Divine punishment


Saber's sword once again went through the body of Zouken, causing it to disperse into bugs and reform behind her.

"Aqua indeed said it would be annoying... but this is really something else." said Saber annoyed. She had already delivered over three dozens of deadly cuts to the old bastard, yet he just kept turning into bugs and reforming.

"Aqua huh? Is that who told you about my techniques? I can't say I know who this 'Aqua' is, nor what I did to gain him as an enemy." said Zouken. He was extremely annoyed as well right now, after all he was attacked in the middle of the night by not one, but two servants, he could also feel other servants in the house which was very bad, however he couldn't spare nay thought to that eight now, having to reform over and over again required a bit of concentration, but as long as his main body inside of Sakura was safe, all would be well.

"First of all, Aqua is a her not a him, second shut up and die already!" said Saber, cutting him in half once more, causing for his body to once more as well turn into bogs and reform.

"I would have expected you to notice this isn't working, clearly you aren't the brightest serv-" Zouken said, however his words were interrupted by club smashing him to the ground.

The paste created by the smashing of the club turned into bugs, which reformed in the other end of the already destroyed room.

"You damn-" as Zouken was about to start throwing insults, Saber's sword went though him, forcing him to reform on an other part of the room.

'Damn it! If it wasn't because of that new barrier that was set after mine was destroyed I would have already left. I know I could destroy it based on the feedback I got from the insects I sent to test for a way out, but it would require some time and focus and these two servants aren't giving me time to even think properly.' thought Zouken while a club destroyed his body.

'Sigh, I know nothing bad will happen if we fail to kill him, even if we just keep him focused on us while Aqua and Caster save master's sister he will not survive the night, but I really want to just activate Excalibur and blow him up... ugh why did I have to take that stupid bet? Aqua got me good by offering as many of those burgers as I wanted for an entire week.' thought Saber, she had already been 'killing' him for over ten minutes with Berserker and the old magus just kept turning into bugs and reforming while occasionally throwing bugs at them.

"So you haven't accomplished anything huh?" said Medea while appearing at the entrance of the room. "Well nothing besides completely recking the rooms on this floor. It seems Aqua wins the bet huh?" continued Medea, truthfully speaking, she was very glad this was the case, after all it meant that Saber would have to wear an outfit maid for the whole day tomorrow... she stopped her thoughts from going any further once she realised her cheeks were slightly turning red.

'Sigh... I won't play with Aqua ever again.' thought Artoria as soon as she heard Caster's voice in the room, which meant she lost the bet.

"Tsch, someone else arri-" said Zouken, only to be interrupted once more by Berserker's club smashing him.

"Do we need to continue killing him?" asked Artoria looking in Medea's direction.

"No, I can take care of it from now on, Rider hasn't shown up yet so it would be better if Berserker went back to our master's and you covered me." replied Medea while moving in Zouken's direction, who was almost done reforming.

"To think so many master's would join to destroy my house... how dare you?! Do you think you will go unpunished?! Do you think your masters will survive after the clocktower hears of this?! They wi-" suddenly his voice stopped as his body was trapped in a purple-translucent sphere.

"Are you threatening my beloved?" asked Medea, the look on her eyes indicating just how angry Zouken's ranting made her. "You will die tonight, while regretting ever being born, be a dear and shut up for now, after all the words of a dead man are of no matter to the world."

After hearing the words of the purple haired woman, Zouken started stressing a bit, so far he believed that everything would be fine in the end, he could survive if Sakura was alive after all so all he needed to do was make sure she lived and he would live as well, however something in her voice felt... threatening.

If they had already known of his ability to turn into bugs, if they had already known about his familiars, if they knew the location of his house, could they also know how to kill him? The doubt started growing rapidly, it made sense if they kept on attacking him to buy time... time to get to Sakura! The sudden realisation caused his eyes to go wide open, however it was already too late. He felt his consciousness vanishing from his body and transferring to his main body, the very same that was in Sakura.

"Well well, what a truly disgusting bug we have here." said someone.

Zouken felt his bug-like body being pressed, as if he was being slowly squished in the palm of someone's hand, the palm... of someone's hand... no way! Opening his eyes he was greeted by Sakura's corpse with a hole on her chest, it was laying on the floor while blood continued to gush out of it. Raising his eyes, he was met by the gaze of a blue haired woman... a very serious blue haired woman.

"I know you can't speak, you have no mouth in this form after all, but that doesn't really matter. I just want you to know, that this is nothing personal, I am not doing this because you hurt someone I love nor because you insulted or offended me, I am impartial after all, though only when judging a dead man." spoke the blue haired woman who was holding him in her hand. "I say it doesn't really matter for you not to have a mouth, because there is no need for your opinion in this trial, I know your crimes, definitely not all, but enough to understand why kind of person you are... so, Zouken Matou, I have decided to grant you a gift." continued the woman, however her expression turned into a smile at the end.

A staff suddenly formed on her hand while her aura flared up.

"This will take a bit of mana so you better be grateful, especially since I already used a lot activating this domain, but I know that if I were to kill you I would regret it." said the woman, the smile on her face growing as her words kept going.

"First Noble Phantasm deploy, " as soon as her words came out, Zouken felt her aura grow even further, the amount of mana in the environment felt palpable, to the point were it was overwhelming his senses.


Zouken felt chains form around his very soul, both confusing and scaring him to no end.


Once again Zouken felt chains envelope him, this time however he could feel them on his very thoughts, his body stopped functioning as his mind was no longer connected to it but merely sealed within it.


This time, Zouken simply felt... different, he knew something had changed, he just couldn't place his finger on what exactly it was.

"I know this may confuse you... this last seal will make your life remain within you. Basically you are an immortal now so congratulation." said the woman with a smile. "You will live forever... true eternity, your body will not be under your control though, your thoughts will remain limited those you have right now, and your soul shall never escape this torment."

The woman paused for a moment to let him understand the implication of her words before she continued. "Also... I kind of lied before you know, I am never impartial, not even in death, you hurt someone close to me by causing pain on someone she considered dear to her, and you both insulted and offended me." while saying this, her face grew angrier and angrier. "Now enjoy spending eternity by yourself, filling yourself with regret and despair knowing that no one and nothing will be able to change your fate."


Instantly everything went black. Zouken couldn't see anything anymore, no sound reached his ears on no taste was felt in his mouth. Based on the last words he heard... he would never feel anything at all again.

"Huh... I might have wasted too much, sigh." said Aqua while looking at the bug in her hand. "Well at least I am sure no one will be getting him out ever, a normal 'seal' placed by the great goddess Aqua would not be broken by some nobody, adding 'Sacred' status to it causes it to be enhanced by ten times, which means no one short of a god would be able to break it, and using my first Noble Phantasm which enhances it ten more times means that the seal was basically enhances by a hundred times... damn I am awesome." said Aqua, clearly not ignoring the fact that if she realised this earlier she wouldn't have needed to heal her wounds countless times during her fight with berserker but rather could have just healed herself once by a hundred times and it would have been much more effective.

"Now... time to bring you back little girl." said Aqua while looking at the dead Sakura on the floor. She pointed her staff in her direction and casted her spells.

In an instant sakura's wounds started healing.

Sakura's heart started beating once again, however before she could wake up Aqua casted a sleeping spell on her.

"Sigh, I can't wait to go home and get drunk, damn I totally carried the team on this mission, I basically did everything. I just hope Saber and Berserker encountered Rider and dealt with her, I can't wait to have another total waif material on master's harem..." said Aqua while princess-carrying Sakura.

She deactivated her Noble Phantasm, however she was greeted by the one thing she didn't want to see right now.

"Well well, so you are the low life that broke into my house? Drop my sister and I will give you a painless death." said a boy with a disgusting smile. The boy himself wasnt a problem... the troublesome part was the purple haired woman behind him, a woman wearing a blindfold... the same woman Aqua hoped was being restrained by someone else.





Author note:

This chapter was really long but dividing it into two chapters would have made them too short. I kind of wanted to give some closure to the Zouken situation here so whatever.

I hate when in fanfics the mc's just kill Zouken, the dude should rot in hell for eternity not just die.