it is actually very fragile. Finally, I want you to locate someone, it needs to be perfect because if it isn't things will get annoyingly troublesome afterwards." said Aqua.

"I see, the second and third things won't be a problem, the first one I can't be sure unless I see them. While I am confident on succeeding even without knowing what they are, I can't promise anything." replied Medea, while he was extremely confident in her abilities, Magecraft was often times tricky and despite her Noble Phantasm being the perfect counter for a lot of things, she wouldn't be able to help if the girl was for example on the verge of death, she wasn't omnipotent after all.

"I know, but I believe you can do it. Anyway, we will have to work in one single team throughout the night, however we will divide at one point when the two of us will save my master's sister. It would normally take too long but within my Noble Phantasm it will be much faster. I just need you to severe the connection and I will take care of the rest." said Aqua without going too deep into details.

"Very well, and what else? You said when we made the alliance that besides saving your master's sister you also wanted to destroy someone, the rest will take care of that I presume?"

"Partially, Berserker and Saber will destroy the house and weaken the one I want destroy enough for there to be no real trouble, however they might need your help since he is annoying and tricky, I would hate if he managed to somehow space and underestimating the surviving capabilities of a cockroach is a stupid thing to do. That is why after severing the connection between my master's sister and the bugs with your Noble Phantasm you will go and aid them." said Aqua seriously. She hated Zouken even before being reincarnated, but being here right now, knowing that everything she saw him do in the anime was real...

"Sigh, it is quite annoying to be ordered around by a goddess you know?" said Medea slightly depressed. She absolutely hated gods and, while the one in front of her was indeed different, it still felt annoying having to follow orders.

"Awww come on, think of it as having the most awesome boss ever who just so happens to have divinity and be awesome, of course this boss is beautiful as well, and did I mention awesome?" said Aqua while grinning, quite proud with herself for changing the serious tone of the atmosphere.

Assassin was having a hard time holding his laughter in while watching Caster not only be bossed around but also get annoyed by it.

Hearing his laughter, Aqua turned in his direction and smiled. "As for Assassin..." said Aqua before turning her gaze back to Medea. "I will have to ask you for a favour now, Medea-chan..."

"Oi oi oi, I didn't like that look at all." said Assassin.

"Don't worry about it, I am sure it will be fine..." said Aqua while smiling.

"Hmm, I don't know what it is, but I am sure it will be fine indeed..." said Medea while looking in Assassin's direction with the same creepy smile Aqua had on her face.

"Sigh, I couldn't just hold my laughter in without making any noise could I?" lamented Assassin.

A few conversations later, Medea left to craft an item Aqua requested from her. She needed to get some pieces of this very temple to make it and it would be quite complicated, but should still be possible.

Aqua and Assassin were sitting alone in a room now, neither had spoken anything after Medea left. Aqua stood up and grabbed a bottle before pouring a bit on two glasses and sitting back down.

"So Aqua, will you still not tell me where you sneaked out to last night?" asked Assassin while sipping the alcohol Aqua just poured him.

Aqua raised her eyes to look at him. "I appreciate you covering for me last night and keeping watch, but I didn't go and do anything exciting." she said without explaining.

"Awww, so no explanation for me huh? And here I was extremely curious about it, I mean for you to go as far as to getting Saber drunk just to sneak out without anyone else noticing..."

"Hey! I also got her drunk because I wanted to see how she would act while drunk so don't take that away, but honestly where I went to doesn't really matter. It won't affect the war, though if you are that curious then I will tell you, I went to ask for someone's help." said Aqua.

"Well well, I must say I am quite surprised that you went and asked for help, you have formed an alliance with four out of the six servant in this war excluding yourself, do you really need more manpower?" said Assassin, now even more curious than before.

"Of course I do, but that is not the type of help I went and asked for. The only way to help someone isn't by stopping a bullet for them, wouldn't you say that when someone gives you a shoulder to cry on they are also helping you?" said Aqua softly.

"So you went looking for a shoulder to cry on? I didn't expect you to be depressed..." said Assassin with a small smile.

"Sigh, it feels quite weird being at the end of a tease instead of being the one who does the teasing, but no, the shoulder to cry was not for me. While the girl we will be saving is my master's sister, that doesn't mean she actually likes my master. To be honest I can't blame her, it is hard dealing with the feelings of abandonment, especially when you keep adding pain to those feelings." explained Aqua. "I want for her to have a shoulder to cry on if she needs one, although in truth it is more about trying to cover up the pain with some positive things."

"Sounds like you pity a lot your master's sister." said Assassin

"I do... who wouldn't honestly? My master almost broke hearing her sister's pain and I didn't even tell her all about it." said Aqua. 'No need for Rin to know that Shinji raped Sakura constantly... she might have not even be able to wait these few days if she actually knew that.' thought Aqua. While she didn't enjoy keeping her master in the dark, it felt like this information would truly break Rin...

"I see... so that is why you asked for Medea to craft those two items once the whole 'saving your master's sister operation' is over?" asked Assassin.

"Yes... though it will require Rin's permission and it will be quite complicated, I feel like having both my master and her sister be magical girls should at least make them smile." said Aqua with a small smile on her face. "The problem is that I don't actually know wether it will be successful or not."