A hero's help

[ Issei pov ]

'Damn, today really has been an annoying day' thought Issei.

That's right, he had woken up to the sight of his greatest enemy, Tohsaka Rin, having a conversation with his uncle while he prepared breakfast. Afterwards the same purple-haired vixen that has been living with them for the past few days showed up acting all mellow with his uncle, most likely a trap to get her claws on him. Eventually a purple haired man came in as well, smelling of alcohol and slightly tipsy, as if he had spent the entire night drinking.

This things on themselves didn't make any sense at all to him. He had already felt weird things going on since the purple-haired woman arrived, but with the appearance of the purple-haired man and Tohsaka, this feeling started growing more and more. Its didn't help that the man had a sword, an actual sword, hanging on his waist. His concerns were dispelled when he claimed the sword to be a fake, but it didn't stop bugging him one bit. The man being a complete stranger who reeked of alcohol didn't improve his impression at all.

The worst part however came in the form of a blue-haired woman. Out of all the women she met so far, this one was someone truly evil. She didn't even bother hiding her true nature to begin with! She kept talking about partying and drinking, even proudly claiming she got the others drunk last night... to be honest he was glad he didn't wake up through the party, he wouldn't have reacted nicely to having a group of evil vixens and an unknown man drunk inside of his house.

The only form of salvation came in the form of the blonde and nice Christina. It was evident that she wasn't like other women, her entire aura and demeanour screamed of justice and chivalry while also maintaining a kind yet serious image. How this blonde angel was a sibling of that blue-haired demon remained a mystery to him, though in the bible it says that Lucifer and Michael are brothers, so having a rotten apple and a golden apple from the same true should be possible right?

"Oh hey there Shiro!" said Issei as soon as he saw Shiro. "You didn't come for a couple of days, everything alright?"

"Yes... I was not feeling well and had a lot on my mind, so I had to take a few days off." replied Shirou with a kind smile.

"I see... well I hope you are feeling better now." said Issei. "Well I wanted to ask you if you had a bit of time later in the afternoon, since classes are about to start I don't want to take much of your time, but one of the air conditioners in the teacher's room stopped working so I was wondering if you could take a look at it."

"I am sorry, but I can't today." replied Shirou with a small smile on his face.

"I see, I will wait for you at the teac- What?!" asked Issei, this was the first time Shirou ever said no to helping so it was obviously very surprising to him.

"I need to go buy some things and then prepare some other things for tonight, so I will have to hurry after school to do them." explained Shirou, still with a small yet kind smile on his face.

"A-Ah, I see... g-good luck then..." said Issei with a shocked expression still clear on his face. Everything just got a whole lot weirder... honestly he wouldn't be surprised if someone suddenly told him the world would end tomorrow.

"Well see you later Issei! And if it is alright I don't mind fixing it tomorrow!" said Shirou while walking away and waving his hand.

"Y-Yeah... see you later."


[ Shirou pov ]

I had a dream last night... the blue-haired goddess appeared and told me that Sakura was in trouble. She said that I shouldn't worry about it for now, but that there was also something I could do to help... so that is what I will do. I will trust the blue-haired goddess to help Sakura and I will do what she asked me to do, I will make the best food possible for Sakura!

The goddess said that helping others wasn't always about stopping a bullet for them, sometimes it is also about being someone they can rely on, being a shoulder they can cry on. Well I will be that for Sakura! I will lend her my shoulder so that she can rest her head comfortably, because to be a hero... to be a hero is to-


"Ahh, sorry about that, I was lost in thought so I didn't really pay attention to where I was going." I say after bumping into someone.

"Oh, don't worry about it." said the blonde woman in front of me. She... fells surprisingly familiar.

"Sorry, do I know you?" I blurt out.

"Eh? Well I doubt it, I am a transfer student after all." she replies.

"Ah, I see. I am Shirou Emiya, what about you?" I ask her, her reaction however is quite unexpected. Upon hearing my name she freezes.

"Emiya?" she asks in an unsure voice.

"Yes, my dad's last name. Why? You have heard it before?" I ask her, unsure about why she is making such an expression.

"Hey Christina hurry up! We will be late for class if you stay daydreaming there!" said Tohsaka.

"Hello there Tohsaka-san. You are early." I say, while my mind is still thinking about why the blonde girl reacted like that.

"Hello there Emiya-san. Well let's go Christina." said Tohsaka while grabbing Christina's arm and taking her away.


[ Rin pov ]

"You know him?" asked Saber while looking at me.

"Aqua had already told me about a Kiritsugu Emiya who participated in the last war, I figured he might be related to Shirou so it is not something to overthink now." I answer Saber.

"But then... wouldn't he also be related to Illyasviel?" asked Saber, still confused.

"I suppose we could ask Aqua later, she is the one who actually knows stuff. Sigh, why does this just get more and more complicated..." I complain. "I also don't get why she can't just go ahead and tell us everything... it's like she enjoys watching us get confused or surprised like this... hmph! Of course she does."