A scary story 2/2

"Okey." said Sakura, that answer wasn't so bad after all, and it's not like she disliked being here.. it felt surprisingly warm after all. (It is because the place is filled with Aqua's divinity, while Sakura can't sense divinity she can feel that warmth in the environment.)

"This is the story of a young girl, she was given away as a child to this creepy family of bugs." started the blue haired woman.

Sakura's eyes widened for a moment, she felt that it was too obvious that the story was about her and she didn't want to relieve her life.

"This girl grew up in pain, she first despised the ones who caused her the pain, after that she started hating the one who sent her to the family of bugs, and finally, she starting resenting those who didn't come and save her." continued the blue haired woman.

"I don't want to hear that story." interrupted Sakura, slightly surprised that the woman knew about this things.

"After years and years of suffering, the girl met a goddess"

Suddenly the woman disappeared from her vision and she felt excruciating pain on her chest. Bringing her eyes down, she saw a bloodied hand coming out of it. As she began turning around, she heard the voice of the blue haired woman from behind.

"How did you like this story, little girl?" asked the woman.

Sakura felt her sight getting blurry while her consciousness slowly vanished.

"I hated it." she muttered under her breath while blood started flowing out of her mouth and nose.

"Good, after all the horror story is over. Now is time for the beginning of a new story, wether it is a romance, a comedy, an action or even a simple slice of life... this time you get to choose." said slowly the blue haired woman.

As Sakura's consciousness drifted away, she saw one last time the face of the woman who was now smiling kindly while caressing her head.

"Sweet dreams, little girl." was the last hing Sakura heard before everything went black.


Sakura suddenly woke up.

Light entered the room she was in through the window and low noises could be heard coming from a different room in the house. As she got out of bed she couldn't help but wonder what had happened, everything felt like a dream... a very realistic dream, but a dream nonetheless. She moved her hand towards her chest, feeling the spot her a hand impaled her, however she felt nothing, no scar, no pain, absolutely nothing.

She was still confused about what happened last night, so much in fact she didn't notice the difference in the environment at first. As she got out of bed she made her way to the door of the room and opened it. The noises, which before were indistinguishable, became clearer.

As she made her way towards were the noise was coming from, she couldn't help but think that she was somewhere extremely familiar, her mind however was still thinking about the strange dream so she didn't notice many details. Suddenly, as she arrived to where the noise was coming from, she realised where she was.

"Isn't this pla-" she spoke, however her voice was interrupted by the one inside the room.

"Oh hey there Sakura, I see you are up. How are you feeling?" asked Shirou with a concerted yet caring tone in his voice. He placed two plates on the table before he continued speaking. "You woke up at the perfect moment, breakfast is ready." he said with a smile.

"H-How?" Sakura's mind stopped functioning. There her so many questions on her mind about what was going on that she simply stood there frozen.

"Are you feeling unwell Sakura?" asked Shirou getting closer and putting his hand on her forehead. "Hmm, you are indeed a bit hot, but you don't appear to be sick." he said.

Sakura came back to her senses and, seeing Shirou's face so close to hers she started blushing.

"Ah Sakura you are getting red, is there anything wrong?" asked Shirou, thinking that perhaps he messed up somehow.

"N-No." said Sakura in a low voice. "W-What am I doing here?"

"Ahh about that..." To be honest Shirou had no clue about how to explain this, he felt that saying 'A goddess showed up in the middle of the night and dropped you off here so that I could take care of you and spoil you' would make Sakura think he is crazy. "Well... I am not actually sure how to explain that."

Sakura was confused for a moment, she couldn't have magically appeared here so there must be an explanation right? She started thinking about the conversation she had with the blue haired womanish recalled her last words and finally something clicked. "I n-need to go." said Sakura with wide eyes.

"Ah wait!" said Shirou hurriedly "Why don't we have breakfast first?"

"Hmm, okey." said Sakura "But you have to please tell me about how I came here..."

Shirou was a bit awkward for a moment, but decided that being honest might actually work for the best, besides Sakura wouldn't really think he was too crazy right?




Author note:

Was in the mood for something more wholesome so I figured Sakura being cute would be perfect for it. The next chapters are about the actual fight against the Matou's.

Anyway sorry for the lack of chapters, but I am beyond tired so I might not be able to publish more than two or three chapters per day. Even if they are mostly ready they still require editing and corrections and I don't have time for that with the nonsensical amount of classes I have during the week.