"It turns out that Aditya's youngest son is also as brilliant as the eldest. I was amazed and a little jealous. If only I had a filial son like you guys, hahaha! But unfortunately, I only have one daughter, and my daughter is also married. So it's a shame that my daughter didn't get a chance to get to know a brilliant young man like you and your two older brothers," Mr. Basil praised Brian and his two older brothers again.

"Don't be like that, sir. Its okay with Kak Dannis and Kak Angga. They are indeed my proud brothers. And I'm just starting to want to be like them who are useful to our family," Brian replied a little awkwardly.

"Even though you are just starting your best steps and decisions, I and everyone can immediately see your potential as a young entrepreneur, son. You are like Aditya and a friend of ours. At your age they both have good business talents," Mr. Basil continued the story again.

Mr. Basil told about his college days with his two best friends, Mr. Aditya and a friend of theirs. After college, Mr. Basil left Indonesia to continue his family business abroad, while Mr. Aditya remained with one of his best friends.

"When I got to know them, it turned out that they had known each other for a long time. But because of one thing that happened to their family, Aditya and one of our friends got separated. And they both re-establish a good relationship when they met me. From there, I knew that they still wanted to be friends, but the demands of their family forced them to make friendships in secret, "

"Ah never mind. Let's forget the complicated matter that happened between your two families. After all, it is the business of your two family elders, your father, and their children should not dwell on past matters and continue to thrive in the future."

"The proof is that the sons and daughters of my two best friends can do business like their parents, hahaha! I'm so jealous."

Mr. Basil constantly expressed admiration and envy for the sons and daughters of his two best friends to Brian.

Mr. Basil's story was cut short when the waiter came to take their order.

"There is such a story, sir? Daddy never told me about it. but I don't know if it's with Bro Dannis and Bro Angga. Surely daddy and your best friend went through difficult times because of the limitations of their parents," Brian responded.

But Brian's words stopped when he saw that there were three cups of coffee placed on their table.

"Ah, sorry… looks like you misplaced the order. It's just the two of us but why are three coffees coming?" Brian called and asked the waiter who brought the order.

"He's not wrong, I ordered the coffee because my friend will join us," said Mr. Basil and instructed the waiter to leave them.

"My old friend as well as your father will be here soon. That's why I invite you to lunch here. I don't want your uncle to say much about your meeting with my best friend because Mr. Bagaskara is still affected by the past problems between your two families. I hope you can understand, son."

"I asked permission to take you to lunch with the excuse of wanting to ask about the brilliant idea you spoke of. It's not wrong and it's not completely right either."

"You will know everything when you meet my best friend. Wait a little longer, he's on his way here."

Mr. Basil explains what happened to Brian. Although Brian was confused, at least he understood that his uncle, Mr. Bagaskara, had suspicions about Mr. Basil who would bring Brian to his father's best friend.

'What exactly happened? no wonder uncle slightly objected when Mr. Basil invited me earlier. I'm so bad with uncle and Mr. Basil,' Brian said confused about what to do after meeting his father's old friend.

"But, Brian. Don't you want to know what I mean by bringing you to meet my best friend?" Mr. Basil asked with a complicated expression on his face, "Actually this meeting happened because-"

"Basil, you have been waiting for me for long?" Another man's voice suddenly sounded and stopped Mr. Basil's words to Brian.

"Ah, you've finally come! How are you, Jerry? Long time no see." Mr. Basil stood up and immediately greeted and hugged his best friend named Jerry.

Brian also stood up and smiled at a man his father's age. The handsome man with the thin mustache smiled and extended his hand to Brian.

"My name is Jerry. You're Brian, right? Hahaha, Aditya's son is already this big!" said Mr. Jerry with a friendly laugh at Brian.

"Yes, I am Brian, sir. Nice to meet you, Mr. Jerry," Brian responded no less kindly.

The three then sat down and continued their chat about the past between Mr. Basil, Mr. Jerry, and Brian's dad. The romance between the three men from different generations was also not spared, so Brian was carried away by the relaxed atmosphere in the chat.

"Seeing you at this young age as intelligent as Basil said before, reminds me of your father."

"Aditya is a very intelligent person. I learned a lot from him, and until now when we meet, we both seem to forget the time. And once we met we even discussed business matters. Hahaha!" Mr. Jarry said.

Brian smiled as he listened and noticed Mr. Jarry's manner of speaking which seemed to be a gentle and wise man. While listening to his father's two best friends talk, Brian took a sip of his coffee.

"But why do you even work at Cakradara Bandung, son? Why not just stay in Jakarta and help your brother and father?" Mr. Jerry asked. And that question represents Mr. Basil's question as well.

"I want to help our family company but I want to start all my business from scratch. I want succeeded with my hard work so that in the future I am strong enough and mentally ready to help Bro Dannis replace daddy's position in his retirement."

"In daddy's company, I can't be myself because all the employees know that I'm daddy's son. And of course, they will make my job easier and feel reluctant. While I need discipline in my first steps, "

"So I decided to study and help Uncle Bagaskara at Cakradara Bandung. No one in this company recognizes me as a member of the Cakradara family. If there were, it was only a few people and they were asked not to give me any privileges while I was in learn."

Hearing Brian's story, Mr. Basil smiled as he patted his friend's shoulder who was stunned in awe.

"You see, Jerry. Aren't you in awe of Aditya's sons? His eldest son is a successful young businessman. His second son was a brilliant surgeon. And what is in front of us is a bright future businessman. Don't you want to get one of them for you to make as your son-in-law, huh?" Mr. Basil said with a laugh.

Brian and Mr. Jerry smiled too, but Brian could see the smile on Mr. Jerry's face fading fast.

"Why are you asking about it? Of course, I want to. Moreover, Brian's age is the same as my daughter's. Who doesn't want to make Aditya's sons to my in-law? My eldest son will surely be happy to be helped in the company and I will also enjoy my retirement in peace," replied Mr. Jerry with a gloomy expression.

"Don't give up hope, Jerry. Nothing is impossible if you involve God's intervention in your every prayer. Have you given up on the situation? Where did that self-confident and positive-thinking Jerry go, huh? Aditya must be disappointed to see you like this," Mr. Basil gave advice and encouragement to Mr. Jerry who was sad.

'What are they discussing now? I don't understand why the cheerful and relaxed atmosphere earlier became sad like this. Uncle Jerry also looked very gloomy. I'm curious, but I think it would be rude if I asked too,' Brian mumbled, confused by the sad chatter of his two daddy's best friends.

"But it's already three years after that fateful incident, Basil. I can no longer face this drastically changed reality. Even Sasha is often sickly because of the stress of responding to the things we face," Mr. Jerry was seen complaining and complaining to Mr. Basil.

'It seems their conversation is very serious. Can I just stay here and listen? I feel awkward and awry,' Brian mumbled again in his heart, 'Oh, God… get me out of this sad situation. I feel disrespectful for listening to this kind of situation,' he continued hopefully.

And sure enough, a few seconds later Brian's cell phone rang indicating a message he had just received.

'Brian, the break will be over soon. Come back to the office, son!' was the short message Mr. Bagaskara sent him.