Final preparations

[ Artoria pov ]

As we make out way towards the class, I can't help but think or the orange-haired kid... how is he related to Kiritsugu? He felt naive compared to Kiritsugu, but that is most likely because he is younger, still... I can't see any sort of resemblance between the two.

"Hey, Tohsaka!" a voice interrupts my thoughts. "What a lucky person I am to run into you so early in the morning."

I move my sight towards the owner of the voice and see a purple-haired boy with a smile on his face looking in our direction.

"And you must be Christina right? I have heard a lot about you recently, you are the new transfer student right?" he says while looking at me.

"Yes., and who are you?" I answer.

"Ahh I am Shinji Matou, a pleasure to meet you." he replies.

I see, so this is him huh? I guess Aqua was right, she did say he would most likely approach us... sigh I really don't understand how she knows so much but whatever. The question is wether he will invite us to watch the practice of his club or if he will ask us out to show me around... Aqua said those two options might happen.

"You are new in town right?" he continues. "Because I can show you around if you want, there are a few places I know that you might enjoy visiting."

I slightly shift my gaze in master's direction for an instant and notice she is maintaining a calm and cold facade, yet the bleeding palms caused my digging her nails in prove otherwise... she must really hate him, not that I think he isn't absolute scum.

"No thanks." I answer with the same expression. Seems Aqua was right... this guy is a creep.

I turn around and continue walking away with my master, looking back for a moment I see he is quite angry... well he will die tonight so there is nothing to be concerned about. Scum like him indeed needs to die...

"Even though I already rejected him a couple of days ago... that arrogant bastard..." muttered master while getting her teeth.

That's right, Aqua did say that if this happened I should...

[ Rin pov ]

Damn that bastard... who does he think he is! He has the gal of even talking to me despite being partially responsible for my sister's pain?!

I feel a palm on top of my head, I look at the owner of it and find Saber petting my head with a weird and awkward expression.

"Aqua said petting you would calm you down..." she said.

Sigh, of course Aqua expected something like this to happen, whatever it is already over so let's just go to class and forget about it. By tonight everything will be over so there is no reason to be concerned about this.

"Thanks Saber." I say with a small smile on my face.



"I am better now so you can stop petting me."

"Ahh okey, Aqua said it would take at least five minutes though..." Saber replied, slightly relieved that the 'putting master on your lap and singing a lullaby' part was apparently unnecessary, though thinking about it she realised it was most likely not true.


[ Sakura pov ]

Shirou has finally returned, he spent a couple of days without coming to school and I couldn't go visit him since , but now he is finally here again.

Should I go visit him tomorrow? I can't today but maybe tomorrow in the morning I can go there and cook breakfast for him...

A small smile forms on my face thinking about it, I can't wait to go to his house tomorrow and be with him...



[ 3rd pov ]

Later that day, once classes were over, Rin and Saber were making their way back to the temple along with Kuzuki and Issei. The day itself had been troublesome, many people still wanted to talk to Artoria since she was new and beautiful, but her stoic face and the fact that she always stayed next to the school idol helped in calming them down.

Arriving at the temple, Issei immediately fell down and started snoring. While it was obvious that a spell had been used on him, it still confused the other three since they didn't fell any spell attacking them.

"Oh don't mind that, it's just that we have guests over and it would be troublesome if he saw them." said Assassin appearing out of nowhere.

"I see..." replied Kuzuki while grabbing Issei. "I would prefer if this didn't repeat itself." he said calmly.

"Well I don't think it will." said Assassin with a smile.

"You two go ahead, I will take Issei to his room." said Kuzuki while looking in Rin's and Artoria's direction.

"Okey sensei." replied Rin before following Assassin.

Once the three arrived to the kitchen, they were greeted by the sight of a white haired loli and a huge man with a club eating with Aqua and Caster.

"Oh hey there master!" said Aqua. "How was your day?"

"Not too bad I guess." replied Rin.

"I see, in that case come and take a seat. We need to start discussing how to eliminate the Matou's." said Aqua seriously. "Before we start doing that however, there are some things that are important that need to be talked about. First of all, we will be easy targets for Lancer or Archer,

"Didn't you say there was no Archer in this war?"

"Well not exactly, he is the Archer of the last war who stayed behind. We will go over his identity and how he was able to stay in the world later, but that is not what matters right now. Lancer will most likely not show up, however if he does then you need to restrain him, not kill him, and immediately call Caster over.

As for Archer... well it would require all of us fighting together to stand a chance and, while I do have some abilities useful against him, I will have to use most of my mana to heal Sakura. With that being said, we will be most likely using a command seal or two tonight so if things go south don't hesitate. Anyway those are the two outside factors that we will have to remain vigilant of.

Now we need to talk about what absolutely can't happen during the mission, and that is Zouken Matou escaping. The guy is old, like absurdly old, so he is bound to have a few good tricks up his sleeve, if he is backed into a corner he won't hesitate to use them. At his prime he was able to defeat a servant, granted the ideal conditions were met of course, but that is still nothing to scoff at."